Lost my Health Insurance today.

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Well-Known Member
Aug 12, 2010
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As long as insurance companies are working for their profits and shareholders first, and you, the customer second, It's only gonna get worse. We're the only country in the world with for profit health insurance, so what else can we expect?:rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
Jul 25, 2013
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Inside Ming Ming's Magic Stink Box
This is not socialized health care imo. It SHOULD be socialized health care. What Obamacare does is force you to buy insurance from the private industry, which stinks of corruption. If the powers that be feel that all US citizens must have health care then it should be a government program like Medicare but available to everyone and not just senior citizens. It should be a set fee for everyone, and any licensed doctor or hospital should face the same fee for the same procedure nationwide. It shouldnt matter where you treat because the costs will be identical no matter what hospital in the country you go to. This would also help more rural areas because qualified physicians would be able to reside wherever they want and not just the places where they can charge the most.

This is how it is done in Germany, France, Spain, Japan and many other countries. And guess what...medical care is better in those places.

I couldn't have said this any better. When stuff like this happens, people start to blame socialized health care??? Socialized healthcare is supposed to prevent what has happened to the OP. There are other factors like mentioned above. I don't want to get too political on this subject matter because I got warnings in the past, but up here in Canada, our current government is trying to create a crisis in national healthcare so that the insurance company sharks can swim in and feast on our wallets, no matter how poor we are...it's happening slowly but surely.:mad:


Well-Known Member
Oct 21, 2012
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My company is shopping for a new provider too. As it is right now it'd cost me $2036 per month to insure my family. At that rate I'm actually better off paying out of pocket and not having insurance. If they don't fix it the $235 a year tax sounds like a winner compared to over 2 grand a month!

Damn, what the ****. I have never heard of anyone's monthly insurance rate being that high, even as a contractor. I would've guessed at that price you're either in New York or LA, but in Tampa?

How many folks would you have under that plan?


Well-Known Member
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Oct 7, 2011
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South of Nashville
That's an insane amount for a monthly expense Frankie. I think I pay $26 a week for me and my wife and that includes vision and dental.


Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2013
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I had private insurance. The premiums went up so high it was cheaper for me to pay out of pocket.

Now I can't even get insurance because of preexisting conditions. Even though they dropped the underwriters from dictating policies the prices are way too high. Cheaper to pay that "penalty"!


Well-Known Member
Feb 18, 2012
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Well the system collapsed in 2008. we are in bizzaro world now!
Cheer up! We've come along way from building pyramids. The irish went to america because they couldn't even buy land.
If you listen very carefully to the latenight news/financial news, you can get warnings of what will happen 6 months/2 years into the future.
you might have to translate the info from 'insider language' but it's all there.
You'll have to start over again and get family together, then get lots of friends and then work on community.
It's a very tough pill to swallow, but it's the only way.
The locals can't live where they do.
You can't afford to attack MF members. you need as many friends as you can possibly get!
You are being attacked from medical insurance, house prices, rental prices, low wages, $4 drinks, $17 movie tickets etc...

The news people call us, 'the human economy'.
University professors stuying you all the time and they work out ways to make more money from you.
You can't possibly have money in your pocket! Don't buy into the BS, know your position in life, and go from there.
I know one MF member who thinks he's in another catagory. NO, this is deluded thinking.
It doesn't matter how deluded Ritchie Blackmore gets, he still has one point that is totally correct.


New Member
May 12, 2009
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Las Vegas
I can't resist this one. You (Americans) haven't even begun to understand the ramifications of what this "Affordable" Health Care will do to your lives. Get ready because the shit hasn't even hit the fan yet, but it will, oh yes it will. Here's a question up front: Why did Obama's Administration initiate the hiring of 16,000+ IRS Agents? Because, this Health Bill will be attached to your IRS Tax Account. The fact is, that any time you become delinquent in paying your premiums they will charge the debt to your IRS tax balance. Mortgage sized monthly premiums with multiple thousands of yearly deductables. Result: You will never have Health Care. But for the cost of paying $3,000 to $10,000 a year in premiums you WILL recieve the benefit of getting a couple of screenings each year. Not bad if you're stupid enough to believe that's what Health Care is. Fact: the Bills regulations consist of over 21,000 seperate pages of documents. You want to know what Communism is? It's when an oppressive government tells you that you WILL purchase Health Care from them, how much you will pay for it, when you'll pay for it, how much the doctors can get paid, what their charges will be, how much the Insurance companies can charge. If you open your eyes you will see Communism in front of you. If it walks like a duck, talks like a duck, you get the point. There are two types of people in this world. One type want's the government to take care of them, wants the government to think for them, feed them, provide for them, the second type of person believes in freedom from government oppression, that person works for the things they have.. They know that the government is not God nor should it act as if it is. If this monstrosity becomes entrenched and mutates into the Democratic ideal of oppressive government ideology that they envision, you're lives will be forever changed. Wait for the day when they tell you to show up for your mandatory H1N1 vaccination. Americans used to be free and used to be brave, but now they cower under the overbearing avalanche of never ending oppressive government regulation and control that manages every area of their lives. Wake up and understand what is being done to you under the guise of their all-caring news-speak.


Well-Known Member
VIP Member
Nov 19, 2010
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I can't resist this one. You (Americans) haven't even begun to understand the ramifications of what this "Affordable" Health Care will do to your lives. Get ready because the shit hasn't even hit the fan yet, but it will, oh yes it will. Here's a question up front: Why did Obama's Administration initiate the hiring of 16,000+ IRS Agents? Because, this Health Bill will be attached to your IRS Tax Account. The fact is, that any time you become delinquent in paying your premiums they will charge the debt to your IRS tax balance. Mortgage sized monthly premiums with multiple thousands of yearly deductables. Result: You will never have Health Care. But for the cost of paying $3,000 to $10,000 a year in premiums you WILL recieve the benefit of getting a couple of screenings each year. Not bad if you're stupid enough to believe that's what Health Care is. Fact: the Bills regulations consist of over 21,000 seperate pages of documents. You want to know what Communism is? It's when an oppressive government tells you that you WILL purchase Health Care from them, how much you will pay for it, when you'll pay for it, how much the doctors can get paid, what their charges will be, how much the Insurance companies can charge. If you open your eyes you will see Communism in front of you. If it walks like a duck, talks like a duck, you get the point. There are two types of people in this world. One type want's the government to take care of them, wants the government to think for them, feed them, provide for them, the second type of person believes in freedom from government oppression, that person works for the things they have.. They know that the government is not God nor should it act as if it is. If this monstrosity becomes entrenched and mutates into the Democratic ideal of oppressive government ideology that they envision, you're lives will be forever changed. Wait for the day when they tell you to show up for your mandatory H1N1 vaccination. Americans used to be free and used to be brave, but now they cower under the overbearing avalanche of never ending oppressive government regulation and control that manages every area of their lives. Wake up and understand what is being done to you under the guise of their all-caring news-speak.

its not pure communism. and it has much less to do with obama than his critics like to point out. i dont expect many of you to agree or maybe understand that statement in the context of which i speak, but so be it.

its a hybrid. if you think about it, this is the only way a world govt could function. the communists resist capitalism, the capitalists resist communism, so you must find compromise.

the financial system is God/the ruler/the dictator

big business is the leutenant, and govt is the administrator.

democratic socialism for the masses, and near laissez faire capitalism for the economic giants. (remember the phrase "too big to fail"?, of course we all do.)

different rules for different classifications of entities.

your on the bottom of the pyramid. claw your way to the top or deal. these are your choices.


*** Canceled ***
VIP Member
Oct 19, 2012
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I can't resist this one. You (Americans) haven't even begun to understand the ramifications of what this "Affordable" Health Care will do to your lives. Get ready because the shit hasn't even hit the fan yet, but it will, oh yes it will. Here's a question up front: Why did Obama's Administration initiate the hiring of 16,000+ IRS Agents? Because, this Health Bill will be attached to your IRS Tax Account. The fact is, that any time you become delinquent in paying your premiums they will charge the debt to your IRS tax balance. Mortgage sized monthly premiums with multiple thousands of yearly deductables. Result: You will never have Health Care. But for the cost of paying $3,000 to $10,000 a year in premiums you WILL recieve the benefit of getting a couple of screenings each year. Not bad if you're stupid enough to believe that's what Health Care is. Fact: the Bills regulations consist of over 21,000 seperate pages of documents. You want to know what Communism is? It's when an oppressive government tells you that you WILL purchase Health Care from them, how much you will pay for it, when you'll pay for it, how much the doctors can get paid, what their charges will be, how much the Insurance companies can charge. If you open your eyes you will see Communism in front of you. If it walks like a duck, talks like a duck, you get the point. There are two types of people in this world. One type want's the government to take care of them, wants the government to think for them, feed them, provide for them, the second type of person believes in freedom from government oppression, that person works for the things they have.. They know that the government is not God nor should it act as if it is. If this monstrosity becomes entrenched and mutates into the Democratic ideal of oppressive government ideology that they envision, you're lives will be forever changed. Wait for the day when they tell you to show up for your mandatory H1N1 vaccination. Americans used to be free and used to be brave, but now they cower under the overbearing avalanche of never ending oppressive government regulation and control that manages every area of their lives. Wake up and understand what is being done to you under the guise of their all-caring news-speak.

Quoted, because it bears repeating. I am thoroughly impressed. You are awake, aware, and you have done your research. I tip my cowboy hat to you. :yesway:


*** Canceled ***
VIP Member
Oct 19, 2012
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Well the system collapsed in 2008. we are in bizzaro world now!
Cheer up! We've come along way from building pyramids. The irish went to america because they couldn't even buy land.
If you listen very carefully to the latenight news/financial news, you can get warnings of what will happen 6 months/2 years into the future.
you might have to translate the info from 'insider language' but it's all there.
You'll have to start over again and get family together, then get lots of friends and then work on community.
It's a very tough pill to swallow, but it's the only way.
The locals can't live where they do.
You can't afford to attack MF members. you need as many friends as you can possibly get!
You are being attacked from medical insurance, house prices, rental prices, low wages, $4 drinks, $17 movie tickets etc...

The news people call us, 'the human economy'.
University professors stuying you all the time and they work out ways to make more money from you.
You can't possibly have money in your pocket! Don't buy into the BS, know your position in life, and go from there.
I know one MF member who thinks he's in another catagory. NO, this is deluded thinking.
It doesn't matter how deluded Ritchie Blackmore gets, he still has one point that is totally correct.

Also :yesway:, and thank you for pointing out positive ways of dealing with the future. A threefold cord is not easily broken.


Well-Known Member
Jul 25, 2013
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Inside Ming Ming's Magic Stink Box
I can't resist this one. You (Americans) haven't even begun to understand the ramifications of what this "Affordable" Health Care will do to your lives. Get ready because the shit hasn't even hit the fan yet, but it will, oh yes it will. Here's a question up front: Why did Obama's Administration initiate the hiring of 16,000+ IRS Agents? Because, this Health Bill will be attached to your IRS Tax Account. The fact is, that any time you become delinquent in paying your premiums they will charge the debt to your IRS tax balance. Mortgage sized monthly premiums with multiple thousands of yearly deductables. Result: You will never have Health Care. But for the cost of paying $3,000 to $10,000 a year in premiums you WILL recieve the benefit of getting a couple of screenings each year. Not bad if you're stupid enough to believe that's what Health Care is. Fact: the Bills regulations consist of over 21,000 seperate pages of documents. You want to know what Communism is? It's when an oppressive government tells you that you WILL purchase Health Care from them, how much you will pay for it, when you'll pay for it, how much the doctors can get paid, what their charges will be, how much the Insurance companies can charge. If you open your eyes you will see Communism in front of you. If it walks like a duck, talks like a duck, you get the point. There are two types of people in this world. One type want's the government to take care of them, wants the government to think for them, feed them, provide for them, the second type of person believes in freedom from government oppression, that person works for the things they have.. They know that the government is not God nor should it act as if it is. If this monstrosity becomes entrenched and mutates into the Democratic ideal of oppressive government ideology that they envision, you're lives will be forever changed. Wait for the day when they tell you to show up for your mandatory H1N1 vaccination. Americans used to be free and used to be brave, but now they cower under the overbearing avalanche of never ending oppressive government regulation and control that manages every area of their lives. Wake up and understand what is being done to you under the guise of their all-caring news-speak.

You were starting to make sense until you got into an anti-communist rant linking Communism to oppressive government, like Capitalism does not oppress? Of course the rich don't suffer at all...it's those filthy, pesky poor people who can't afford insurance...they're bad for business.;) I'll have to agree with you on your points about the IRS. I've read up on this in the past and it seems to make more & more sense now. I've read that suicide note from that gentleman who flew a small plane into the side of an IRS building sometime ago. He was highly educated and had a good job until things changed for the worse. I'm not for any oppressive government no matter what political stripe they are. It's just wrong. But the illusion that we have democracy is slowly disappearing and it has become a sobering thought for me and probably quite a few others the past few years. When you start to say There are two types of people in this world...I thought haven't I heard this before...ideological rantings? Communism vs. Capitalism? If you are just a regular guy or gal, you are owned either way. You have to belong to the club of Big Business if you really want to be free.:hmm: George couldn't have said it any better.;)

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yi6XV8yBFoU]Nobody cares about you (George Carlin) - YouTube[/ame]
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Well-Known Member
VIP Member
Apr 27, 2010
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As it is right now it'd cost me $2036 per month to insure my family.

Holy f@@kin crap!!! :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:

That's absolutely insane!!!

Why the hell is it so expensive in America?
$2036 A MONTH!!!!!
I had to double take as I thought that would be Yearly!

How the hell do they expect you to live-that's more than I pay for my mortgage!!!



*** Canceled ***
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Oct 19, 2012
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Ok, what were those positive ways in dealing with the future that he was pointing out???...Oh Vin & The Heavy Short Posters.:hmm::scratch::naughty::wave:

The part whereupon he saith unto us, and I quoteth:

"You'll have to start over again and get family together, then get lots of friends and then work on community.
It's a very tough pill to swallow, but it's the only way.
... you need as many friends as you can possibly get!".



Well-Known Member
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Apr 29, 2010
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I can't tell which of you guys has taken too much Vicodin...


Well-Known Member
Oct 31, 2012
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Near Cincinnati
Where are all these subsidies to help people pay?
Marty predicted it, how many will opt out at $96 per year ($235 per family)?

There is one fallacy with this statement, it is $95, or the greater of this and 1 % of your gross income. And the fee is per family member. So, if you and your wife make $100,000 per year and have two kids, this equates to $4,000 per year. This increases to 1.5 % in 2015 and 2.0% in 2016.


Senior Moderator
Staff Member
Feb 5, 2009
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Guys, we either have to find a way to keep politics out of this discussion, or the thread is going to have a short lifespan (not covered by the affordable care act). I'm sensitive to the issue of the healthcare changes taking place, but the discussion has to stick on issues of healthcare rather than politics.


Healthcare Coverage vs Costs = Good

Capitalism vs Communism = Bad

Alternatives to the ACA = Good

Alternatives to Obama / Reid / Boehner / etc. = Bad


*** Canceled ***
VIP Member
Oct 19, 2012
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Guys, we either have to find a way to keep politics out of this discussion, or the thread is going to have a short lifespan (not covered by the affordable care act). I'm sensitive to the issue of the healthcare changes taking place, but the discussion has to stick on issues of healthcare rather than politics.


Healthcare Coverage vs Costs = Good
Capitalism vs Communism = Bad
Alternatives to the ACA = Good
Alternatives to Obama / Reid / Boehner / etc. = Bad



Well-Known Member
VIP Member
Oct 7, 2011
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South of Nashville
Holy f@@kin crap!!! :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:

That's absolutely insane!!!

Why the hell is it so expensive in America?
$2036 A MONTH!!!!!
I had to double take as I thought that would be Yearly!

How the hell do they expect you to live-that's more than I pay for my mortgage!!!


Holmes - this is definitely not the norm. I don't know anyone that pays that much. I have decent insurance through my employer and it only costs me $26 week for my family. I work some some contractors who don't have the same insurance plan that full-time workers have and they pay around $600-$800 a month but they're also payed more b/c their company isn't having to cover so much in health insurance.

The US Health Care system is not broken. Sure it could be improved but it's not near the evil that the Obama administration has made it out to be and that other nations have adopted as truth. People have it really damn good in this country.... really good.


Well-Known Member
Jul 25, 2013
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Inside Ming Ming's Magic Stink Box
The part whereupon he saith unto us, and I quoteth:

"You'll have to start over again and get family together, then get lots of friends and then work on community.
It's a very tough pill to swallow, but it's the only way.
... you need as many friends as you can possibly get!".


You're a good KitTEH-eth!:naughty::yesway: