Missing something or not?

  • Thread starter crossy67
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Dec 2, 2015
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I have a 210H which is indeed a fantastic amp. I use it with a 1960B with vintage 30’s. It delivers in epic proportions. In comparison I have found GT75’s have a flabby bottom end. Saying that, I do like some bass thump!
Re the top end I concur try reducing the presence and treble a bit. The sound will come!

What’s your settings on overdrive channel? My treble is no higher than 10 o’clock and presence around 11 o’clock. However I suspect it’s in the high mids!
Might try and get hold of a 1960av/bv cab to try. Cheers


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Dec 25, 2017
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Hi crossy67 strangely I have most of tone controls around noon. The amp is not standard being voiced toward JCM800. I do adjust the treble back and forth because it always changes depending where we’re playing.


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May 22, 2010
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SoCal U.S.A.
On the jams at my buds house, he has two 1936 2X12's there. One has the Vintage speakers which I am thinking is the Marshall Vintage??. Then the other one is the standard T-75's. I have taken my Greenback loaded 1936 cab there to compare as well. And he now owns a JVM 205H as well. I have taken my JVM 410H there most of the time and we have had jams with both JVMs going and switched around cabs. The only time I did not like my JVM 410's tone there was when he plugged me into an old Randall 4X12 that had G12M-70's. It was like a sheet was over the cab and the JVM crunch definition and clarity was not coming through.

But I dig my JVM 410 through the Marshall Vintage cab and the T-75 cab. But I noticed quite a bit of volume increase going the Vintage speakers. That is why I have went from my old favorite G12-65's I was running in my 2X12 and went with the even less efficient 96dB Greenback M20. I am digging the tone out of all my amps being able to push the power tubes/valves a touch more. Every little bit counts and adds up for trying to keep the volume down a bit . . . .


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May 1, 2008
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Mine sounds good but I’ve been wondering would it sound better through something else namely a 1960 which ive heard is what speakers it was designed with.
@OP: I've played every model JVM4 (own stock 410H since 2008) and JVM2 amps. Running any stock JVM amp through different speakers will yield different results to varying degrees. But when you write "would it sound better," that is harder to pin down for the obvious reason(s). If you feel and can afford to experiment, then do it. Maybe you can borrow a friend's cabinet for the weekend to try out (maybe eve record some audio samples for yourself), or you can buy speakers from a dealer that has a good return/exchange/refund policy. Just connect the new speakers into your existing cab and you're set (check dimensions of new speakers first to make sure you can load new ones with our any major modifications to your cab.

Hey guys I recently purchased a jvm 210H and run it through my 1960ax cab. I also have a 1987x which sounds awesome through the same cab but I wonder if I’m missing out on something running the jvm through a different cab ie: 1960a/b or 1960a/bv

Can you guys who have used all of them with your jvm’s Tell me your experiences. I love 80’s rock/metal and classic rock so mainly use orange overdrive and red clean/crunch. There is something going on in the high end frequencies that I’m not completely happy with and thinking maybe they could be tamed and to give a more lower mid boost/growl through one of the above cabs. I know vintage 30’s have that upper mid boost and g12t 75’s are more scooped but that’s about it. Thoughts?

If you're not prepared to buy different speakers, then there is some things you can try.

1) Change preamp tubes (brand and or type) for preamp tubes that are assigned to gain stages in the circuit. Changing preamp tubes tasked with gain stages will definitely change you tone dramatically. Some preamp tubes project certain frequencies that might help you tailor the sound to your needs. There are many different brand and type to choose, so take some time reading up and then decide what you want. Prices vary depending a variety of factors, but you will usually have many to choose from. Additionally, if you change preamp tubes, do so only with a preamp tube that is compatible with your amp.

2) Add an EQ effect into the signal chain. A good EQ pedal allows you customize your tone with dramatic results. You can add an EQ pedal between guitar and amplifier input, or in the amp's effects loop. I sometimes use a parametric EQ to focus chunks of frequencies and alter not only the amount (boost or cut), but also the way of the frequency. With a parametric EQ, you can effectively target those high end frequencies (boost, cut, alter frequency wave) and then bring the mids out front. Since you want to alter the amp's sound, I'd try placing the EQ in the effects loop first, but experiment with placement however you see fit. In addition to parametric EQ, you can also find many graphic EQ pedal on both the used and new market and at various price points.

Good luck with your rig. Let us know how things progress.


Active Member
Dec 2, 2015
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@OP: I've played every model JVM4 (own stock 410H since 2008) and JVM2 amps. Running any stock JVM amp through different speakers will yield different results to varying degrees. But when you write "would it sound better," that is harder to pin down for the obvious reason(s). If you feel and can afford to experiment, then do it. Maybe you can borrow a friend's cabinet for the weekend to try out (maybe eve record some audio samples for yourself), or you can buy speakers from a dealer that has a good return/exchange/refund policy. Just connect the new speakers into your existing cab and you're set (check dimensions of new speakers first to make sure you can load new ones with our any major modifications to your cab.

If you're not prepared to buy different speakers, then there is some things you can try.

1) Change preamp tubes (brand and or type) for preamp tubes that are assigned to gain stages in the circuit. Changing preamp tubes tasked with gain stages will definitely change you tone dramatically. Some preamp tubes project certain frequencies that might help you tailor the sound to your needs. There are many different brand and type to choose, so take some time reading up and then decide what you want. Prices vary depending a variety of factors, but you will usually have many to choose from. Additionally, if you change preamp tubes, do so only with a preamp tube that is compatible with your amp.

2) Add an EQ effect into the signal chain. A good EQ pedal allows you customize your tone with dramatic results. You can add an EQ pedal between guitar and amplifier input, or in the amp's effects loop. I sometimes use a parametric EQ to focus chunks of frequencies and alter not only the amount (boost or cut), but also the way of the frequency. With a parametric EQ, you can effectively target those high end frequencies (boost, cut, alter frequency wave) and then bring the mids out front. Since you want to alter the amp's sound, I'd try placing the EQ in the effects loop first, but experiment with placement however you see fit. In addition to parametric EQ, you can also find many graphic EQ pedal on both the used and new market and at various price points.

Good luck with your rig. Let us know how things progress.

I will definitely get it retubed soon so I’m sure that will make a difference too. I also have an eq pedal so will try that also but having used them in the past was never a massive fan of them. Always felt they took something organic away from the amp, not sure any other way to explain it. Anyway as I said I need another cab anyway so was mainly after suggestions for what type sounded good with jvm’s. As I said the amp sounds good so I’m certainly not disappointed with it. Cheers


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2015
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Saginaw MI
Why do people think an amp was designed around a speaker?
They aren't.
Do some amps sound better with certain speakers?

The JVM sounds great with V30s and/or the G12T75 cabs. I have both .

It also sounds great with V-Type and A-Type speakers.

I like the 30's in the band mix, but prefer the 75s for just messing around.