The Official Marshall Origin 50 Thread

  • Thread starter MarshallDog
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Well-Known Member
Dec 7, 2009
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I was just playing it a bit more and at lower volumes but crank it and I get that a scratchy crackly under tone. Its either a bad pre or power tube. I may try some different tubes while Im waiting for the replacement. I can swap these and then reinstall the bad ones once the new amp comes in with no one knowing!!!

Good plan throw a whole set of tubes in there and see if it gets better, at least you know the amp sounds good in general. :yesway:


Well-Known Member
Nov 28, 2010
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Good plan throw a whole set of tubes in there and see if it gets better, at least you know the amp sounds good in general. :yesway:

Its really amazing sounding and I know it will sound even better with Mullards and angood Creamback. The stock speaker just looks cheap. Sounds good but Im a Greenback Creamback guy.


Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2010
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Mine arrived today. Pretty disappointed after the first meeting. Sounds like a big class 5 (ie like shit)


Feb 19, 2018
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Different strokes for different folks. Some will love it, some will hate it. Just depends on what you’re looking for. At least he’s tried it in person and is not railing about how bad it is from online videos!


Active Member
Apr 13, 2018
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50w head should be here next week :)

Mine arrived today. Pretty disappointed after the first meeting. Sounds like a big class 5 (ie like shit)

Doh!!! Care to share what cabs/speakers and guitars you used? Glad to hear hands on reports good or bad; at least it's tangible.

It doesn't help my unresolved G.A.S. that Sweetwater is blowing out DSL 40c for $399; while best guess is mid May for my pre order Origin 50h.. Ahhhhh waiting for gear and passing time on TGP: a match made in somewhere horrible. :)

On a plus note; I am grabbing the 1960a UK cab I bought on eBay this Thursday after work! So whenever Origin gets here; I be ready..

Till then; my Friedman and PRS amps are getting extra play time :)


Well-Known Member
Nov 28, 2010
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Mine arrived today. Pretty disappointed after the first meeting. Sounds like a big class 5 (ie like shit)

Really, what guitar you using?

Why dont you like it, amp what is it about the tone you dont like?

I ha e not played my Strat through it but my LPSs are to die for.


Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2010
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R8 with wcr dark bursts
R9 with throbak sle101+mxv
R7 with ECP hybrids

I also tried my MM LP and Es339 but I’m a Les Paul player 90% of the time so that’s what I focused on.

Cabs: Avatar 412 creambacks and Avatar 212 G12Ms

For comparison sake, I already have a YJM100 which is a 1959 SL type circuit. I love that amp. Outside of vintage, it’s probably everything I’d want.

The origin sounds nothing like the yjm. At all.

Like the class 5, the high end has that on the verge of can of bees type sound. The bass is weak and gets farty quick. You won’t be getting that fat SIBLY F-G-Bb-C roar. No joke the origin sounds more like my class 5 than my yjm. In fact, my haze40 is more to my liking. The Origin sounds more like an EL84 driven amp.

And the tilt? Well I play my 4 holer jumped. I find the tilt on anything above maybe 10:00 and it gets ice picky. The frequency must be piercing because my dog started howling - something she’s never done when I play my YJM.

I’ll admit I’m disappointed. I don’t claim to be a Marshall expert or a good guitar player. I was hoping it would be a cheaper alternative to lugging my yjm out to bars, but they don’t sound anything alike. In the interest of disclosure, this was a first impression. I fully intend on really messing with the settings before I write it off.


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2009
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detroit rock city
Im not surprised at all by listening to all the demos. There misleading because they look like a plexi and sound like a class 5. Speaker prb a huge issue
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Well-Known Member
Sep 14, 2016
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This was my fear as well .But dosent the power stem bring it way down so you can crank it like a plexi?


Sep 14, 2017
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I've got a class 5 too and the Origin 20h has way more treble to it than the Class 5 and a much richer thicker sound. I've been playing on low power, master:7, treble 3-4 mid:6 bass:5 tilt:3 preamp: 7 boost on and off. Sometimes a little Roll off on the guitar tone pot. Sound thick and bass enough to rattle my floor. Does a way better job than a class 5 which i've never actually liked. Class 5 sounds like a woolly blanket or if you get a Free kind of tone which treble up and bass down it removes the woolliness but has no bass to it.

I've found the Origin much easier to get a Free type crunch to great singing harmonic lead. Master on 10 is not so good, sounds nice 7-8.5 and same for preamp. Too high on the preamp and it'll get thinner so you'll need to adjust volume and tone on your guitar to thicken it and clean it up but it'll sound good. have a YJM100...come on that amp rocks. Are you surprised you are not so happy with an Origin when you have one of those to play with?! You'll be so used to that amp as well with all it's EL34s and big power transformers. Lovely.
Apr 20, 2018
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I have nothing but good things to say about the origin,i have a 20h into a sliver jubilee cab, Gibson sg 61 reissue , to me this is a much better sound than my 2525h jubilee head , much more old school (and I know because I am old ha ha ) I have played both the class5 amp and the haze amp that the other poster mentioned, and this amp is much better than they are there is no comparison, mine has all the bass in the world and then some and that FAT marshall crunch that has failed to show up in these past amps . put a good OD pedal in front and you can cover anything. hey just another perspective...


Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2010
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Of course.

But even the Haze40 is voiced closer to a plexi than an origin.

I’m not wowed yet but I’m not giving up. This is NOT a plug and play amp

I've got a class 5 too and the Origin 20h has way more treble to it than the Class 5 and a much richer thicker sound. I've been playing on low power, master:7, treble 3-4 mid:6 bass:5 tilt:3 preamp: 7 boost on and off. Sometimes a little Roll off on the guitar tone pot. Sound thick and bass enough to rattle my floor. Does a way better job than a class 5 which i've never actually liked. Class 5 sounds like a woolly blanket or if you get a Free kind of tone which treble up and bass down it removes the woolliness but has no bass to it.

I've found the Origin much easier to get a Free type crunch to great singing harmonic lead. Master on 10 is not so good, sounds nice 7-8.5 and same for preamp. Too high on the preamp and it'll get thinner so you'll need to adjust volume and tone on your guitar to thicken it and clean it up but it'll sound good. have a YJM100...come on that amp rocks. Are you surprised you are not so happy with an Origin when you have one of those to play with?! You'll be so used to that amp as well with all it's EL34s and big power transformers. Lovely.


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2015
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Puget Sound
Of course.

But even the Haze40 is voiced closer to a plexi than an origin.

I’m not wowed yet but I’m not giving up. This is NOT a plug and play amp

Doesn't sound like the Origin is the right amp for you. Not sure what genre you play but my guess is the amp is not high gain enough for you.

A new amp should be no fuss, inspire you, and make you a better player in time. The Origin is not doing that for you. Just send it back and do the research for what you want. There are to many great amps on the market to be unhappy.

FWIW personally I find the Origin 50 a great value and very simple. One of the better amps @ <$650. Comparisons to a $2600 YJM are ridiculous.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2010
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Doesn't sound like the Origin is the right amp for you. Not sure what genre you play but my guess is the amp is not high gain enough for you.

A new amp should be no fuss, inspire you, and make you a better player in time. The Origin is not doing that for you. Just send it back and do the research for what you want. There are to many great amps on the market to be unhappy.

FWIW personally I find the Origin 50 a great value and very simple. One of the better amps @ <$650. Comparisons to a $2600 YJM are ridiculous.

I never thought it would be a YJM. I was looking for a SL style amp that doesn’t weigh 64lbs and doesn’t cost $2000 to replace.

I’d use the Haze but it shines thru different speakers, which makes it a moot point if I have bring a 212 AND a combo.

The origin is not very plexi like at all. For a 50w el34 Marshall, it sounds remarkable like an EL84 driven amp.


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Apr 23, 2010
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On the back 9
Having seen MarshallDog's photos of the speaker, that would go straight in the spares box and a 65w Creamback would go in. The magnet on that stock speaker looks like the MG speakers....about forty bucks worth.


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2015
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Puget Sound

I never thought it would be a YJM. I was looking for a SL style amp that doesn’t weigh 64lbs and doesn’t cost $2000 to replace.

I’d use the Haze but it shines thru different speakers, which makes it a moot point if I have bring a 212 AND a combo.

The origin is not very plexi like at all. For a 50w el34 Marshall, it sounds remarkable like an EL84 driven amp.

Every member here probably has a different description of what the plexi sound is. To me it starts with 100 watts with the signature clean headroom where the distortion is made in the power valves not the preamp.

Finding a light weight amp that can project true plexi is challenge. Others like Suhr, Fargen have tried it but I'm not convinced.

This is one of many reason I went Kemper back in 2013. Kemper comes in at 3lbs.

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