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Is 'having nothing to do', mean you're depressed?

  • Thread starter dreyn77
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Well-Known Member
Feb 18, 2012
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I'm SO bored!
I've spent the day walking the dog,

replacing rubber seals in a leaking toilet (still leaks a tiny amount of water),

then I tried to put in 2 new electrical connections in my car so it might run (one of the wires is too think for the new connector)

then I tried to finish restoring a football (I have a 'rock hard' leather football that's been in the weather for ages. I was going to take the bladder out and make new leather outer skin. (a new ball is $15. mad aren't I!) I cut open the ball and took out the bladder, then I decided to restore the ball. stitched it up and tried to turn it inside out. the leather seems to grip tightly and won't turn inside out. tried soaking in hot water. no luck.

I've eaten dinner. there's nothing on TV. I'm bored of watching DVD's all week. playing guitar. The marshall forum is 'SLOW'. can't see utube. no money for more stuff. all shops are shut except resturants and food markets. spoke to my friends this week already. death is comming round soon, no point in making anything or finishing off any projects.
what's happening tomorrow? nuthing. what are the neigbours doin? nuthing, no parties. All the new boat people have been banned from comming here.

Is this 'depression'?

There is a giant carpet factory fire a couple of suburbs away.
THere is a new show on TV and the presenter says "our guest for tonight. JOHNNY DEPP knows him....." (what? another let down!)

I feel like going to sleep but I'll just contemplate "why do we have to sleep? I'll be asleep forever soon" etc...

I asked a 79 year old friend during the week, "Does this get any better"?
He said "this is why I took up drinking". I might have my german non alcoholic beer now.


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2013
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On an Island
The part about "death is comming round soon" is what stands out to me.

Just think Dreyn, there are millions of stressed out folks who can't keep it together because the have way too many obligations to fullfill every day. All day there are deadlines and budgets to maintain.... then there is your predicament. Sounds like you have it made (in some folks' eyes).

Since your asking, here is what I'd do... take a vacation. find a new hobby... watch a comedy... go to Friday night High School football games... go to a Saturday College Football game... get a tattoo... write a song about the glory days... flirt with the best looking lady you see today (everyday)... take a relative snipe hunting... get a haircut and take a shower.

Just keep a positive attitude (that's your choice).

Have a great day!


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Oct 7, 2011
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South of Nashville
What is Dreyn's predicament? Why don't you have a job? Are you dying? I'm totally confused.


Well-Known Member
Feb 18, 2012
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Yeah you're right guys. this 'death' bit has been hitting me for the last two weeks and I'm never like that.
I did hear a doc on the radio say 'lack of sleep makes bad thoughts worse' and I have had lots of lack of sleep.
The 'geta Job' issue works, I know, I've had a few. BUT, my last job ended up in a major court.
A big eye opener experience.
I'm on the 'timeout team' at the moment.
when you watch life pass by year after year (living in a comfortable position, which will come crashing down and has before) life is like a movie, it doesn't seem real anymore.

The bizzaar becomes the norm. I'm tired of the bizzaar and I'm loosing the drive. I'm noticing the earth racing round the sun.
I this an early midlife crisis? Do people get over this?
I try and be positive and go for a walk but I get hit in the face by tree branches overhanging the footpath or I get attacked by stray dogs etc...
Sometimes life is too hard.


AKA "Vinnie the Tits".
VIP Member
Oct 19, 2012
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Currently living in a van down by the river.
Yeah you're right guys. this 'death' bit has been hitting me for the last two weeks and I'm never like that.
I did hear a doc on the radio say 'lack of sleep makes bad thoughts worse' and I have had lots of lack of sleep.
The 'geta Job' issue works, I know, I've had a few. BUT, my last job ended up in a major court.
A big eye opener experience.
I'm on the 'timeout team' at the moment.
when you watch life pass by year after year (living in a comfortable position, which will come crashing down and has before) life is like a movie, it doesn't seem real anymore.

The bizzaar becomes the norm. I'm tired of the bizzaar and I'm loosing the drive. I'm noticing the earth racing round the sun.
I this an early midlife crisis? Do people get over this?
I try and be positive and go for a walk but I get hit in the face by tree branches overhanging the footpath or I get attacked by stray dogs etc...
Sometimes life is too hard.

You're focusing on all the wrong things:
  • Self
  • Self doubt
  • Failure
  • Fear
  • Disappointment
You need a sense of purpose, not retreat. You don't need to start over, you just need to take a hot shower and move on. Staying in a rut is a hopeless decision you make each day. Also, you can't simply press a button and make the past disappear and the future to suddenly arrive, you have to take steps and work at it. Not feeling the inspiration? Consider that it takes just as much energy, if not more, to be depressed than to work hard. The difference is that depression's only reward is despair, whereas hard work's reward is confidence, self esteem and a sense of purpose.

Don't think in terms of "how will I ever regain all the accomplishments I've achieved in the past". Rather, think in terms of just a general direction at first, and take small steps toward increasingly larger goals - in other words, don't set the bar so high that it makes you want to stay in bed all day.

And while you're doing this, visit a few hospitals and talk to some old, hurting sick folks. They need you and you will gain motivation and inspiration from it. Just walk in to the front desk and tell them you'd like to visit with someone to offer a listening ear, a shoulder to lean on for an hour. You'll gain a whole lot of perspective from this, and you'll feel better about yourself.



New Member
May 1, 2012
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There is a giant carpet factory fire a couple of suburbs away.
I'd have went and watched that. I'd have made up some sandwiches and a flask of coffee or tea and went over there. :naughty:


Well-Known Member
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Oct 7, 2011
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South of Nashville
I'd have went and watched that. I'd have made up some sandwiches and a flask of coffee or tea and went over there. :naughty:

Yeah right. Remember what happened when people went to see "what all the commotion was about" at the fertilizer plant in Texas?



Well-Known Member
Mar 25, 2013
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dreyn, try volunteering man. I don't know if you've tried it before but the feeling of putting your effort and time into helping others is very powerful. Quite empowering, actually.


+1. Volunteer for a non-profit or a church, or even unofficially for your friends and family by being the guy they can go to if they need stuff done. When you're busy doing things for others you tend to forget about yourself and a lot of the negative feelings go away. Negative feelings can come when you don't have enough to do and you become mentally preoccupied with yourself and your shortcomings and failures.


New Member
May 1, 2012
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Yeah right. Remember what happened when people went to see "what all the commotion was about" at the fertilizer plant in Texas?

No i don't remember that one. This was a carpet factory 'volt. I'd have went to see it if i'd been dreyn with it being so close by.


Well-Known Member
Feb 17, 2010
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up-state New York
make something. make a guitar speaker cabinet. make a guitar body. something you have no idea how to do at the moment. Solve a puzzle.


New Member
May 1, 2012
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Get a job.
If it's a good one, maybe. If it's a crap minimum wage one, that's liable to make him worse and lower his self esteem, as he realizes his employers are shafting him. :squint::ugh:


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May 2, 2008
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Between Memphis and Nashville
I've been in the same predicament since my right arm got f*cked up back in July. I can't work, can't play guitar, and I was already taking meds for depression before the arm thing. The highlight of the day is sitting in the garage smoking a cigarette. The only escape I've found is sleep. If I have any beer in the house, I'll drink a couple late in the evening. I can't drink more because of pain meds. Too much alcohol and I will wake up choking on the reflux like Jimi did. We will probably lose our house in a few weeks since I have no income.

I've been down before and it always gets better - somehow things have a way of working out for the best a ridiculous amount of the time. One thing that helps me is keeping a sort of journal of poems and lyrics. If nothing is working, take a nap. It's hard to be bored while you're asleep.

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