The photography thread.

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Jethro Rocker

Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2011
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Saskatoon, Canada
Wow! That's some serious work!
I never shoot raw or understand these post processing.
Other than the default auto-enhance I hardly do anything.
Most of my moon shots are same as Vin's, too far white and no details to show anyone.

Thanks for the tips DoD !
Shoot raw!
I use Lightroom for post processing, not real photoshop complex. Add clarity, adjust white balance and some of the other features of yoir camera afterwards. It's not that bad and very handy.

Jethro Rocker

Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2011
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Saskatoon, Canada
First is color, shadows adjusted about the same as it was shot.
Second is darker shaows on right and very soft clarity.
Third is lighter shadows and lots of clarity.
Same shot, different treatments via lightroom using shadows and clarity.




Dogs of Doom

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Aug 2, 2012
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Los Angeles
I had made up a raw vs jpg info shot. Let me see if I can find it...

ok, here it is... In this example, I had my camera set up, for shooting something in the dark, the night before, so, I set the camera on manual, & high ISO, opened up for bright exposure.

I saw these vagrants across the street, & wanted to get a few shots of them, &... the 1st shot was way over-exposed. The left hand represents the image as shot. On the right, I, in Canon DPP (raw converter), I did some quick adjustments & it's fine. Looks natural.

On the bottom, I opened up the jpg copy & once again, on the left, is the image as shot. On the right, is photoshop adjustments to try & get it as good as possible...

PAUL0748 copy.png

The information just isn't there. I spent probably 10x's the time trying to get the jpg fixed, & w/o satisfactory results...

In this extreme example, it shows the power of raw to "fix", but... even in cases where you don't necessarily need to fix it, it can help you get the best imaging w/ the most detail, to your pleasure...

Look at the gradients, in the parking lot, & on the wall. So much more detail. The contrast is much smoother, on the subjects. I shrunk these down for this, but, I could blow them up, & the detail difference in the subjects would be just night & day...
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Dogs of Doom

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Aug 2, 2012
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Los Angeles
Lovely shot!
She dances too much to my liking, my boy is a fan tho'
So much so, he got a violin and is getting lessons.
yeah, I'm not much for all the dance either... her playing, amidst all the acrobatics though, is spot on...

she plays a good mix of arpeggios, melodies & harmonies & constantly interweaves them. IMO, her live performance is way better than her over produced album stuff. The productions on her albums, IMO, are not flattering to the music...
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Dogs of Doom

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Aug 2, 2012
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Los Angeles
tonight, I got a wild hair...

I bought some LED lights:

So far, I've installed 2. One in my garage, as my old fluorescent lights were going dim. The ballasts were weak. I saw this 4 pack & thought, what the hell, they're LED (whiter light) & if one doesn't do it, I've got 4. I threw one up & it actually lights the garage up well, although, I still plan on adding a 2nd. I decided to put one in my shed, all I have to do, is quick run mu extension cord out & instant bright light...

So, anyway... I have 2 sitting around waiting to be put to use, & earlier today, I thought about trying them for product style shots, but, of course, on my guitar. A quick 5 minute setup & shoot, got me this:

B73I5202 copy.jpg

for the shot, I simply leaned up the 2 lights against my amp, so they'd light the front of the guitar, but not too far out front.

Compared to a shot I did w/ my 6' parabolic umbrella outside on the back patio: (mid-day, in the shade)

B73I5060- copy.jpg

for this one, the large parabolic was off right. You can see the highlights in the knobs. That's the angle from where the source is from. Up & camera right.

I could probably make the fluorescent one brighten up a bit, but, I didn't even look at the other image for reference...
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Dogs of Doom

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Aug 2, 2012
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Los Angeles
That's a nice lookin' Les Paul, Paul.
Thanks Vin...

Interesting how different the light looks. The tubes are definitely flat, compared to the umbrella. The color pops on the umbrella, also... the saturation might be a little exaggerated on it. Not really by choice. I think I actually tamed it down a little, from the capture...

I need to quit being so lazy & get out my lights & do it right. Probably should do it for all my guitars...


Motivational Speaker
VIP Member
Oct 19, 2012
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Thanks Vin...

Interesting how different the light looks. The tubes are definitely flat, compared to the umbrella. The color pops on the umbrella, also... the saturation might be a little exaggerated on it. Not really by choice. I think I actually tamed it down a little, from the capture...

I need to quit being so lazy & get out my lights & do it right. Probably should do it for all my guitars...
Not sure if this is relevant to what you're doing or saying, and I'm no lighting expert of course, but I've found that, particularly with Les Pauls and their wood grain, lighting is 9/10ths of the law, because they all have their "best" angles. I'll give you some shots of my R9 flame top and R8 plain top for comparison, you've seen them before:

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Dogs of Doom

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Aug 2, 2012
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Los Angeles
no doubt angles of view makes a big difference. Angle of light also makes a difference.

& then, there's the relationship between the angle of light vs the angle of view...

being night time, I quickly set up the tube lights . My guitar, leaning against the amp, is in a tight spot, & I didn't really want to get too elaborate in messing w/ them. I could get stands & stand them upright, like I should & then wire them up independently & such. I just wires them piggy-back, so, I didn't have much cord reach.

Because I have nothing to hold the lights, I can not lay the guitar down. It has to be standing. but then... the angle to stand them is limited to leaning them up against the amp also & the length of the cords, which is a few feet for both lights...

It was just a wild hair, w/o much thought. I can dig stuff out of storage to do it a bit better w/ these lights, but, if I do that, I might as well get out the studio lights - but, not tonight...


Well-Known Member
Jul 5, 2021
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tonight, I got a wild hair...

I bought some LED lights:

So far, I've installed 2. One in my garage, as my old fluorescent lights were going dim. The ballasts were weak. I saw this 4 pack & thought, what the hell, they're LED (whiter light) & if one doesn't do it, I've got 4. I threw one up & it actually lights the garage up well, although, I still plan on adding a 2nd. I decided to put one in my shed, all I have to do, is quick run mu extension cord out & instant bright light...

So, anyway... I have 2 sitting around waiting to be put to use, & earlier today, I thought about trying them for product style shots, but, of course, on my guitar. A quick 5 minute setup & shoot, got me this:

View attachment 152773

for the shot, I simply leaned up the 2 lights against my amp, so they'd light the front of the guitar, but not too far out front.

Compared to a shot I did w/ my 6' parabolic umbrella outside on the back patio: (mid-day, in the shade)

View attachment 152774

for this one, the large parabolic was off right. You can see the highlights in the knobs. That's the angle from where the source is from. Up & camera right.

I could probably make the fluorescent one brighten up a bit, but, I didn't even look at the other image for reference...
Beautiful Pauls!
The umbrella lighting does help all the nuances stand out.
But the natural appeals to me more.

Lovely captures DoD!
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Well-Known Member
Jul 5, 2021
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Here's some pictures from my trip!
I have downloaded a Lr for phone but cannot make headway yet. These are completely unedited, jpg's taken on my Nikon.
Mostly jungles in this post. Will share some birds, butterfly and mountains once am able to go thru the dump.

2 of the jungle paths we took:



One of the many ravines we crossed. Surely it becomes a water channel, come rains:
The Trident tree. Its associated with Lord Shiva here:


Jungle crossing:

Please don't hesitate to comment, I need to improve on my photography skills, and I am open to understanding ways to do so! Composition, technical details everything welcome.


Dogs of Doom

~~~ Moderator ~~~
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Aug 2, 2012
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Los Angeles
Andrew Freeman - Last In Line...

B73I4540 copy.jpg

This show, the lights, they got a new all LED light system. Seemed pretty elaborate. The problem? They had all the lights as backlights & they were all aimed at the audience blinding everyone & when the lights weren't aimed directly in your eyes, they washed out the band.

I took these from on stage. I hopped up & shot. There were times where the lights were tame, & I could get a somewhat decent shot. This was definitely a time for shooting in raw, just to get mediocre shots...

here's a couple of shots showing jpgs from the show:

pretty much the audience view the whole show: (from the band before)
B73I4026 copy.jpg

that was when the light wasn't totally blinding you...

This is still from on stage, but, w/o raw adjustments to map the colors a bit. The Vivian shot above was pretty much washed out in red/pink. They seemed to be obsessed w/ the red/pink all night...

B73I4184 copy.jpg

In raw, I was able to change/customize the white balance to get rid of the pink to a certain degree. I still had to go in & desaturate the pink, purple & red a bit...

this is a quick raw adjustment (same shot) using white balance (I used the Gibson headstock face for WB) & a little tone tweak. Still not perfect, but, you'd never get it that good w/ jpg...

B73I4184 rawcopy.jpg