MHD Pickups. Is anybody out there?

  • Thread starter Bray n
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Bray n

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Sep 10, 2013
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If your neck pickup is readint 7.7-7.9 I'm pretty sure that is not a Walter.

I know it seems off but the reading is jumping all over the place. It only settled at 7.76 and seemed to jump around between 7.7 and 10. But also jumps up into the teens and beyond. I wrote 7.76 because that is the only number it settled on for more than a second. 7.76 would not be a Straightjacket either.
Meter is new (tests everything else accurately) within the year and is a Klein.

66 galaxie

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South Dakota
I know it seems off but the reading is jumping all over the place. It only settled at 7.76 but jumped up into the teens. I wrote 7.76 because that is the only number it settled on for more than a second. 7.76 would not be a Straightjacket either.
Meter is new within the year and is a Klein.

I'm sure Rayne will chime in on this and clear some of it up. :yesway:


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Jul 27, 2009
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Bryan and I have talked or rather pmed, as soon as the machine is up and spinning I am sending him both a new set of Sj and a free set.

As far as the Chuck remark ha finishing them now.


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Apr 12, 2011
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Houston, TX
Glad to hear that you are winding again Rayne. I'm still rocking the gold covered ones, and loving them!


Hold my beer!
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May 25, 2010
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Vin's Magical Amazing "Stuff" Box
Rayne I want to apologize for sticking my nose in where it didn't belong. It was all about how it looked from out here. I had nothing but good dealings with you and I'm happy with every pickup I have gotten from you. I got my last set from you back in June (or july maybe...the Asylums for my LP) and they kick so much ass and I wanted to brag everywhere about them, but that's when you disappeared and I seemed to be the only one that got my pickups from that whole conversation in the thread on the other forum.

It looked like things where going good for you then it all seemed to fall apart. I even made clips to show the difference between an A2 and A8 in the bridge because we talked about it and I thought you wanted to hear. I'm very uncomfortable posting clips and you never came back to listen to them. I was really aggravated and disappointed because I was bragging on them and all of the sudden you where MIA again and other guys didn't get theirs. I don't really know anymore than what I was told during that time because soon after that I realized I'd been ripped off on the amp I bought from Mr. Blades (ended up having to rebuild it) and I didn't follow up except what I asked Rocktane in this thread...and thought I was being a good Samaritan by giving Bray your number.

Another thing that was bugging me (and I'm not even sure if it was the same time fram) but you sent me a message offering a Tele you were going to sell and I wrote you back inquiring what you were asking and you never got back to me. I don't know if you remember that, but it left me wondering wtf, you know?

That's where it all comes from as far as how I acted. I'm sorry to hear about your situation, but I'm glad to hear that your not giving up. Thank you for letting us know what's going on. I can't imagine what it must be like for you. I wish you all the best.


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Jul 27, 2009
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Steve no worries. As far as the Tele goes yes i remember but once I got into the body for paint
I came to find out it was shite wood. Drilling holes for the bridge was like drilling into balsa or polystyrene. As far as the response that is about when things started to go to shite then got better after the trigger finger but health went next. I will beet this i just have to do it my way and keep in mind a winding schedule. I will not be selling anything fromthis point forward unless It is wound and ready for assembly or completely done. Either way I will only accept money when they ship.


Hold my beer!
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May 25, 2010
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Vin's Magical Amazing "Stuff" Box
I think that's a great way to build up trust and I'll be the first to recommend you to anyone looking for pickup suggestions on the ones I have experience with once things are going good again. After what I've been through in the last few months I'm a lot more cautious now on-line. I had the rug yanked out from under me and I view this whole forum thing in a whole new light now. Still like I said, you've always done me right and I have no complaints.

I haven't started on the Tele yet, the amp sidetracked me for a while, but all that's over and I'm getting ready to start thinking about it again. I just didn't know why you didn't get back with me on it...I was serious at the time.

Bray n

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Sep 10, 2013
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Rocktane if you read that as an outsider it looks as if I never sent you anything at all. I do apologise for going off the deep end with you but that is how it read to me and some others as well. And yes you are correct in the email thing. I only brought the pms out because of the way the q and a went. You can do whatever you want with the pickups as far as why I blew up at that point here ya go....

that reads to me like you are telling folks you never got anything from me. Apparently I am wrong in assuming that so there for I apologize to ya. But to anyone reading this that is not aware it looks like you never got anything.

As far as the whole Bryan deal there is more to it than what has been posted. I think the plates were mis marked hence the whole debaucle on him thinking he got the wrong pickups. I have asked a few times for a DCR reading and to no avail. This would have pretty well solved everything with the Bryan deal except now he has come back and starts bitching about the free set he turned down. Shit he never even told me what set he wanted. But when he mentioned it I told him no problem as he wanted something Gibson spaced.

So to Rocktane I am sorry. You unfortunately fell through the cracks in a big way. If you still want them i will do a new set for you for free and you can keep them sell them what ever you want, however the machine will not be running until mid to late February.

To Bryan I would appreciate it if you would refrain from posting I did not get or I got the wrong set threads when you will not five me a DCR, you refuse the free set then bitch how you did not get it, and finally make up your mind which set you want as the free set.

The DCR will tell me everything.

By the way I stopped hanging at both forums for a while. I was spending way to much time on the boards and designing anything or playing anymore. I told myself after the trigger finger dealio I was gonna start playing more.

MHD has agreed to send me a refund. 8 months has been too long for me. I tried to be respectful and considerate with all of my interactions with MHD. The statements made above are not accurate as to our correspondence. I have always tried to post accurate and considerate statements and I would appreciate the same. MHD posted on another forum that they had sent me the wrong pups that were meant to go to someone else. That the order was accidentally switched. I did not attempt to send anymore DCR readings after that. I sent the original screwed up DCR readings that I posted above when the pickups arrived via text and forum post on another forum.

Good luck with all future endeavors MHD.
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2010
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MHD has agreed to send me a refund. 8 months has been too long for me. I tried to be respectful and considerate with all of my interactions with MHD. The statements made above are not accurate as to our correspondence. All I had to do was go over the texts, PM's, emails, and voice messages as I have them all. I have always tried to post accurate and considerate statements and I would appreciate the same.

Thanks again MHD for agreeing to issue a refund.
Good luck with all future endeavors.

well bray, allow me again to recommend Jim Wagner. He stocks ALL of his pickups and ships them the same day. I think you will be hard pressed to find any of these type of threads about him or his pickups.


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Jul 27, 2009
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Okay here is to everyone involved. Bryan lets start with you.

I am very sorry about how this all has gone. It was and is not my intent to bash you as you are correct you have been very very patient an you will have your refund at some point tomorrow. Keep the pups you have get an accurate DCR of the pups and get back to me and I can suggest what mags you should try.

Rocktane, Steve and all others, I will only be selling in stock items. My health yes has been an issue and
I can not determine what are gonna be god days or bad so if it aint in stock it aint for sale. Thank you all.


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Jul 27, 2009
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No worries I just finished them. I had to unwrap the slug bridge side a bit by hand as it was to hot for what you asked for. I think now it reads right around 8.8k with and A5 and the neck is an overwound 8.ik with an A3 in it. Both are 4 conductor.

Bray n

New Member
Sep 10, 2013
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Okay here is to everyone involved. Bryan lets start with you.

I am very sorry about how this all has gone. It was and is not my intent to bash you as you are correct you have been very very patient an you will have your refund at some point tomorrow. Keep the pups you have get an accurate DCR of the pups and get back to me and I can suggest what mags you should try.

Rocktane, Steve and all others, I will only be selling in stock items. My health yes has been an issue and
I can not determine what are gonna be god days or bad so if it aint in stock it aint for sale. Thank you all.

I looked at every post I made in this thread and don't think I said anything inaccurate. I was frustrated when I posted about not receiving the two sets. But did not post maliciously. I was also happy to have received the set I ordered. But they turned out to not be the set I ordered which was what I thought was a mistake in shipping. You have in the past rarely responded to any of my messages and only recently began replying. If you didn't receive my messages how was I to know. I assumed from messaging that a second set was coming. I did say that the free set was not necessary. Then said I would accept a set for my LP studio as you said you did not have trem spacings. This was all in the same 5 minute texting conversation we had. I assumed you received my messages. I told you I like heavier tones and assumed you would send whatever fit the bill that was built.
I sent a message thanking you when the pickups arrived at my cousins and informed you that two sets had arrived. I asked what they were and if they were new pups. You replied that they were new and straightjackets but did not correct me about it not being two sets . I didn't know it was one set until I received them from my cousin. He thought two pickups was two sets of pups.
I hope I haven't crossed messaging boundaries. I am done.

Thanks MHD and good luck.


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Jul 27, 2009
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All good money will be there tomorrow. Apparently there are a few texts that did not get delivered on either side. No matter it will be done tomorrow.


In Memorandum
Mar 26, 2010
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About as far south in Alabama as you can go withou be honest....a while back I wanted a p'up from Rayne....he didn't answer anything..I went off about it....only to find out about the health issues that hit him...I apologized profusely as I should have for being an ass....I am taking advantage of his offer for a set for $125 for forum brothers...and so far I have to say the communication has been stellar. I personally think its all gonna work out just fine.


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Oct 13, 2008
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The frozen hell called Canada !
Okay here is to everyone involved. Bryan lets start with you.

I am very sorry about how this all has gone. It was and is not my intent to bash you as you are correct you have been very very patient an you will have your refund at some point tomorrow. Keep the pups you have get an accurate DCR of the pups and get back to me and I can suggest what mags you should try.

Rocktane, Steve and all others, I will only be selling in stock items. My health yes has been an issue and
I can not determine what are gonna be god days or bad so if it aint in stock it aint for sale. Thank you all.

Respect !!! :yesway:
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