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Active Member
Jan 24, 2009
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You mean Neuticals?

Neuticals! thats hilarious! You know if I would have pressed the issue for the dog, I probably would have had to look for some "Neuticals" for myself. The wife wasn't too impressed when I asked if they had 5X large size so the dog would impress the motorists driving by.


Senior Member
Dec 7, 2009
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His name is Sherman. I call him The Shermanator.
He is getting neutered tomorrow morning. You should have seen the vets face when I asked about getting him silicone implants.......... priceless. My wifes face? Well you can only imagine. It was of course the sick face/stink eye combo.
That would make a nice "set" of earrings for the wife.


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Dec 7, 2009
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New Member
Dec 25, 2009
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Thank you. Your dogs are pretty cool. Cocker pups are 1 of the cutest puppies. I hear they are a bit moody. Is that true?

as in very unstable? yeah they are very unstable, either they are very happy and excited or very sad. They need a lot of attention.

But they do great make buddys cuz they like attention like i said. At least mine does :p Whenever someone enters the house she comes running to greet them lol. Whenever someone gives her attention she just lays on the floor with her belly up hoping someone will play with her xD Shame she's got no brests anymore, cuz she had some kind of brest cancer, and had to get them removed. I was worried back then but now shes fine :) Getting old though, she can't climb the bed and the couch anymore alone :\ She's not as spunky as she was before :\ makes me sad ...

But oh well she's fine now thankfully


Senior Member
Dec 7, 2009
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as in very unstable? yeah they are very unstable, either they are very happy and excited or very sad. They need a lot of attention.

But they do great make buddys cuz they like attention like i said. At least mine does :p Whenever someone enters the house she comes running to greet them lol. Whenever someone gives her attention she just lays on the floor with her belly up hoping someone will play with her xD Shame she's got no brests anymore, cuz she had some kind of brest cancer, and had to get them removed. I was worried back then but now shes fine :) Getting old though, she can't climb the bed and the couch anymore alone :\ She's not as spunky as she was before :\ makes me sad ...

But oh well she's fine now thankfully

Long live our fury friends


Well-Known Member
Dec 13, 2008
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22 Acacia Avenue
nice dogs man!

sometimes I crank my iPod with malmsteen at school and people get pissed off lol


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May 2, 2008
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Between Memphis and Nashville
Remember, all this canine security comes at a price. There was a thread not too long ago about a dog pissing on a 1960 cab!

Here's one of my ferocious guard dogs. Seriously, you don't want to mess with this guy. He's exactly 48" long from his nose to the tip of his tail and stands 13" high at the shoulders. We found him when he was a pup at my mother-in-law's house. His name is Shiloh buy my friend calls him Alligator.



Senior Member
Dec 7, 2009
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Remember, all this canine security comes at a price. There was a thread not too long ago about a dog pissing on a 1960 cab!

Here's one of my ferocious guard dogs. Seriously, you don't want to mess with this guy. He's exactly 48" long from his nose to the tip of his tail and stands 13" high at the shoulders. We found him when he was a pup at my mother-in-law's house. His name is Shiloh buy my friend calls him Alligator.

He looks as if he has the security well in hand.


Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2009
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It's pretty funny that 9 out of 10 guitarists like dogs a lot! I'm one of the guy's that likes dogs too :D
I'll post a pic of my dog too pretty soon, mine is a 3 yr old french bulldog.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 6, 2009
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I haven't had a dog in about ten years, due to the fact that it's not practical right now. My first was a fox terrier. We named her Snoopy. She was a really good dog and I grew up with her until one day she got walloped by a car. Still miss her a lot.

Last dog was Ivan the Terrible...JRT. Wow. I thought Snoopy had a lot of energy, but Ivan was all that and a bag of chips. He was a lot of fun but he got mean and nipped my brother in the nose.....that was the last straw after escaping for 'Walkabout' in the neighborhood and biting passers-by in the process, thus living up to his full namesake. He ended up in a 'group home' for troubled dogs in SoCal.


Senior Member
Dec 7, 2009
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I haven't had a dog in about ten years, due to the fact that it's not practical right now. My first was a fox terrier. We named her Snoopy. She was a really good dog and I grew up with her until one day she got walloped by a car. Still miss her a lot.

Last dog was Ivan the Terrible...JRT. Wow. I thought Snoopy had a lot of energy, but Ivan was all that and a bag of chips. He was a lot of fun but he got mean and nipped my brother in the nose.....that was the last straw after escaping for 'Walkabout' in the neighborhood and biting passers-by in the process, thus living up to his full namesake. He ended up in a 'group home' for troubled dogs in SoCal.

That sux Thrawn. I have one shepherd ( the bottom pic ) that is very protective. Shes not a mean dog. She loves her family and does well with the kids. But if you arent part of her inner circle you better watch out. I dont walk her much for fear of her bitting someone. I do run her twice a week but I do it in a fenced in school yard and never when that school was open on that day. As I said in an earlier post, her vet does not like dealing with her. Its a lot of work to have her. Many precautions are in place. I keep her upstairs with a a big wooden baby gate at the stairs. That way if someone comes to the door she is isolated and wont get to them. To friend her (as my girl friend did) takes much work and a lot of french fries. Shes a great and loving friend and is my shadow. She makes sure no one gets to my Marshalls and LP's.


Well-Known Member
Aug 6, 2009
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The whole 'protection' thing is understandable. My sister in law had an Akita that never liked me. My S I L was the 'Alpha'; anything she did or said went. Her parents and my wife were like peripherals, and her brother was like the dog's equal. But when I came in, since it hadn't always known me, It growled and occasionally barked at me. After about a year it finally.....sorta.....warmed up to me. But I know it's about territory and pack mentality for most of those dogs.

Cardiac Tom

Dec 16, 2009
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Woodridge, IL
Here was my killer dog, Guinness...


I had to give him up when things went south for me back in 06...He is with my friend now in AZ, so he is in good hands...

I used to live in a real small town...and one night, my car got busted into...I mean, all of us in the neighborhood left our cars unlocked, keys in the ignition, whatever...I was going to work one morning and noticed my empty cigarette boxes were on the floor of the car...thought nothing of it...As I was on my way to work, I got to the tollbooth and reached for my change was gone...then I noticed a pack of gum was gone...

Found out later it was some kids and they hit every car on our street...

Funny thing was, I had a laptop in the back, my leather jacket, and a book full of CD's...They took change and gum, while looking for Dumb kids...

Guinness used to bark when he sensed someone coming to the door or in the driveway...didn't do it that night...

The only harm he'd do to anyone is lick them to


New Member
Dec 25, 2009
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Here was my killer dog, Guinness...


I had to give him up when things went south for me back in 06...He is with my friend now in AZ, so he is in good hands...

I used to live in a real small town...and one night, my car got busted into...I mean, all of us in the neighborhood left our cars unlocked, keys in the ignition, whatever...I was going to work one morning and noticed my empty cigarette boxes were on the floor of the car...thought nothing of it...As I was on my way to work, I got to the tollbooth and reached for my change was gone...then I noticed a pack of gum was gone...

Found out later it was some kids and they hit every car on our street...

Funny thing was, I had a laptop in the back, my leather jacket, and a book full of CD's...They took change and gum, while looking for Dumb kids...

Guinness used to bark when he sensed someone coming to the door or in the driveway...didn't do it that night...

The only harm he'd do to anyone is lick them to

haha ! xD My dogs bark a lot too whenever they sense anyone is near the house and i live in a flat. When there is people in the stairs they bark always.

But they are the cutest things ever, the only harm they could do would be licking the people too xD You got to watch out whenever you're tired and open your mouth to ... (sorry i dont know the verb to use here in english o.o?). Well you get the idea i think you know what i mean. Well whenever you do that my dog trys to lick your mouth on the inside , you gotta be careful xD I've had some unpleasant kisses from her xD


Senior Member
Dec 7, 2009
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Here was my killer dog, Guinness...


I had to give him up when things went south for me back in 06...He is with my friend now in AZ, so he is in good hands...

I used to live in a real small town...and one night, my car got busted into...I mean, all of us in the neighborhood left our cars unlocked, keys in the ignition, whatever...I was going to work one morning and noticed my empty cigarette boxes were on the floor of the car...thought nothing of it...As I was on my way to work, I got to the tollbooth and reached for my change was gone...then I noticed a pack of gum was gone...

Found out later it was some kids and they hit every car on our street...

Funny thing was, I had a laptop in the back, my leather jacket, and a book full of CD's...They took change and gum, while looking for Dumb kids...

Guinness used to bark when he sensed someone coming to the door or in the driveway...didn't do it that night...

The only harm he'd do to anyone is lick them to

Heres to Guinness


Senior Member
Dec 7, 2009
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haha ! xD My dogs bark a lot too whenever they sense anyone is near the house and i live in a flat. When there is people in the stairs they bark always.

But they are the cutest things ever, the only harm they could do would be licking the people too xD You got to watch out whenever you're tired and open your mouth to ... (sorry i dont know the verb to use here in english o.o?). Well you get the idea i think you know what i mean. Well whenever you do that my dog trys to lick your mouth on the inside , you gotta be careful xD I've had some unpleasant kisses from her xD

LOL Sounds pretty French to me.

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