Obama ‘cannot guarantee’ benefits checks

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May 3, 2009
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You go on about how killing people in the name of the constitution is acceptable, and then you bring up Jesus. I really hate to throw this in there, but "what would Jesus do?" If the Bible teaches one thing, it teaches that these worldly, exclusively human problems should be beyond our concern. ESPECIALLY money, which is something you're apparently very worried about. Just seems to me your beliefs are in conflict with your words.

Dont even listen to this Hippocratic fool.....he has no true identity as he has been carved from a loaf of Bull Shit...........Nuke i hate the thought of "Big Brother" watching us but i sure hope you fuck up and give them a key to your door......you are a Religious Fanatical of the kind that makes the news in a bad way........i will always blame Janet Reno and the Government for Waco.......but i can only name Koresh as the ideologist behind the original issue that brought attention.......you are the reason i teach my (Yes Christian by their own wish.....1 attentively ) to watch out when religion gets to near......I want them to learn.....not be opinionated


New Member
Apr 7, 2010
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Romans chapter 13 does give the government the right to bear the sword. This is speaking of capitol punishment. The government can execute people for things such as treason. We used to do that in this country. We now seem to find nothing to be a "treasonous" offense. Jesus Christ spoke of judgement and Hell more than ANY other topics. Two thirds of the words of spoken by Jesus in the New Testament are warning of Hell and the coming judgement. The Bible speaks more about money than any other topic. There is nothing wrong with money and it can certainly be a blessing, but we are supposed to put our trust in Jesus and not money.

Romans 13
New King James Version (NKJV)

Romans 13

Submit to Government

1 Let every soul be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and the authorities that exist are appointed by God. 2 Therefore whoever resists the authority resists the ordinance of God, and those who resist will bring judgment on themselves. 3 For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to evil. Do you want to be unafraid of the authority? Do what is good, and you will have praise from the same. 4 For he is God’s minister to you for good. But if you do evil, be afraid; for he does not bear the sword in vain; for he is God’s minister, an avenger to execute wrath on him who practices evil. 5 Therefore you must be subject, not only because of wrath but also for conscience’ sake. 6 For because of this you also pay taxes, for they are God’s ministers attending continually to this very thing. 7 Render therefore to all their due: taxes to whom taxes are due, customs to whom customs, fear to whom fear, honor to whom honor.

I'm gonna have to cave. I forgot this was Nuke's thread and he doesn't mind talking about this stuff anyway.

There's nothing wrong with money? Didn't Jesus himself say it is harder for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven than it is for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle?

Further, one of God's commandments, apparently punishable by damnation, is don't kill people. Yet powers of government are exempt from this rule?

"Let every soul be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and the authorities that exist are appointed by God. 2 Therefore whoever resists the authority resists the ordinance of God, and those who resist will bring judgment on themselves"

Yet you're hear, resisting the current authority...

You people are a curious bunch.


New Member
Feb 15, 2011
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Dont even listen to this Hippocratic fool.....he has no true identity as he has been carved from a loaf of Bull Shit...........Nuke i hate the thought of "Big Brother" watching us but i sure hope you fuck up and give them a key to your door......you are a Religious Fanatical of the kind that makes the news in a bad way........i will always blame Janet Reno and the Government for Waco.......but i can only name Koresh as the ideologist behind the original issue that brought attention.......you are the reason i teach my (Yes Christian by their own wish.....1 attentively ) to watch out when religion gets to near......I want them to learn.....not be opinionated

So you believe me to be some kind of David Koresh? I am not religious in the least, but I do have a relationship with Christ. If that is hypocritical to you then OK. If you are going to attack me for being "carved from a loaf of Bull Shit" at least man up and provide me with a example of that. I sure haven't made it personal with you and I don't think you would want me too.


New Member
Feb 15, 2011
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I'm gonna have to cave. I forgot this was Nuke's thread and he doesn't mind talking about this stuff anyway.

I don't

There's nothing wrong with money? Didn't Jesus himself say it is harder for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven than it is for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle?

Where did I say that? What I said was.....

As far as the money Jack it isn't so much that as it is the blatant robbery of the Treasury and the lies and unethical practices of this nations leaders. This nations wealth is in its people like you and I, however when our own government robs us through unjustified spending and taxes we become slaves to our jobs, government, and to our debt. We become less charitable and less free don't we.

Further, one of God's commandments, apparently punishable by damnation, is don't kill people. Yet powers of government are exempt from this rule?

Correct, this is one of the ten commandments or easier put one of the actions God considers sin. There is murder then there is killing another man during self defense war and crimes.

"Let every soul be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and the authorities that exist are appointed by God. 2 Therefore whoever resists the authority resists the ordinance of God, and those who resist will bring judgment on themselves"

Yet you're hear, resisting the current authority...

We are to follow Earthly governments only as far as it does not compromise our first allegiance, to the Kingdom of God. The United States is a nation under God in name only, not in action. The quote above shows you how I see this action as being not from God; I do not see the lies and theft and the chains the leaders are putting on us and our kids for years to come as anything other then sin.


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Sep 21, 2009
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The American experiment of freedom and liberty and man governing himself is only a brief blip in human history. The practices of more government, government control, less liberty, less individual rights and less personal freedom have been going on for thousands of years. We now have a handful of Republican leaders trying to preserve the American experiment and a bunch of progressives hell bent on regression. They want to take us back to the days when government was in complete control of all facits of life. We also have what Vladimir Lenin coined as "useful idiots" pushing the liberal agenda in the media and schools. The economic crash and the "controlled collapse" of the U.S. Dollar is all by design. China and Russia no longer use the dollar in their business dealings. We have counties all over the world screaming out that we need to create a new economic system and get off the U.S. Dollar which continues to become less stable and valuable. Since our government recently started the practice of quantitative easing (QE2) or printing money with nothing to back it, we have continued to bring the value of the U.S. Dollar down causing economic instability across the globe. No one wanted to buy our bonds anymore because of the dim prospect of the U.S. getting their financial house in order so the U.S. just printed more money. Countries holding U.S. debt were now getting payed back in U.S. Dollars that were now worth maybe 70 cents on the dollar. It is kind of like mixing in some Monopoly money when we pay for things.

It may be another 5 years before the Dollar collapses and the world goes off the current system based on the U.S. Dollar. But when this does happen our stores have about 3 days worth of food on the shelves. The run on the banks for what is left of the now wothless currency will rival anything man has seen before. Goods and services we now take for granted will be extremely expensive and hard to come by. Basic supplies and necessities will need to come from the governmet for those who have not stored such things. There will be a new sheriff in town and a new way of doing things. You WILL go along to get along unless you have prepared to take care yourself and your family. All the American pride, denial, sense of entitlement, pop icon worship, tattos, piercings, rock & roll attitude, stoner reasoning and liberal philosophy in the world will not be able to help those who are not prepared. I do not live my life in fear or even spend a lot of time discussing things like this. I just try to be prepared so I can take care of my family and help neighbors if and when that time comes. I hope for the best and prepare for the worst. The U.S. has not even passed a budget in 2 years. Obama is the only president who has ever done anything like this before. The current "crisis" concerning how much we can raise the U.S. credit limit so we continue to borrow more money does not help with the world's confidence in the U.S. Dollar. I am just saying.

Are you serious? or just batshit insane? The end of the US Dollar as world currency really won't change anything in America...And being a schizophrenic about it isn't what our economy needs....your not preparing yourself, your paving the way for the downfall...

Its American ideas like this that make me hate living here and hate American culture and religion....


New Member
Feb 15, 2011
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Are you serious? or just batshit insane? The end of the US Dollar as world currency really won't change anything in America...And being a schizophrenic about it isn't what our economy needs....your not preparing yourself, your paving the way for the downfall...

Its American ideas like this that make me hate living here and hate American culture and religion....

Why don't you enlighten us with your take of what our economy needs. Do you have any thoughts of your own on what to do or would you rather attack other members who at least have a point of view and an opinion. Here is a clue, the collapse of the US dollar will collapse all other currencies in the world including China's. Good luck finding food on the grocery shelves after a couple of days. People will not work for nothing.


New Member
Sep 21, 2009
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Why don't you enlighten us with your take of what our economy needs. Do you have any thoughts of your own on what to do or would you rather attack other members who at least have a point of view and an opinion. Here is a clue, the collapse of the US dollar will collapse all other currencies in the world including China's. Good luck finding food on the grocery shelves after a couple of days. People will not work for nothing.

Why should I waste my time? you won't listen or even consider what I have to say as you've already made up your mind.


New Member
Feb 15, 2011
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Sure I will. But many Americans believe that their money is secure and it isn't at all. You Social Security has been robbed and there is no "lock box" with what you have paid in. Just an IOU

You pension (if lucky enough to have one) and you 401K or Roths are all held in bank deposits insured by the FDIC. Do you know the FDIC really doesn't even exist? If the dollar collapse banks will fail, kiss all your money goodbye besides what you have in your pocket and under the mattress.

The FDIC Insurance Fund is an accounting fiction. It takes in premiums from banks, then turns those premiums over to the Treasury, which adds the money to the government's general coffers for "spending . . . on missiles, school lunches, or government pork."

The insurance premiums aren't really premiums at all, therefore. They're a tax by another name.

Actually, it's worse than that. The FDIC, persisting in the myth that its fund really is an insurance pool, now proposes to raise the "premiums" it charges banks to make up for the "fund's" coming shortfall. The financially weakest banks will be hit with the biggest tax hikes.

But this is the government we're talking about, so logic goes out the window. First, the FDIC insists its mythical bank insurance fund exists, when it really doesn't. Then the agency does what it can to run the imaginary fund's finances straight into the ground. Your tax dollars (sorry, "premiums") at work. . . . This is all by design.

DSL100 Dude

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Mar 30, 2010
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Sadly, all this fighting and bullheaded bullshit is the exact reason this country is on the path to crapville right now.

Just a thought fellas. If EVERYONE was just a bit more open minded and gave the others point of view a real chance then maybe a solution could be found instead of name calling and bashing each other like the elected officials.


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Sep 21, 2009
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Maybe it's come to the day when we turn away from pensions and a 401K? Maybe Americans should invest in gold again? Gold is a great way to keep the state from knowing how much money you have (thus no way to properly tax) and gold can be sold into other currencies like a global currency would be...you just have to sell to the highest bidder. It's actually a fairly common practice too.


New Member
Apr 7, 2010
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Nuke, I was talking to John. I'll reply anyway.

You said, "There is murder, then there is killing another man during self defense, war, and crimes."

The commandment is: Thou shalt not kill.

If the word of God is indeed absolute, then it is NOT open to your interpretation. Thou shalt not kill means - thou shalt not kill. It does NOT mean "thou shalt not kill, except when the occasion merits it." War of any kind is in open defiance of that commandment. I'm not even a believer and this is obvious to me. Jesus taught to turn the other cheek, even in the face of death. It's quite clear that this lesson he personally taught by using himself as an example. I thought the whole idea behind Christianity was to strive to be Christ-like, not to bend it to your liking.

By the standards of what defines a nation under God - in action, I would agree with you that the United States government is a blasphemous shit-pit. I will also say that judging by those standards, there has NEVER been a government that has met those standards. Ever, in history.


New Member
Feb 15, 2011
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Maybe it's come to the day when we turn away from pensions and a 401K? Maybe Americans should invest in gold again? Gold is a great way to keep the state from knowing how much money you have (thus no way to properly tax) and gold can be sold into other currencies like a global currency would be...you just have to sell to the highest bidder. It's actually a fairly common practice too.

Now your thinking. I did that back in 2005 to the extent I could and continue to do so. No more stock market crap for me, never look at it anymore.

Besides Gold I highly recommend, medicines with log shelf-life, gasoline, seed, fertilizer, pesticides, a clean water system, generator, ATV (you will need a all terrain good gas mileage rig) two years of food, hunting rifle and ammo.

Basically go to a Bass Pro Shop and buy everything you need like you were being forced to camp out in your area for two years. $6000 If shit hits the fan you will be a rich man with those supplies.

John 14:6

Well-Known Member
May 26, 2011
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San Diego, CA.
I'm gonna have to cave. I forgot this was Nuke's thread and he doesn't mind talking about this stuff anyway.

There's nothing wrong with money? Didn't Jesus himself say it is harder for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven than it is for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle?

Further, one of God's commandments, apparently punishable by damnation, is don't kill people. Yet powers of government are exempt from this rule?

"Let every soul be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and the authorities that exist are appointed by God. 2 Therefore whoever resists the authority resists the ordinance of God, and those who resist will bring judgment on themselves"

Yet you're hear, resisting the current authority...

You people are a curious bunch.
Jack, I do not know how much you read the bible or if you have just "cherry picked" a few verses that you have heard or read at some point. I recommend that you get a good study bible (Nelson or Thompson are both great) and read it on a daily basis to grow in the knowledge of God's word. The "Amplified" version of the bible does a great job of paraphrasing scripture true to the original languages. I highly recommend such study tools.

1. Jesus did say that it was harder for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of Heaven than for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle. He then finished the statement by saying "but with God all things are possible." What Jesus was saying to a society that saw wealth as a sign of God's blessing on a righteous man was a shocking teaching to the Jewish religious leaders and common people of the day. They thought they were righteous because of their strict observance of the law (10 Commandments & traditions), but Jesus was contradicting what they had been taught for hundreds of years. Jesus taught that none were righteous and that all had sinned and fallen short of God's Law. God was making it possible for people to enter the Kingdom of Heaven by sacrificing His Son to pay a debt we all owe and none of us can pay. The penalty for one sin is death according to God's law. God is just and merciful. Sin must be paid for so God Himself provided the perfect sinless sacrifice that would both appease His righteous wrath over sin and put an end to the need for anymore sacrifices. The Old Testament system of offering animals such as bulls and rams for the forgiveness of sins ended with Jesus on the cross. The sinless blood of Jesus the Christ (Messiah is Hebrew for Christ) was the only sacrifice that God would accept. There is NO prohibition against riches in the Bible, but it is easy for one to put their trust in their riches and not Jesus such as in the story of the rich young ruler.

2. The Bible says that the only unforgivable sin is blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. The Old Testament does say Thou shall not murder, this is a reference to cold blooded homicide. This does not speak to capital punishment or killing in times of war. God's law demanded capital punishment for various offenses. This was for the purpose of keeping His people from the potential of being corrupted by the offender.

3. I am a law abiding citizen Jack. I pay my taxes and try my best to obey all laws. Our political system does allow for political debate regarding public policy. This nation was founded on Christian principals and God was heavily included in all aspects of U.S. political life. Every state constitution speaks of God. The government printed bibles and required the teaching of God's word in school. I believe that God blessed the founders of this country who had honored and included him in all aspects of American life. Believers are called to be salt (salt was used as a preservative) and light in this world. Christians are supposed to fight the good fight while we are on earth. Edmund Burke put it well when he said "all that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing." Here is a section from Second Timothy describing the last days. It sure rings true now.

2 Timothy 3

New King James Version (NKJV)

2 Timothy 3

Perilous Times and Perilous Men

1 But know this, that in the last days perilous times will come: 2 For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, 3 unloving, unforgiving, slanderers, without self-control, brutal, despisers of good, 4 traitors, headstrong, haughty, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, 5 having a form of godliness but denying its power. And from such people turn away! 6 For of this sort are those who creep into households and make captives of gullible women loaded down with sins, led away by various lusts, 7 always learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. 8 Now as Jannes and Jambres resisted Moses, so do these also resist the truth: men of corrupt minds, disapproved concerning the faith; 9 but they will progress no further, for their folly will be manifest to all, as theirs also was.


Sunday Morning | Simply Teaching the Bible Simply
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John 14:6

Well-Known Member
May 26, 2011
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San Diego, CA.
Dont even listen to this Hippocratic fool.....he has no true identity as he has been carved from a loaf of Bull Shit...........Nuke i hate the thought of "Big Brother" watching us but i sure hope you fuck up and give them a key to your door......you are a Religious Fanatical of the kind that makes the news in a bad way........i will always blame Janet Reno and the Government for Waco.......but i can only name Koresh as the ideologist behind the original issue that brought attention.......you are the reason i teach my (Yes Christian by their own wish.....1 attentively ) to watch out when religion gets to near......I want them to learn.....not be opinionated
David Koresh was a cult leader who thought he was Jesus. Koresh had crazy followers just like Jim Jones. Neither of these cult leaders had anything to do with Christianity.


New Member
Feb 15, 2011
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Nuke, I was talking to John. I'll reply anyway.

You said, "There is murder, then there is killing another man during self defense, war, and crimes."

The commandment is: Thou shalt not kill.

If the word of God is indeed absolute, then it is NOT open to your interpretation. Thou shalt not kill means - thou shalt not kill. It does NOT mean "thou shalt not kill, except when the occasion merits it." War of any kind is in open defiance of that commandment. I'm not even a believer and this is obvious to me. Jesus taught to turn the other cheek, even in the face of death. It's quite clear that this lesson he personally taught by using himself as an example. I thought the whole idea behind Christianity was to strive to be Christ-like, not to bend it to your liking.

By the standards of what defines a nation under God - in action, I would agree with you that the United States government is a blasphemous shit-pit. I will also say that judging by those standards, there has NEVER been a government that has met those standards. Ever, in history.

Sorry man, I am used to everyone yelling at me. The question you ask has been very confused by many people. Obviously when war comes some people naturally look for any excuse they can to get out of it, after all war is terrible.

My understanding is murder is sin plain is simple. But there are many quotes and examples in the bible that tell one that it is ok to protect yourself.

War killing or police killing IMO falls under God commanding us to his chosen leaders.... not Obama in the case of war the Captain or Major on the battlefield. I am not the all knowing Rev Billy Graham or the like on this issue so rather then stick my foot in my mouth I will let the resident Marshall Reverend answer this for you. I know it is allowed.


New Member
May 3, 2009
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David Koresh was a cult leader who thought he was Jesus. Koresh had crazy followers just like Jim Jones. Neither of these cult leaders had anything to do with Christianity.

Neither does anything Nuke stands for....at least as he has posted.....did you get your 2 year camping supply yet?


Well-Known Member
Feb 17, 2010
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up-state New York
Just wanted to clear up some misinformation that has been presented as fact on this thread:

The federal government takes in 200 billion per month in revenue (these are from people that actually pay taxes) from that it costs us 20 billion per month to service the debt (interest), that leaves 180 billion per month left over so no need to raise the debt ceiling for that.

It also costs the federal government 50 billion per month to to pay out all the Medicare, Social Security, and Veterns payaments. That now leaves us 130 billion per month. No need to raise the debt so far right?

Once those two things are taken off the table the president can now prioritize (his job) where and who will gets the remaining funding. What doesn't make the list gets cut, there is a 100% chance te govenment does not have the authority under the constitution to spend on it anyways.

By law Obama has to pay out these benifits, however he does have the descretion to say when they are paid out. He also has the descretion by law to prioritize who gets paid first. If SS checks don't go out it will be his doing, I have just showed you he does not have to allow it. Cut spending.

Here is the real deal:

The Bipartisan Policy Center studied Treasury Department receipts and expenditures for August 2009 and 2010 and determined that the government likely would not have enough revenue to pay the full $23 billion payment to Social Security recipients due on Aug. 3.

On that day, according to the analysis, the government would take in about $12 billion in taxes and other revenue but would owe $32 billion, creating a $20 billion shortfall.

It happens to be the first Wednesday of the month -- the day a majority of Social Security recipients get their checks.

Things wouldn't improve much as the days pass. Aug. 4 would create an additional $6 billion deficit, followed by $5 billion more on Aug. 5. The first major interest payment to creditors would be due Aug. 15 -- $29 billion, more than the $22 billion due to arrive that day in revenue.

Treasury also must roll over more than $500 billion in debt over the course of August -- necessitating auctions which might have fewer takers than usual. If demand declines, interest rates would rise, triggering the start of a potential market meltdown.

Now as directly related to the topic of this post, is Obama lying when he says that there was no “guarantee” or that there “may” not be enough money to pay out Social Security checks. What about the "lock box" as has been asked.

Can President Obama keep paying Social Security benefits even if the debt ceiling is reached?

The Congressional Research Service has also explored this question in a series of reports this year. The answer is unfortunately inconclusive and buried in a footnote: “Under normal procedures Treasury pays Social Security benefits from the General Fund and offsets this by redeeming an equivalent amount of the trust funds’ holdings of government debt. In order to pay Social Security benefits, and depending on the government’s cash position at the time, Treasury may need to issue new public debt to raise the cash needed to pay benefits. Treasury may be unable to issue new public debt, however, because of the debt limit. Social Security benefit payments may be delayed or jeopardized if the Treasury does not have enough cash on hand to pay benefits.”

However, if Treasury can use the Social Security bonds to pay Social Security bonds, potentially that could open up the question of whether other nonmarketable securities – such as $700 billion in Civil Service funds – could be temporarily redeemed to raise cash. However, the legal link between these funds and other functions of government does not appear as strong as between Social Security trust funds and Social Security benefits.

Late Tuesday night, however, the Treasury Department cast serious doubt on whether it was feasible to keep paying Social Security benefits if the debt limit had been breached.

“This type of financial engineering is untested, may not work, and is of questionable legality,” a Treasury official told us. “It is not feasible for Treasury to borrow from the public, each day, the precise amount of Social Security payments due without breaching the debt limit. In addition, it is questionable whether it is legal to redeem Social Security trust fund assets in advance of payments. Moreover, this presumes that Treasury will have full access to the financial markets if the debt limit is not raised.”

"Inconclusive." "Evolving language." Those are big red flags to my skeptical mind. Although I wouldn't go as far as Nuke did in his characterization of Obama's actions. There is only a longshot way out if the debt ceiling isn't raised:

But others, including Jason J. Fichtner, a former deputy Social Security administrator during the Bush administration now at George Mason University, believes this explanation is unsatisfactory. He notes that Social Security holds $2.6 trillion in special-issue Treasury securities. Those bonds are part of the $14.3 trillion debt amassed by the U.S. government, and benefits are paid out of those securities.

So, the theory goes, if Treasury redeemed the needed Social Security bonds, and issued new marketable Treasury bonds to make good on the Social Security bonds, it would be a one for one swap and the debt ceiling would not be increased.

There is a technical wrinkle involving the fact that payroll taxes that are collected are supposed to be immediately turned into Treasury securities, but there could be ways around that, such as putting the monies in a noninterest bearing account, as during the 1985 debt crisis. “Although some of the Secretary’s actions appear in retrospect to have been in violation of the requirements of the Social Security Act, we cannot say that the Secretary acted unreasonably given the extraordinary situation in which he was operating,” the General Accounting Office later concluded.

The thing is, this debate has already been settled. Moody and Standard & Poors are threatening to downgrade our bond rating, which will send our interest rates skyrocketing and sink the economy. The Chamber of Commerce and the Business Roundtable straight up told the Republicans to pass the debt limit and Mitch McConnell jumped up and said how high.

Listen people, there is simply idealism, and then there is pragmatism. The idealism of the Tea Party is out of step with the majority of Americans. Even Newsmax says "Debt Debate Strains Tea Party-Business Ties." The Republican party set up and funded the Tea Party in order for extremists (and we've seen exactly who they are in this thread) to blow off steam thinking their accomplishing something. You've been effectively corralled. This Debt Ceiling Debacle is your Waterloo.


New Member
Oct 21, 2009
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Clover, SC
Nuke, I was talking to John. I'll reply anyway.

You said, "There is murder, then there is killing another man during self defense, war, and crimes."

The commandment is: Thou shalt not kill.

If the word of God is indeed absolute, then it is NOT open to your interpretation. Thou shalt not kill means - thou shalt not kill. It does NOT mean "thou shalt not kill, except when the occasion merits it." War of any kind is in open defiance of that commandment. I'm not even a believer and this is obvious to me. Jesus taught to turn the other cheek, even in the face of death. It's quite clear that this lesson he personally taught by using himself as an example. I thought the whole idea behind Christianity was to strive to be Christ-like, not to bend it to your liking.

By the standards of what defines a nation under God - in action, I would agree with you that the United States government is a blasphemous shit-pit. I will also say that judging by those standards, there has NEVER been a government that has met those standards. Ever, in history.

Actually John is right. It does say Thou Shalt Not Kill, but in Ecclesiastics it talks about how there is a time for peace, a time for war, a time to kill, a time to embrace ... etc (it's where The Byrds got that famous song from the 60's)...

The command is not to take someone's life in a murderous way. If it pertained to all loss of life, war included - it would be rather comical trying to justify how God commanded his people to kill different tribes of people on their way to the Promised Land.