Nad - Jvm1h Tattoo Series - Vicky Morgan

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Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2015
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Central Valley, CA
Its bought, and paid for. Unfortunately, it's still under the 30 day hold, so I can't pick up, until next week.

They got this pristine example, a few weeks. I thought it was NOS, at first. Then noticed the Used badge. It was a bit more than I wanted to spend, but after playing it, for 3 weeks, I knew I had to have it.

I had originally planned on buying the smaller black Tolex, Anniversary head, as the place where I got my JCM1H and JMP1H, has a large selection. When I saw this, however... want for the anniversary amp, waned.

Played several different guitars through it, and all sound wonderful.

Some pics to hold everyone over, until next Wednesday.



Was at GC one day, buying a Shure SM57. I was complaining to my buddy about my Recto 1×12 cab, when he looks something up, grins, and tells me to hold on. He comes walking out, with an Auralex ISO board. Brand new, in box, for $17.95. They usually sell for $80 (it is Ver. 1 - which I like better than V2)

Got home, put it under the Mesa. Man night and day. Probably my favorite cab now, even over the 4×12 (though I wouldn't ever sell/trade them).

Did a bunch of rearranging amps.

Got really wicked setups, in my living room, and bedroom.. Just need to move now, so I can build a proper studio.

Some pics of the current amp/cab combos.



One more of the Vicky Morgan!


I've got another Auralex GRAMMA Iso board on the way, as well. That made all the difference in the world, with my Mesa cab. Hated it, until up put it the riser. Sounds freaking awesome now. Got a babyGRAMA for my mini-stack and same results. Tighter bass, better response.

Can't wait to pick it up! Will post a bunch of pics, when I do.


Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2015
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Central Valley, CA
Even with the Jubilee, the JCM1H gets more time than any of my amps. I had originally broken up the mini stack, and was using a cab, for each of my Anniversary heads. Once I got the GRAMMA board, however... it completely changed my perception of that cab.

I found another old style GRAMMA (I don't like Ver. 2), on eBay. Should be here, day before I pick up the JVM. I've got the ISO boards for 2 amps so far, and has made a big difference.

I bought this one, because she sounds, as good as she looks. Just blown away, by that little 10" Celestion. I've got a pair of WGS 10" Retro, in my Marshall cabs, if I ever want to mix it up.


Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2015
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Central Valley, CA
The Iso and GRAMMA are the same. They're made by a company Auralex. The ver. 1 iso board, was a nice design, imo. The new ones, are a lower profile, seem to be made with cost savings in mind. They're a bit cheaper, but not much.

I've had much better success with them, than amp stands, and/or raising them up. Nice tight bass, real good punch, to the speakers. My Mesa used to sound like it was muffled, until you opened it up. Now, it sounds insanely good at any level.

This is the GRAMMA (with my old Digital Reference and SM57), which I found another, brand new on eBay.


The new ver. 2 and babyGAMMA


With the Mesa and mini stack. I stole the first one, for $20. The others, paid usual selling price.



Nov 7, 2015
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Sask, Canada
Do the boards make a difference when used on the floor too, or just on another riser first? Never knew about these until a few weeks ago, so am trying to find out more about them now. First person I've seen that is using them, so hoping you can fill me in on them.


Well-Known Member
Dec 7, 2009
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The JVM1 tattoo head is one of my favorites, it sounds so good and I love the old school look. Congrats :yesway:


Well-Known Member
Sep 29, 2015
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everywhere you wanna be.
there was a guy down here that had a marshall mini stack like that.
he made a handle of sorts that had the 2speakers and head connected
and a handle so he could carry it like a suit case. most cool idea.


Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2015
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Central Valley, CA
Do the boards make a difference when used on the floor too, or just on another riser first? Never knew about these until a few weeks ago, so am trying to find out more about them now. First person I've seen that is using them, so hoping you can fill me in on them.

I've had that Mesa cab for a couple years. It used to sit on that riser next to my Jubilee. My SL5 occupies it now. I hardly ever used it, except with the Tweaker head. They go together, really well. But, it was mostly just taking up room.

I was talking to a friend, a bass player, and I asked how he would mic the Mesa, and if he had any clue, why it sounded like crap? Told him the speaker sounded like it was being choked, or a wet blanket, thrown over it. Sounded the same, when mic'd.

He suggested the GRAMMA, and checked to see if they had one. They literally had one left, marked to Clearance at $20. So I snagged it.

Its made all the difference in the world, dropping it down to the floor, and putting it on the iso board. Tight, punchy bass. Instead of the booming, bleed over, and dull harmonics. The top end, that wasn't ever there, is definitely there now. I had to completely re-eq my amps, after putting them on the board.

Before my tone controls seemed pretty worthless.

Like them so much, I was willing to shell out quite a bit more, for 2 more. I doubt I'll buy any more. The amp, and cab I have left, don't need them.

there was a guy down here that had a marshall mini stack like that.
he made a handle of sorts that had the 2speakers and head connected
and a handle so he could carry it like a suit case. most cool idea.

I've still got the Lead 12 head. It's just in storage. I ripped the Celestion G10-25D out of there, and threw in WGS Retro 10 - 65 watt speakers. They sound really good, as standalone, with the two anniversary heads, I have.

I'm surprised at the lack of venting on the head...

It has one. Just a lousy angle. It's hidden by the handle. You can just see the roll of the Tolex peeking out, in the 1st pic.


Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2015
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Central Valley, CA
A Funny Thing Happened On the Way to the Forum...


I've spent 3 weeks, playing this amp in the store, and still had no idea what I was bringing home.

First, I got it all setup.





Unfortunately, the iso board I ordered was a bit of false advertising. I sent it back, because through the process, I hooked up with Auralex and they're going to hopefully ship me the board, I had wanted. So, I put it on my babyGRAMMA.

I thought I owned some decently high gain amps. Hahaha! What a fool, I am. Yeah, stick a Soul Food, or an OCD in front of most Marshalls and they become buzzsaws.

I hooked everything up, plugged in, dialed in some typical amp settings, think I put gain on like 5 or 6, along with everything else. Turned on the amp, and went... "WTH is that noise!?" I scratched my head. It sounded like that hiss, I stomp on my ISP Decimater to silence.

My Marshall's don't hiss! They @#$%ing hum! I even tested a few, just to make sure. Yep... "Hmmmmmmm!"

I turned down the gain, until the hiss was a bit less. I started playing. Hot damn! There it was! This amp was on fire! And it sounded great, plugged straight in.

I texted my buddy. "Hey man... this amp is hissing at me. I'm assuming that's normal." He lol'd, told me yes. I understood the concept. Heck, when I'm screwing around with my Yamaha modeling software, if you turn off the filter, for any of the high gain models... it hisses at you. So the synapses started firing again, and I continued to review my purchase.

The speaker... is amazing. I have an old Lead 12, for whatever reason, Marshall put the worst Celestions ever made in it. G10-25D. They sound like ass. Bony, no hips, malnourished ass. The JVM1H, the matching Tattoo cab has the wonderful little G10F-15


Though, an odd little sucker, as I believe they use the same speaker in the 50th anniversary combos, and some of them, don't sound so good. I think its better suited to the high gain, that needs a bit of bottom end boost. The magnet size between the 25D and the 15, is significant. This thing pushes some air, its perfect for the open back. Kick in the Resonance and it booms. Reminds me of Yamaha's ability to made that little THR sound like a wall of speakers. Marshall did a good job, picking this speaker for the matching cabs. I plugged in a Mesa Recto and Marshall 1x10 w/ WGS Retro 10s (65w), and the little 15 watt Celestion, held its own.

I can't wait for Friday, or if I have some time today, to try it with my 1960AV.

Plugged in some effects, through the front end and got a good chug going on with it, with some reverb and chorus.

I went to my JCM1H and my Jubilee afterwards, and cranked the gain (Jubilee pre and output), and both hummed at me. Quietly. But, nowhere near the drive, of the JVM.

It may not suit every style, I like to play. But, it just might sound awesome doing it. Its going to steal a lot of time, from my other amps, that's for sure.

Parting pics, plus how I eventually ended up setting her up. The JCM + Mesa are waiting on the medium size iso board.


See, DoD... it does have a vent. :flex:






Hope you all enjoyed the pics, a fraction of how much I enjoy this amp. Of the 1 watt heads, I usually see/hear the JCM and JMP being tussled over King of the Hill. In the right mood, this beauty, could give either a run for the money.

And finally, how I ended up...

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Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2015
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Central Valley, CA
Is that box the chassis is in stock size? It looks really cool

Everything is 100% stock. I believe they made these with 3 (maybe 4) different artists, and each got a 1 watt head/cab, and a full size JVM half-stack, to work with.

So what's the science behind these ISO boards? How do they make the amp sound better?

My Mesa Recto cab specifically, I really didn't like it. It sounded boxy, and muffled. First it was on the floor, then very soon got lifted up onto an amp stand. Still the only amp that sounded decent through it, was my Egnater... and you had to open it up loud.

I was in GC, talking to my friend Gary and telling him about this. He asked if I ever tried an ISO board. I said no. He went in back, and came back, with a beat up box. It was their last one, as it was v1, and Auralex was well onto v2. I got it for $20... so couldn't say no.

I put it under the Recto and it was night and day. That cab came alive. Its now the exclusive cab for my Marshall Anniversary heads, the JCM and JMP. Its incredible, cuts through anything.

And I never would have known it, probably would have traded it, if it weren't for some plywood and foam.

It does a good job of separating the low end, that can bleed into your floors, especially carpet. Not as big a deal on hardwood/tile floors, though I still use them.



Well-Known Member
Jul 25, 2015
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Floating around TN in Marshall Heaven
I've always lusted after the Vicky's - congratulations!

So what's the science behind these ISO boards? How do they make the amp sound better?

They decouple [lift & separate] the speaker cab from the floor. In some cases coupling [stay out of the gutter for just a moment...] from floors or walls is a good thing in HIFI sound reproduction [thinking Klipsch Klipschorns which fit in the corners of the room and couple with the walls and floor to develop bass freqs - HOLY CRAP!] but less than optimal for most sound production via guitar gear.


Dogs of Doom

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Aug 2, 2012
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Los Angeles
I've always lusted after the Vicky's - congratulations!

They decouple [lift & separate] the speaker cab from the floor. In some cases coupling [stay out of the gutter for just a moment...] from floors or walls is a good thing in HIFI sound reproduction [thinking Klipsch Klipschorns which fit in the corners of the room and couple with the walls and floor to develop bass freqs - HOLY CRAP!] but less than optimal for most sound production via guitar gear.

yeah, when they 1st came out w/ the white headbox, I immediately wanted one. I tried so hard to get them to let me have one, but nope...

To throw around more jargon, we would refer to it as a point of insulation, a barrier that prevents vibration transfer.

When we'd design insulated products, one of the formulas is to change densities at certain stages. The more x's you change densities, the more insulation. For many practical purposes, there's a balance to be had, but, the simple idea in the iso foam is to stop vibration transfer from the cabinet, to the floor...