Marshall Dsl40cr 2018 Problems... And The Future?


Well-Known Member
Jun 29, 2018
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San Joaquin Valley, Ca

Being new to any guitar I have question for you. When you state you try to punish a new amp, what type of process are you actually putting the amp through? Thanks.

Let me rephrase, “punish” may not be the right word - I’m actually very careful and picky with my gear. What I do with a new amp is this: lots of continuous relatively loud playing and testing of all controls and features. I play the amp as much as humanly possible. I go out of my way to put as many hours on it as I possibly can - every day during the “trial period” - which for me is 30 days or so because I buy my amps from Sweetwater. The goal is to play the amp so much that any problems will be detected in time to return the amp if necessary. I listen for electrical noises (static, popping, hissing) and weird cabinet or speaker noises (rattles, etc.). I also check the amp for loose tubes, parts, screws, and any potential damage or defects before I begin playing. Hope this answers your question.


Well-Known Member
May 31, 2017
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Let me rephrase, “punish” may not be the right word - I’m actually very careful and picky with my gear. What I do with a new amp is this: lots of continuous relatively loud playing and testing of all controls and features. I play the amp as much as humanly possible. I go out of my way to put as many hours on it as I possibly can - every day during the “trial period” - which for me is 30 days or so because I buy my amps from Sweetwater. The goal is to play the amp so much that any problems will be detected in time to return the amp if necessary. I listen for electrical noises (static, popping, hissing) and weird cabinet or speaker noises (rattles, etc.). I also check the amp for loose tubes, parts, screws, and any potential damage or defects before I begin playing. Hope this answers your question.

Yes it did answer my question so thank you.

I did understand how you were using the word punish as I knew you were not pouring water on it, dropping it etc.

Thanks again.


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Apr 11, 2013
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Update on my situation...

Made the exchange with Sweetwater since my 40CR was making that rumbling/wind blowing sound. I asked that their tech check it out before shipping to me so I wouldn't get another one with the same issue. Got the replacement today (also with a build date of 1-18) and plugged it in...nice and quiet! Not sure if I just got a good one or the tech actually did something. Either way, I'm happy so far. It sounds fantastic. Gonna jam with some friends on the weekend...looking forward to cranking it up!!!
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Jun 20, 2018
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Looking at the Marshall site today, and the DSL40CR is NOT on the site. WTF???


Jun 20, 2018
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Scroll to the right on the line of amps...




Gene Ballzz

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Feb 19, 2013
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Las Vegas, NV
Honestly I really wouldn't mind if Marshall increased the price of these by $500, but made sure they are more reliable. I'm sure a lot of other peer guitarists feel the same. It's the second year in a row demonstrating that Vietnam or China are really not going to make good reliable amps that one can keep for years. (a caveat of course that South Korea, Indonesia, and of course Japan make legendary products for the same price)

It's really a curse nowadays that a lot of good companies are outsourcing their production and even design in the far east, and all far east does is contaminate the earth with a lot of un-recyclable garbage that never served its purpose. Not only amps or guitars, but everything electronic and not. It's a dismal time to live for someone like me who's an engineer, and I see the greediness of mankind bringing all but our very own doom. This whole outsourcing business is against all the fundamental principles of the scientific process in the making of any product. We want everything and we want it cheap, and cheap is what we get... It's all going downhill from here, for Marshall, Gibson, Apple, and many other brands, unless they stick back to their fundamental principles.

Gosh I wouldn't be here moaning if that amp didn't sound absolutely amazing when it did work.

Don't blame the folks at the manufacturing plants! Blame the corporations that spec for lowest cost of production! The folks in CHINESIAWANOREANAM are well capable of producing a good product, but when the marketing entity specs the cheapest junk for parts and quality control, to meet a specific profit margin point, junk is what we'll get!
Just Sayin'


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2010
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Northeast, USA
Honestly I really wouldn't mind if Marshall increased the price of these by $500, but made sure they are more reliable. I'm sure a lot of other peer guitarists feel the same.

No way. I owned a 20CR head briefly and had to return it due to problems out of the box. Here's an idea- leave the price point where it is and make the fucking things work correctly to begin with. Are we that far removed from proper expectations?? Why pay $500 more for something that should work at the existing price!?


Well-Known Member
Jun 29, 2018
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San Joaquin Valley, Ca
I agree with the last two posts, the people in Asia are certainly capable of producing quality goods (anyone own an iPhone?). It’s up to the manufacturer to have the proper quality control checkpoints in place to ensure the finished product is free of defects, regardless of what price-point that product is built to.


Well-Known Member
May 28, 2018
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here is song 6 rough non mixed demo back from studio..called Leftovers..I used Ultra Channel Red -gain on 4...bass 4 treb 4 mid 5...pres 0 resonn 10..gt75 & v30 & greeinie mic'd on my cabs..40 watt setting master and vol dimed..2016 Gibson Firebird Studio all stock



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Gold Supporting Member
Apr 20, 2018
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The colonies
11/17 production 100HR here, solid as a rock, no strange behaviours.

Dick Sambataro

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Aug 3, 2018
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Bought mine online and was shipped to a well know store in March. I use it for practice and I had two episodes....both times it was hissing when not playing the guitar and the volume seemed to drop while playing. Everyone in the band heard it, I know I wasn't cracking up. In May we had a gig and a half hour into playing the amp gave this awfully low sounding hum.
I'm anal when it comes to taking care of equipment. My own handling, stand-by switch etc. Very well taken care of.
Luckily I also purchased the extended warranty. Brought it to the tech and explained what it does; who had it for 3+ weeks and said he found no issues with and without an instrument through it. Just like bringing your vehicle for that noise u and everyone else hears except the mechanic....go figure.
We had gig last week and it still has the same hisssssss. After every song I need to turn down/off my volume on the guitar/board to shut it off. Practice...same thing...hissssssss. Yes, I've done different cords, plug outlets, guitars, high and low volume, with and without pedal/s....
I was told by customer service, after 4 attemps bringing it to the/a tech and nothing is still found I can return it for another one at the managers discretion.
Definately something not right with these amps doing this. Could also be a bad batch/lot. Certain serial number cycle. For now I guess I need to play through it till it does it again and keep tabs on when it does it etc., then bring it again to tech and go from there.
The above is just My experience and opinion/s.


Well-Known Member
Nov 28, 2010
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Bought mine online and was shipped to a well know store in March. I use it for practice and I had two episodes....both times it was hissing when not playing the guitar and the volume seemed to drop while playing. Everyone in the band heard it, I know I wasn't cracking up. In May we had a gig and a half hour into playing the amp gave this awfully low sounding hum.
I'm anal when it comes to taking care of equipment. My own handling, stand-by switch etc. Very well taken care of.
Luckily I also purchased the extended warranty. Brought it to the tech and explained what it does; who had it for 3+ weeks and said he found no issues with and without an instrument through it. Just like bringing your vehicle for that noise u and everyone else hears except the mechanic....go figure.
We had gig last week and it still has the same hisssssss. After every song I need to turn down/off my volume on the guitar/board to shut it off. Practice...same thing...hissssssss. Yes, I've done different cords, plug outlets, guitars, high and low volume, with and without pedal/s....
I was told by customer service, after 4 attemps bringing it to the/a tech and nothing is still found I can return it for another one at the managers discretion.
Definately something not right with these amps doing this. Could also be a bad batch/lot. Certain serial number cycle. For now I guess I need to play through it till it does it again and keep tabs on when it does it etc., then bring it again to tech and go from there.
The above is just My experience and opinion/s.

Sorry to hear this. I know what you are going through as my POS DSL 40C had and still has an issue of not powering up until you cycle the power switch, never know when it will happen. After a few trips to the Tech (he thought he had it figured out) I gave it way for free...I was like get this phucking piece of sh-t out of here before I smash it. I will never own another one plus I never cared for its modern cheap tone...thats my opinion an I know a lot of guys like them and have had good luck...not me!


Active Member
Jun 4, 2014
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My cure for the Vietnam DSL's :

Love my Friedman SB50! Fantastic amp. However just bought another DSL40CR just to have a combo on hand. Third one and so far this one actually seems to be working. Maybe third one will be a charm. (But for all along. Right?) Anyway stuck a Creamback in it, biased it and put a Mullard RI in V1. For an inexpensive Vietnam made Marshall it can sound pretty good. If you get one that doesn't have issues like my first two.

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