MHD Pickups. Is anybody out there?

  • Thread starter Bray n
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Jan 8, 2014
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Gulf Of Mexico
Myself I know there is more to it than just putting wire to bobbins and different magnets but by Lord there is so many lies by some unscrupulous winders just trying to make a dollar that so many people are jaded to what is real and what is fairy tales.

I am just so surprised that people will pay so much money for the false claims and over hyped nonsense just to sit on a waiting list. I am trying to be a little held back with my words because I build some myself and I don't want it to seem that I am pitching mud to help myself but the truth is people are falling for more hype than for what is the reality of pickup building.

I think putting money in the hands of someone before they even have any stock on hand is almost asking for trouble. To many life changing things can happen where your money just goes bye-bye to the next guy on the list it seems, his money that he sent was used for the person before him and so on. Bad ways of doing business. I was reading this thread and never heard of the MDH company and it seems that they are doing the same. Spending customer money for other things then the job they were hired to do. :scratch: I hope I didn't upset too many or step on any toes with my thoughts on this since I am the new gal here. I just felt that none of this makes sense. Good luck with all involved.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2009
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I gotta believe there's more than that to it.

Well there is. Besides what Micky stated there is wire diameter, composition of the copper wire itself, how the wire is wound and the use of air gaps (like a DiMarzio air bucker, Air Norton, Air Zone). Also some winders also state the type of coating on the wire can affect the tone. (Same thing said about old transformers.)


Well-Known Member
Apr 15, 2012
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Man, it seems like there so many small pickup winder with horrible business sense. I know business & customer service. I wish I knew someone that could teach me how design & wind pickups, I would love to get in to that.


Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2009
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I know. A couple of years ago I was going to buy a set of custom pickups from WB Pickups (Boggs was his last name).

Just before I placed my order, I decided to do a quick check. good thing I did. Seems he had complaints. I decided not to order. Two months later his website was gone and he was out of business and he stiffed a bunch of folks.

Ed Hunter

Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2012
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you've never heard of Stephens Designs? They are the best pickups since PAFs. Only $600 a set. And if you pay extra, you get moved to the front of the line. And every so many months, the winder puts a set up on eBay for around $1000 BIN. Most of his posts over at MLP have been removed but they were chock full of wisdom. And he doesn't return emails from what I've heard. And one guy on MLP reported that Mr. Stephens couldn't even identify the wiring schematics for his own pickup- he told the guy to try googling it. :lol:

as for the guy i know who ordered a set, he was stuck because he paid with paypal (iirc). He did finally get them around xmas.

yeah the whole i make the best P.A.F thing is just plain INSANITY! i seen a few repro PAF's go for over $1200 a set!
I think in general most pu's are over hyped.
good example for me was when i finally broke down and bought a BKP rebel yell, here i paid $160 for pu that was no better than the $45 duncan it replaced.


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Apr 23, 2010
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On the back 9
It's all just Boo-teek bullshit boys. Go ahead, pay $1200 for a pair of pups...people have got more money than sense. :scratch:


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Jul 27, 2009
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I finally got the pickups from my cousin as they were sent to him in Washington. One set, not the two that were promised. My cousin doesn't know and thought 2 pickups meant 2 sets. One set. Don't know what model they are.
I would like to clarify on the Bryan thing. I offered a second set for free and he said no he did not want to cause any more grief then what i was already going through.

As far as Rocktane who are you. I have no clue what you are talking about. If I owe you pickups then lets get it straitened out.

As far as the site being down, I pulled it because I got sick and and was getting ready to start building back stock. I did make a long ass post about it over at the MLP. A couple of orders have slipped through the cracks and as soon as I find out about them I have been taking care of them. To try and get things back on track I started to do back stock and not take money till the product shipped. So far this is working.

I realize what it looks like from the outside and without knowing what is really going on well the hate mongers awaken. Here is the short and skinny of it. I owe 2 sets out at this point well maybe 1 depends on what Bryan thinks of the set he has. And FYI I think the plates were mis marked, but we shall see. The other is a guy from 7string forum but he is getting worked out as well, just waiting on a shipment of covers.

Now as far as my health, yeah I am pretty well ****ed.L3 through my S1 is is ****ed RA, degenerative bone disease blah blah blah.

the point is I have not once ripped anyone off. I have always made things right. Am I mad at the people in this thread about some of the shit they have said . Nah I see what it looks like.

Blades I know completely cheesed on ya and for that I am sorry.

This is how i am doing it when I reopen in March.

For MLP, Marshall, and the other boards I am on for the first 2 months all sets will be $125.00

If order is recieved before 1pm PST it will be shipped same day all others will be shipped by the following day.

I will have all sets in stock. If it is not in stock then there will be a 3 week build time period.

And did I mention that none of you guys pay till you have a tracking number.

I tried this over at MLP and with the exception of 1 they all were shipped next day.

I realize my mistakes, I have owned up to them and have never once had a post removed for content, unlike some of the other venders on the boards. Sometimes I feel like I have a bulls eye on me because I was always around on the boards. Shit I try to pull back some and because I am not available all the time I went and got shady. But hey that is the internet for ya.

Anyway just came by to explain when I saw the thread and wanted to answer any questions and right anything that is still not recieved.


New Member
Jul 27, 2009
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Myself I know there is more to it than just putting wire to bobbins and different magnets but by Lord there is so many lies by some unscrupulous winders just trying to make a dollar that so many people are jaded to what is real and what is fairy tales.

I am just so surprised that people will pay so much money for the false claims and over hyped nonsense just to sit on a waiting list. I am trying to be a little held back with my words because I build some myself and I don't want it to seem that I am pitching mud to help myself but the truth is people are falling for more hype than for what is the reality of pickup building.

I think putting money in the hands of someone before they even have any stock on hand is almost asking for trouble. To many life changing things can happen where your money just goes bye-bye to the next guy on the list it seems, his money that he sent was used for the person before him and so on. Bad ways of doing business. I was reading this thread and never heard of the MDH company and it seems that they are doing the same. Spending customer money for other things then the job they were hired to do. :scratch: I hope I didn't upset too many or step on any toes with my thoughts on this since I am the new gal here. I just felt that none of this makes sense. Good luck with all involved.

This is totally reasonable to think. And buy the way it is MHD and my hand wound pups are cheaper than off the shelf stuff.


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Jul 27, 2009
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I try to keep up over there, but that exercise is futile.

There really isn't that much to winding pickups, I guess I just can't understand where all the cork-sniffers think the pickup mojo comes from. Pickups are pickups, some have more wire and different magnets. It is that simple.

Find the ones you like, and use them.

No one is reinventing the wheel here...

HMM, not true at all. Coil structure Turns Per Layer the machine even how the wire is layed around the bobbin makes a huge difference. Winding in itself is easy. Hell folks pay 600 bucks for a replica, a formula that is all over the web.

No not reinventing the wheel but trying to make it better.


New Member
May 21, 2011
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Beaufort, SC
I would like to clarify on the Bryan thing. I offered a second set for free and he said no he did not want to cause any more grief then what i was already going through.

As far as Rocktane who are you. I have no clue what you are talking about. If I owe you pickups then lets get it straitened out.

As far as the site being down, I pulled it because I got sick and and was getting ready to start building back stock. I did make a long ass post about it over at the MLP. A couple of orders have slipped through the cracks and as soon as I find out about them I have been taking care of them. To try and get things back on track I started to do back stock and not take money till the product shipped. So far this is working.

I realize what it looks like from the outside and without knowing what is really going on well the hate mongers awaken. Here is the short and skinny of it. I owe 2 sets out at this point well maybe 1 depends on what Bryan thinks of the set he has. And FYI I think the plates were mis marked, but we shall see. The other is a guy from 7string forum but he is getting worked out as well, just waiting on a shipment of covers.

Now as far as my health, yeah I am pretty well ****ed.L3 through my S1 is is ****ed RA, degenerative bone disease blah blah blah.

the point is I have not once ripped anyone off. I have always made things right. Am I mad at the people in this thread about some of the shit they have said . Nah I see what it looks like.

Blades I know completely cheesed on ya and for that I am sorry.

This is how i am doing it when I reopen in March.

For MLP, Marshall, and the other boards I am on for the first 2 months all sets will be $125.00

If order is recieved before 1pm PST it will be shipped same day all others will be shipped by the following day.

I will have all sets in stock. If it is not in stock then there will be a 3 week build time period.

And did I mention that none of you guys pay till you have a tracking number.

I tried this over at MLP and with the exception of 1 they all were shipped next day.

I realize my mistakes, I have owned up to them and have never once had a post removed for content, unlike some of the other venders on the boards. Sometimes I feel like I have a bulls eye on me because I was always around on the boards. Shit I try to pull back some and because I am not available all the time I went and got shady. But hey that is the internet for ya.

Anyway just came by to explain when I saw the thread and wanted to answer any questions and right anything that is still not recieved.

Well. First off, glad you are ok.

Second. Perception is reality boss. If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck......?


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Jul 27, 2009
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Then you should shoot it. I get it and I am trying to turn it around. But for now I am closed and here is why

As far as the visit it was on the 10th and have been in and out of the hospital with my daighter. She has a appendicitis. As far as me.

Trigger finger in 3 fingers.
L3-4, L4-5, L5-S1 degenerative disc disease
l4-5, L5-S1severe arthropathy
1-2 mm retrolisthesis of L4 on L5 ( in other words from my fall in 2010 my L4 is sitting 2mm forward of my L5. In a nut shell Doc says I am looking at a wheel chair with in the next 12 - 16 months. And yes it is looking like surgery at this point. Started exercising basically walking and some miner hiking. Lost 16 pounds so far. Down to 200 pounds which the doc says will help.

Anyway stock is being built some new designs as well as a new lead solderer and someone to manage my shipping. All will be coming soon. As will be a ship before you pay deal. But I will not reopen until my health is stable. I am, selling some sets right now but you get tracking prior to paying.


New Member
Jul 27, 2009
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Okay now I remember. So would you care to tell the fine folks here the truth or are you gonna stick to I never recieved anything. Here is the deal, Rocktane received his set of pup however I ****ed up and sent standard instead of F spacing. Here let me remind you of the conversation We shall start with Steve

Are you saying you never got the pickups you were talking about back in June?
And then you

That's what I'm saying Steve

and again you
Not to mention the countless emails and pm's that stretch back over a year. (rest of rant deleted)

And just so you all do not think I am making this up here is a direct copy of the PMs


So you never got anything huh. You are full of shit, I can not stand a ************ who feels like they have to add fuel to the fire just to be in the in crowd. So maybe you might want to recant your earlier post.
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New Member
May 21, 2011
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Beaufort, SC
Look guy-

I DO NOT need an explanation for your sloppy business practice. have zero intention of buying from you or any other "Vendors" on the Marshall Forum. I'm sorry if that offends any of hte guys selling products here. Just the way it stands with me.

Quite honestly if I were one of the mods I would make you change your avatar and not mention another single damn word about MHD or link it in any way shape or form.


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Jul 27, 2009
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You know I try and keep private conversations just that. But when I am told one thing then I read people bitching that they did not receive the free stuff or just strait lie and say they have received nothing I tend to get a bit pissed. Anyway I have to run down to Redding and ship a set.


New Member
May 21, 2011
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Beaufort, SC
You know I try and keep private conversations just that. But when I am told one thing then I read people bitching that they did not receive the free stuff or just strait lie and say they have received nothing I tend to get a bit pissed. Anyway I have to run down to Redding and ship a set.

Well guess what? When you are DEAD SILENT for half a year and SEVERAL people do not get their product, you don't have a leg to stand on. Regardless of you're health situation there should have been some sort of communication. Something. But instead you tarnished your name, tarnished your business and left a lot of people here wondering what the ****?


New Member
Jul 27, 2009
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Wow a bit agro there. Look if I had not sent pups or ripped someone off buy taking there money then yeah draw and quarter them, but I have not. Long wait time yes, the wrong set a couple times yes, but not once have I not gotten product to the buyer.


New Member
Jul 27, 2009
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Well guess what? When you are DEAD SILENT for half a year and SEVERAL people do not get their product, you don't have a leg to stand on. Regardless of you're health situation there should have been some sort of communication. Something. But instead you tarnished your name, tarnished your business and left a lot of people here wondering what the ****?

Rocktane got pups, he did not get nothing like he stated earlier. The replacement set fell through the cracks, and lets see who else is there oh thats right Bryan but that is getting resolved as well. Who the **** is the several people. I would like to know Who has recieved nothing from me.
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