The Official Marshall Origin 50 Thread

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Gold Supporting Member
Aug 8, 2008
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This amp circuit needs to be fingered and fought for tone. That is the relation to plexi.

Pedal it and it gets punchier and hotter.

Guitarists are going to have have to work a bit for sweetness.

I want to hear how sustain and response feels. If workable? Let's get it on.


Active Member
Apr 13, 2018
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Anyone who has one of these sorted out the contradicting info on the line out?

Marshall says it's speaker emulation baked in. Tom Quayle review; he makes a point of saying it does NOT have speaker emulation "baked in" and you can use the line out with your IR collection..

Opposite statements! Which one is true?
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Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2008
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Calgary, Canada
Anyone who has one of these sorted out the contradicting info on the line out?

Marshall says it's speaker emulation baked in. Tom Quayle review; he makes a point of saying it does NOT have speaker emulation "baked in" and you can use the line out with your IR collection..

Opposite statements! Which one is true?
I would go with Marshall's statement... I mean they did make the amp.


Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2008
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Calgary, Canada
I want to hear how sustain and response feels. If workable? Let's get it on.

You need to try it in person man. No offence to the regulars here but my in person experience even at low volume was not what most people here are saying.

In other words, very responsive and great sustain... depends on the guitar and pickups as well, but yea, each to thier own....


New Member
May 11, 2018
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Hey guys,

I actually just made an account to chime in here as I've been following this thread for the last week or so in anticipation for my 50w Origin Head. Well I got it yesterday and here's my initial thoughts:

This thing gets really loud. I'm running it through my Line 6/Bogner 4x12 with V30's so I'm pretty familiar with the sound. I noticed that one could probably get away with running it in the lowest power setting for most things before getting it to break up a ton. I live in an apartment, and for testing purposes I pushed this amp a little more than I do this Zinky Blue Velvet 50w head I've been using for several months. I put it in the 10w mode and 50w mode very briefly, and the headroom was just incredible. Once again, I wasn't able to push it, but just the clean sound alone was great. So, Marshall isn't kidding when they say that this amp is a great pedal platform because I feel it's transparent enough to take a lot of pedals, but still has a really cool, Marshally sort of color of its own.

I used a Tube Screamer in front of the amp and a TC HOF2 for some space, and I really dug the sound. At this point if I do take it back, it won't be because it's not a capable amp, because it totally is. It'll be because I don't really like pedals a whole lot and would much prefer not having to use one to get my core sound. That being said, I'm going to continue tinkering with this amp just because I see a lot of potential in it. The demos on Youtube are really trash so far, especially because nobody does a quality demo with a head/cab.

But I will say this, just because the new Tilt control exists, doesn't mean you should use it. To me it's really just a 2nd presence knob. I found myself turning the presence to about 10 O'clock and the Tilt to about 9 O'clock using my Musicman Cutlass. Also rolled back on the tone knob of the guitar a tad. Needless to say, this amp is BRIGHT! This is something I'm not really used to especially since the Zinky I've been borrowing from a friend is much smoother and darker (in an extremely pleasing way). Also, it seems to lack a bit of bottom end even with fairly dark settings and the bass cranked.

I want to take this to a buddy's house where I can crank the piss out of it, mic it up, and do a nice demo. Showing it dry and then somewhat processed because I'd be using this as a studio amp more than likely. If I end up doing that I'll share it here, but I just ask that you guys check it out for yourself, and don't let the low quality videos on Youtube discourage you from giving it a chance. This amp has a really cool character to it, and really gives a good player a chance to be expressive. Just be ready to at least use an overdrive to give it a tiny bit of extra juice.


Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2015
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Central Valley, CA
Friend texted me pics today, they got the 5 and the 50 combos in, he wanted my input. I haven't read this thread... haven't watched many videos, because the ones I did watch sounded like ass. Haven't read any reviews, other than a few here. So I did go in, with a little bit of negative bias.

I went in, and they pulled the 50 out of the box, so that's what I played.

From what I read online, its supposed to be a mix between a SLP and a Plexi. I didn't hear that while playing it. Maybe a little Plexi. Only after an hour of tweaking, and 4 different guys besides me playing it. This amp, takes a lot of dialing in, to find anything I remotely liked. Once I did... it sounded pretty good.

I brought my own pedalboard in, as I knew I was going to need it.

First impression, is this is not a bedroom amp. Its loud in every power mode. I don't really understand the power modes yet. I'm going to have to read more on this. My tube knowledge is pretty good. I'm not sure what they're doing here.

The Low and Medium power modes felt/sounded like a wet blanket was over the amp. I had to crank the treble boost on my OD pedals way past anything I'd use on what I have at home. Full power is where the amp opens up. Then, anything over 1... you're past bedroom level.

I believe I heard the speaker is a C-Type? So I'm assuming its a wannabe Creamback?

The Tilt control didn't work at first. We sat there turning it back and forth... not a bit of difference in the tone, at all. One of the guys looked it up, explained it... and I thought "Hhm... sounds like Presence." But, whatever. I was tweaking it when another guy was playing it. I turned it all the way to Zero and suddenly the guy playing, and I heard it shift. After that... the Tilt control was working and it does make the amp sound different. I think if I owned one... with humbuckers, I'd probably always have it wide open. Makes the amp just a bit brighter. I felt that was where it started to get some Plexi vibe.

The BMT do shape the sound well. The Gain is imo... worthless. Unless we had it in Full power mode, trying to get adequate gain with my pedals, for most anything I would play... made the amp sound a bit too overdriven. Sounded muddy. In Full power, since the amp sounded a bit more open, I was able to dial back a bit.

On cleaner stuff... it actually does sing pretty well. Harmonics sounded nice... good sustain (I was playing a Music Man Albert Lee... with a horrible setup, btw). Pinch harmonics, were a bit meh, though.

I think I read someone wrote the note decay is poor. I didn't really hear that. Notes seemed to ring out, with natural sustain and decay. However, in those Low/Mid power modes, its not as pronounced. Again... the wet blanket sound.

I had been interested in the 20 watt head... but I think I'm going to pass. I think someone that owns Marshalls, will most likely find it lacking. I'm sure some will like it. But, I think the majority will probably be more inclined to buy a DSL before this. On the clean channel, I believe a DSL will do everything this one will... and sound better.

I'm not sure what's going on, with the back panel. Its an open back, but then they've got a small board, and speaker grill covering the offset speaker. Weird. I didn't look for bias points, or anything. Don't even know what its tubed with.

Sorry I don't have more technical breakdown. Wanted to share my feelings and impressions, after playing it. I won't be buying one. My next amp, will actually probably be the mini Jubilee head. I've wanted a backup for my short box, and the 20 watts will be nice.
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Active Member
Jul 13, 2010
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Long time since I’ve posted here but recently come “back to the fold” with an Origin 50 combo.

First the good: the amp sounds great! Yes, it’s bright but the EQ is very effective and can be used to dial in the tone you want. I also found some of the brightness went away after around 4 hours play, to the point where my initial “I’m just gonna put a Creamback in” assumption is being challenged. It also looks great with the vintage Marshall styling (no corner protectors, thanks!) and seems to be well put together.

Now the bad and, frankly, downright weird. The speaker sockets don’t work as described.

1x 16ohm speaker (eg. the one in it!) connected to the 16 ohm socket = all good
1x 8ohm speaker connected to either of the 8 ohm sockets = all good
2x 16 ohm speakers connected to the two 8 ohm sockets (as per manual) = only sound from the speaker connected to socket #3

Yup, one of the 8 ohm sockets disconnects the other when you use them both. So you can’t run the internal speaker + an external or two external speakers.

I emailed Marshall and they say it’s a fault so I’ve taken the amp back to the store to be returned to Marshall for a fix. Whilst I was there, we tested all the Origin’s in stock (two 50W combos, a 20W combo and a 20W head) and they ALL have the exact same issue. Yup, even the head - won’t drive two cabs ...

The store are following up with Marshall but won’t get any news until next week. Has anyone else tried running two speakers/cabs with their Origin? Wondering if this is a fundamental design/manufacturing issue or simply an issue with a particular run ... hoping it’s a quick wiring fix and not a PCB that needs redrawing ...


Active Member
Apr 13, 2018
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I would go with Marshall's statement... I mean they did make the amp.

I would not make that assumption.. I mean; Tom Quayle made a point of saying that, very specifically. Marshall only mentions it in the manual but nowhere else..

Hence my question for those who have access to these already! :)

(someone test it, please? No clips required; just say yay or nay)

Just curious really. I have a Runt50 and sometimes wish I could bypass the cab sim; to run into Helix, thru IRs, etc.


Active Member
Apr 13, 2018
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The speaker sockets don’t work as described.

1x 16ohm speaker connected to the 16 ohm socket = all good

1x 8ohm speaker connected to either of the 8 ohm sockets = all good

2x 16 ohm speakers connected to the two 8 ohm sockets (as per manual) = only sound from the speaker connected to socket #3

Yup, one of the 8 ohm sockets disconnects the other when you use them both. So you can’t run the internal speaker + an external or two external speakers.

I emailed Marshall and they say it’s a fault so I’ve taken the amp back to the store to be returned to Marshall for a fix. Whilst I was there, we tested all the Origin’s in stock (two 50W combos, a 20W combo and a 20W head) and they ALL have the exact same issue. Yup, even the head - won’t drive two cabs ...

The store are following up with Marshall but won’t get any news until next week. Has anyone else tried running two speakers/cabs with their Origin? .

Yeah; that's not the first report of this that I have read either.. Dang!!!!!!

My guess is that explains why it's taking so long to get these in at Sweetwater..

Thinking I might want to ask my rep to test two 16ohm cabs at same time on my 50h preorder before they ship it..

Don't know if they would catch that as part of a routine inspection, if they weren't thinking it was a problem.

Bummer- but thanks for reporting that! Curious to hear what you hear from Marshall next week. I am still really psyched to check one out; keeping my pre order till whenever it comes in!


Active Member
Jul 13, 2010
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Yeah; that's not the first report of this that I have read either.. Dang!!!!!!

My guess is that explains why it's taking so long to get these in at Sweetwater..

Thinking I might want to ask my rep to test two 16ohm cabs at same time on my 50h preorder before they ship it..

Don't know if they would catch that as part of a routine inspection, if they weren't thinking it was a problem.

Bummer- but thanks for reporting that! Curious to hear what you hear from Marshall next week. I am still really psyched to check one out; keeping my pre order till whenever it comes in!

Yikes! I couldn’t find any other reports online but if you’ve heard the same elsewhere then I guess it could be a more fundamental design issue ? That’d be bad ... I’m still in the 30 day “no quibble exchange” period with the store so if it’s gonna be 6 months for a fix I might just exchange it for something else but I do really like the tone of the amp so would prefer to get it sorted. Will report back when I know more!


Active Member
Jul 13, 2010
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Friend texted me pics today, they got the 5 and the 50 combos in, he wanted my input. I haven't read this thread... haven't watched many videos, because the ones I did watch sounded like ass. Haven't read any reviews, other than a few here. So I did go in, with a little bit of negative bias.

I went in, and they pulled the 50 out of the box, so that's what I played.

From what I read online, its supposed to be a mix between a SLP and a Plexi. I didn't hear that while playing it. Maybe a little Plexi. Only after an hour of tweaking, and 4 different guys besides me playing it. This amp, takes a lot of dialing in, to find anything I remotely liked. Once I did... it sounded pretty good.

I brought my own pedalboard in, as I knew I was going to need it.

First impression, is this is not a bedroom amp. Its loud in every power mode. I don't really understand the power modes yet. I'm going to have to read more on this. My tube knowledge is pretty good. I'm not sure what they're doing here.

The Low and Medium power modes felt/sounded like a wet blanket was over the amp. I had to crank the treble boost on my OD pedals way past anything I'd use on what I have at home. Full power is where the amp opens up. Then, anything over 1... you're past bedroom level.

I believe I heard the speaker is a C-Type? So I'm assuming its a wannabe Creamback?

The Tilt control didn't work at first. We sat there turning it back and forth... not a bit of difference in the tone, at all. One of the guys looked it up, explained it... and I thought "Hhm... sounds like Presence." But, whatever. I was tweaking it when another guy was playing it. I turned it all the way to Zero and suddenly the guy playing, and I heard it shift. After that... the Tilt control was working and it does make the amp sound different. I think if I owned one... with humbuckers, I'd probably always have it wide open. Makes the amp just a bit brighter. I felt that was where it started to get some Plexi vibe.

The BMT do shape the sound well. The Gain is imo... worthless. Unless we had it in Full power mode, trying to get adequate gain with my pedals, for most anything I would play... made the amp sound a bit too overdriven. Sounded muddy. In Full power, since the amp sounded a bit more open, I was able to dial back a bit.

On cleaner stuff... it actually does sing pretty well. Harmonics sounded nice... good sustain (I was playing a Music Man Albert Lee... with a horrible setup, btw). Pinch harmonics, were a bit meh, though.

I think I read someone wrote the note decay is poor. I didn't really hear that. Notes seemed to ring out, with natural sustain and decay. However, in those Low/Mid power modes, its not as pronounced. Again... the wet blanket sound.

I had been interested in the 20 watt head... but I think I'm going to pass. I think someone that owns Marshalls, will most likely find it lacking. I'm sure some will like it. But, I think the majority will probably be more inclined to buy a DSL before this. On the clean channel, I believe a DSL will do everything this one will... and sound better.

I'm not sure what's going on, with the back panel. Its an open back, but then they've got a small board, and speaker grill covering the offset speaker. Weird. I didn't look for bias points, or anything. Don't even know what its tubed with.

Sorry I don't have more technical breakdown. Wanted to share my feelings and impressions, after playing it. I won't be buying one. My next amp, will actually probably be the mini Jubilee head. I've wanted a backup for my short box, and the 20 watts will be nice.

IMO, if you want a very vintage Marshall - like a 1962 Bluesbreaker / JTM45 or the little 18W combo / 2061 (?) head - which pretty much does clean until you get the power tubes cooking then the Origin will be right up your street for a lot less money. The Boost feature is enough to get you a little more poke but this is not a pre-amp gain amp, it’s very much like my old Bluesbreaker in that you have to gun it to get breakup ... although the master volume and power scaling make it a bit easier to add in more of preamp section if desired or overdrive the power amp at lower volumes. Personally I find the best tones using a mix of the two but, as with a Bluesbreaker, you need a pedal to kick it into a proper crunch.

If you want a more modern, higher gain Marshall (DSL, Jubilee ... or, indeed, any Master Volume model) then this is not the amp for you.


Active Member
Apr 13, 2018
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Yikes! I couldn’t find any other reports online but if you’ve heard the same elsewhere then I guess it could be a more fundamental design issue ? That’d be bad ... I’m still in the 30 day “no quibble exchange” period with the store so if it’s gonna be 6 months for a fix I might just exchange it for something else but I do really like the tone of the amp so would prefer to get it sorted. Will report back when I know more!

It took me a minute; found the post on TGP:

"The Origin 20w head that I tried a week ago and returned due to the second 8ohm speaker jack not working has been returned to the shop after it's been fixed by Marshall. I'm heading down there tomorrow with my two cab setup to retest it and maybe bring it home. As it's now not 'new' (although I'm the only person who has played it) the shop are offering it to me for £400 rather than £459..."


Well-Known Member
Nov 28, 2010
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But I will say this, just because the new Tilt control exists, doesn't mean you should use it. To me it's really just a 2nd presence knob. I found myself turning the presence to about 10 O'clock and the Tilt to about 9 O'clock using my Musicman Cutlass. Also rolled back on the tone knob of the guitar a tad. Needless to say, this amp is BRIGHT! This is something I'm not really used to especially since the Zinky I've been borrowing from a friend is much smoother and darker (in an extremely pleasing way). Also, it seems to lack a bit of bottom end even with fairly dark settings and the bass cranked.

My exact experience also. I run my settings a out the same. I am putting an Eminence Swamp Thang in her once it gets here to hopefully add more low end and reduce some briteness. Ill report back once its in.


Active Member
Apr 13, 2018
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I simply cannot wait get my replacement amp next week and put Mullard EL34s in it.

I am looking at getting Mullard EL34's - which ones? (hard / blue ; soft / red ; medium / green)

EDIT- this is what I found:

"Soft tubes reach saturation and break-up quicker. These tubes have lower plate current (Ip) and transconductance (Gm) matching numbers. They are preferred by blues guitarists for the break-up and sustain they provide.

Hard tubes have the highest amount of clean headroom before break-up and distortion. These tubes have high plate current (Ip) and transconductance (Gm) matching numbers. They take longer to reach saturation and are preferred by jazz, country, and bass players. Hard tubes are also used by guitarists who rely primarily on effects pedals to generate distortion.

Medium tubes fall in between soft tubes and hard tubes. They exhibit good headroom, but will break up and distort when pushed. These tubes have plate current (Ip) and transconductance (Gm) matching numbers in the middle of the range. Classic rock guitarists and players who play a wide variety of styles generally use medium rated tubes."
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Active Member
Apr 13, 2018
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I get them from The Tube Store and I just order what they have. I don’t believe they have these options.

Right on! I was looking at tube store, and trying to sort out what that corresponded to on musicians friend. I'm holding onto my Sweetwater preorder for the 50w head; but also just ordered a 20w head from gtr ctr online (they have stock of 20w and 50w, heads and combos); should have it by mid next week, and figured it might not be a bad idea to have some tubes on hand as well!

Ordered a matched pair of soft mullard EL34, and a matched pair of JJ's just to have 'em. The Ruby's are also JJ's, just with a better warranty but they were not in stock.
Also have some preamp tubes inbound, in sets of three; Mullard, Ruby, Tung Sol, and EH


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2015
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My exact experience also. I run my settings a out the same. I am putting an Eminence Swamp Thang in her once it gets here to hopefully add more low end and reduce some briteness. Ill report back once its in.

Hey Dawg...what made you go for the Emi Swamp Thing ?


Active Member
Apr 13, 2018
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I would go with Marshall's statement... I mean they did make the amp.

Looks like you are correct! :) Good call mate. Marshall manual FTW!

I heard back on that question from someone on TGP who had done some recording and tube swaps; said the preamp tube change improved the DI quality:

(what's up with that Tom Quayle??? got me all worked up on using IR's)
