thin tone pedal?

  • Thread starter impetus maximus
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Well-Known Member
Platinum Supporting Member
Oct 25, 2009
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New Zealand
I thought i posted this a few says ago, but it looks like I did not:

....a week or so? how can you wait? i'm like a kid on Christmas when i get new gear.

Me too, but I'm darned busy.
But rehearsal is on Sunday.

...pedals that share a common ground tend to get noisy.

That's why I worry that a looper isn't a complete solution.

In the instructions for using the Godlyke power supply there is some advice along these lines:
1. Plug your amp into the power.
2. Plug your Godlyke power supply into another power outlet as far away as possible from the one where your amp is plugged in. (To keep things quiet.)

... which all makes sense, sure enough.

But how practical or realistic is that?

I mean, I haven't gigged in clubs or public bars for years, but my memory is that there were always horrible nests of daisy-chained power outlets.

(I believe that the details of how earthing works might be different in different countries, which I why I have never mentioned my moans about earth hum on this international forum. Just saying.)

....try the pedals with batteries and see if they are still noisy.

I'm sure you right on that one too.
There really is a lot of messing about on the road to a quiet signal.

I really don't want to muck around with batteries: they're not cheap and they don't last long.
But then I don't want hummmmmmmmmm neither.


Sounds to me like that Dimebag wah is not of sound construction!

Congrats to you for being handy enough to take to it with your tools and knock it into shape.

Something that strikes me as a bit ridiculous is that I look down and see I'm only employing a mere three pedals at present.
Only three pedals and already I'm a big fuss-pot about noise.

Anyway, like I said before, seems like you have stirred up a good thread here and lots of useful info is coming out.

Blacque Jacque

Well-Known Member
Jun 4, 2011
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Cambridge, UK
I can manage fair impression of the intro to Wish You Were Here - Pink Floyd by picking real close to the bridge. A little compression will help keep the volume up too.

impetus maximus

New Member
Jun 15, 2011
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:lol: sorry no slash or EVH stuff in my house :p

the only problem with the Dime pedal was the boost switch goes into a short
piece of tubing. the metal button goes inside the tubing as well. kinda tag teaming it if you will.
well the tubing was about a 1/8" or a few mm short. i shimmed by slipping a couple of washers over the switch side.
the last owner looked like he was hammering the Name plate on the front back on :wtf:
good pedal just needed some TLC.

ground loops. i thought it was the grounds pedal to pedal that made the noise.
like when you daisy chain them together. don't most wall worts lack a ground anyway?

i was suggesting the batteries to compare with the PSU. not as a permanent solution

anyway the Wah or EQ work for the thin tone. the EQ is going under the knife
when my chips get here. to cut down on the hiss.

i'm getting a fuzz pedal and that might be a good combo... EQ>fuzz

good point Blacque Jacque. that will certainly thin things up :)



Well-Known Member
Platinum Supporting Member
Oct 25, 2009
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New Zealand
Hey impetus, looks like you have found your preferred solution:

...anyway the Wah or EQ work for the thin tone. the EQ is going under the knife... to cut down on the hiss...

Good luck to you.

So just for the record now...

I tested my looper 'pedal' last weekend.

I expect the circuit inside is pretty much like what RiffRaff depicted - except there are four switches for four effects. Also it has LEDs.

Main points:
- The switches do not seem to make any noise.

FYI the brand is 'Road Rage' from Canada.

- I plugged in my noisiest pedal, a Line 6 Tremelo. There was a horrible hum and hiss as soon as I inserted the power lead.
Haven't tried it with a battery yet, but I suspect it's just a noisy pedal with cheap chips inside.

And like impetus said - problems are likely to come from the grounds, pedal-to-pedal, daisy-chained...

Where I live all wall power outlets are well earthed.

I'm still pretty hopeful that with a few tweaks and a bit of experimentation about how pedals are powered I will get a quiet signal.

Meanwhile, don't mean to hijack or anything... but if anybody can suggest a low-cost tremelo/vibe pedal that's quiet I'd like to know.

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