What Would You Do?

  • Thread starter Torren61
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Well-Known Member
Jan 3, 2014
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Humboldt County, CA


Well-Known Member
Feb 16, 2019
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I'm trying to gauge my reaction to an incident yesterday and compare it to what YOU would do.

Yesterday was my day to work on my yard and get some things done. I've been working a lot and it's been raining and too wet to cut my grass and Saturday was a "MY DAY" day. So I started working on chores yesterday.

I spent hours cutting my grass and weed eating. I got everything looking really good. The last thing was to bust out my blower and clear the walkways on my property and my next door neighbor.

I was doing the last of it in my front yard and I noticed a piece of blue paper. It was thin and about an inch wide and two inches long. I picked it up and noticed another one. Then another. I looked in my neighbor's yard and she had quite a few in her yard. She's 90 years old and I figured she threw this paper in her trash can and missed some.

Then I looked in my back yard and saw a lot of this stuff. I'm thinking "What did I hit? What IS this stuff?" I walked further into my back yard and this paper was EVERYWHERE. I looked in my other neighbor's yard and he had two or three times as much as what was in my yard. Then I saw a large mixed group of people partying on a deck in the next yard beyond my other neighbor and I started to put things together.

It's a boy.

I've just spent hours working on my yard and there's a hundred pieces of paper blowing all over it so I say to the people on the deck, "Hey, ya'll need to come over here and pick this up. I worked for three hours on my yard and I don't want it here."

There's a mix of replies. "Hey everybody, it's Mr. Personality.", "It's biodegradable!", "Oh, you want me to come over and pick it up a piece at a time?", "What are you gonna do, call 911?"

The first call I made was to my neighbor in between me and the happy father. He looked out his yard and saw the mess but he's not one for confrontation. The second call I made was to the local police dispatch. I didn't want anyone arrested, I just wanted someone with some authority to, hopefully, tell these people to come get their paper out of my yard.

I went back in my house and a few minutes later there was a knock at my door and it's three men and three women with a leaf rake, a shop broom and a couple of baskets to pick up the paper. I called dispatch and asked them to cancel the cop and the group went to work picking up paper. I helped.

The father of the groom and the father were surly while the father of the bride was apologetic and amiable. We got it all picked up and I went over to my 90 year old neighbor's house and picked up the rest from her property.

Maybe it IS biodegradable but I have nothing to do with the kid being born or anyone over there. How long does it take to disappear? How long do I have to look at it after all my hard work?

The thing that REALLY gets me is the sense of entitlement, the unapologetic attitude, the beligerence and the lack of mindfulness and consideration for anyone else but themselves. I mean, they bought the "reveal" cannon and knew there was going to be hundreds and hundreds of these pieces of paper scattered everywhere but they did it anyway without going around the neighborhood and asking if we minded. Why not do the reveal a different way like blue smoke or give everyone a sealed envelope with a blue card or ANYTHING but send paper all over my "castle" grounds?

How would you have reacted?
Stay off my lawn punk!!


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2013
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Traverse City, Mi.
-- Bad attitude when you have created problems for someone else makes me mad. Not always I can de-escalate.
- Causing this problem to begin with is just arrogant and respectless, regardless of event or reason for it. Can be a sympton of personality disorder not to think of consequences, but the "grandparents-to-be" should be grown-up enough to think ahead.

+ Good that you de-escalated and helped cleaning up. I think your neighbors should apologise.
++ Very good that you helped your older neighbor. One of the corner-stones of a working civilisation.

I totally get where you are coming from.
On the other hand I reckon my guitar playing might be pretty annoying at times- particularly in the summer when windows are open. I guess that's why I'm inclined to just let small stuff slide sometimes.
I'm not perfect so I try to take a "live and let live" attitude. Now if they were beating their dog or something heinous that's a different story.

Some places you might get shot saying something. lol.

@Torren61 - I hope the wife gets better fast.

Leonard Neemoil

Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2021
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Bunch of bullshit. You did the right thing imo. My neighbors aren't too close and pretty cool, but, man do I miss where I was raised. Back in the woods about 500 feet from the road surrounded by trees that helped block out sound. Closest neighbors were minimum three quarters of a mile away. Was so quiet, at least when I wasn't being loud. Hoping for something like that again sometime soon.

Gender reveal parties are stupid imo. A few of my family members did the gender reveal the old fashioned way. Like my step daughter just a little over 8 months ago. Reveal 'em when you pop 'em outta the oven.

At least your neighbors didn't light a wildfire and burn thousands of acres like those dopes a few years back. :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2020
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That does sound really annoying. How often do they have babies though? I'd probably just let it slide

Think about it this way, what if you just spent three hours cleaning and washing your car and I come by and dump some blue powder all over your car but I yell "IT'S A BOY!! WOOHOO!" Are you gonna just laugh it off?

This would make me laugh tbh - especially if I was a total stranger. Maybe I need to get a more expensive car...


Well-Known Member
Jul 9, 2021
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You did the right thing.
Stand your ground but tactfully,and adamantly.
Respect yields respect ! Most people know how to respect ,they just chose not to by not initiating to clean the mess up BEFORE someone got jerked.


Active Member
Apr 8, 2023
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I'm trying to gauge my reaction to an incident yesterday and compare it to what YOU would do.

Yesterday was my day to work on my yard and get some things done. I've been working a lot and it's been raining and too wet to cut my grass and Saturday was a "MY DAY" day. So I started working on chores yesterday.

I spent hours cutting my grass and weed eating. I got everything looking really good. The last thing was to bust out my blower and clear the walkways on my property and my next door neighbor.

I was doing the last of it in my front yard and I noticed a piece of blue paper. It was thin and about an inch wide and two inches long. I picked it up and noticed another one. Then another. I looked in my neighbor's yard and she had quite a few in her yard. She's 90 years old and I figured she threw this paper in her trash can and missed some.

Then I looked in my back yard and saw a lot of this stuff. I'm thinking "What did I hit? What IS this stuff?" I walked further into my back yard and this paper was EVERYWHERE. I looked in my other neighbor's yard and he had two or three times as much as what was in my yard. Then I saw a large mixed group of people partying on a deck in the next yard beyond my other neighbor and I started to put things together.

It's a boy.

I've just spent hours working on my yard and there's a hundred pieces of paper blowing all over it so I say to the people on the deck, "Hey, ya'll need to come over here and pick this up. I worked for three hours on my yard and I don't want it here."

There's a mix of replies. "Hey everybody, it's Mr. Personality.", "It's biodegradable!", "Oh, you want me to come over and pick it up a piece at a time?", "What are you gonna do, call 911?"

The first call I made was to my neighbor in between me and the happy father. He looked out his yard and saw the mess but he's not one for confrontation. The second call I made was to the local police dispatch. I didn't want anyone arrested, I just wanted someone with some authority to, hopefully, tell these people to come get their paper out of my yard.

I went back in my house and a few minutes later there was a knock at my door and it's three men and three women with a leaf rake, a shop broom and a couple of baskets to pick up the paper. I called dispatch and asked them to cancel the cop and the group went to work picking up paper. I helped.

The father of the groom and the father were surly while the father of the bride was apologetic and amiable. We got it all picked up and I went over to my 90 year old neighbor's house and picked up the rest from her property.

Maybe it IS biodegradable but I have nothing to do with the kid being born or anyone over there. How long does it take to disappear? How long do I have to look at it after all my hard work?

The thing that REALLY gets me is the sense of entitlement, the unapologetic attitude, the beligerence and the lack of mindfulness and consideration for anyone else but themselves. I mean, they bought the "reveal" cannon and knew there was going to be hundreds and hundreds of these pieces of paper scattered everywhere but they did it anyway without going around the neighborhood and asking if we minded. Why not do the reveal a different way like blue smoke or give everyone a sealed envelope with a blue card or ANYTHING but send paper all over my "castle" grounds?

How would you have reacted?
I Believe either reaction is the correct way of dealing with it. Yes it's pretty harmless but on the other hand,have some forethought and respect other people's property. You just spent hours working on your yard, only to have it messed up. If they had an issue then shame on them.


Senior Moderator
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Feb 5, 2009
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Obviously way more than they should. The world does not need more clones of selfish and belligerent people.

Dude, you're literally complaining about how you are personally inconvenienced by an entire family celebrating the birth of a new family member, and then belligerently posting about it online. I hope it's a boy, and I hope he's super handsome. Hopefully he has all of the other cool kids and hot chicks over every single day during the summer.


Well-Known Member
Dec 7, 2009
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I find that people that are stupid enough to not consider their neighbors will most likely get $h!tty with you if you confront them even if you ask nicely, youre better off just calling the cops or association if you dont want to clean it up yourself.

Im lucky to have great neighbors on all sides, we have an association to handle this stuff and keep our neighborhood looking good.