Zimmerman Charged in Trayvon Case !!!

  • Thread starter Bobbo
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Should Zimmerman be charged with murder

  • Zimmerman should be charged with murder

    Votes: 4 15.4%
  • Zimmerman shouldn't be charged at all

    Votes: 14 53.8%
  • Ziommerman should be charged with manslaughter

    Votes: 8 30.8%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Well-Known Member
Jan 25, 2009
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I agree 100%. I'm glad you said that as they are my thoughts exactly. We'd need to undo America. At least culturally. Being a melting pot has become our own undoing.

But then if it's not about the guns, then it's about the idiots that resort to guns. What do criminals in advanced societies resort to? Name calling? They sure don't go around killing eachother, so guns have to be part of the problem.

You are talking about different criminals in a different society. All I can tell you is that the "instrumentality is never the problem" in such cases. The problem of drunk driving fatalities are the drunks and the issues that contribute to the behavior/disorder. Banning alcohol, or issuing special permits for cars over a certain weight/horsepower, does nothing to address the problem. It merely puts an ill-fitting band aid around the symptoms.


New Member
Dec 21, 2011
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You are talking about different criminals in a different society. All I can tell you is that the "instrumentality is never the problem" in such cases. The problem of drunk driving fatalities are the drunks and the issues that contribute to the behavior/disorder. Banning alcohol, or issuing special permits for cars over a certain weight/horsepower, does nothing to address the problem. It merely puts an ill-fitting band aid around the symptoms.

Criminals are criminals. Rape and burglary are the same in any country.

Criminals don't turn to guns in more advanced socities because guns weren't made a part of their culture. We've foolishly celebrated firepower in our anthems, holidays, and mindless flag-waving patriotism. We fly military jets over sporting events. We're a country of dumb rednecked poor people masquerading as a world leader. This is why gun violence is so rampant in our country and not others that are supposed to be similarly advanced, when in reality, they're far more advanced. We're on par with shitholes like Thailand and Columbia. That doesn't sit well with me. There's plenty of blame to go around and we should take a long look at ourselves to fix the problem. Wouldn't you rather not have to be strapped like Rambo to go get a slurpee from the 7-11? Sadly, it's probably too late to fix it. We're supposed to be better than a gun society. Maybe it's because we're still too young as a country to know better.

LPMarshall hack

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Nov 18, 2009
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San Diego, CA
I don't like guns and generally don't like gun people, but I accept the fact that we're far too deep in the hole to get away from them. The scum has them, and they're better equipped than police officers. It's just pitifully sad and stupid that in 2012 crime is so bad that people have to carry a gun to the store just to feel safe.

So you can't blame the gun owner for that.


New Member
Dec 21, 2011
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So you can't blame the gun owner for that.

I don't, not directly anyway. I understand why people feel like they have to carry guns. I just think it sucks that we're at that point and I don't like those that celebrate a gun society.

LPMarshall hack

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Nov 18, 2009
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San Diego, CA
I don't, not directly anyway. I understand why people feel like they have to carry guns. I just think it sucks that we're at that point and I don't like those that celebrate a gun society.

If we could erase guns from history that would be great. But we can't, so we must be able to defend ourselves, and others, from the predators who tote guns. The gun is the great equalizer.

And I am NOT a gun nut by any means. They are a necessary evil.


Well-Known Member
Jan 25, 2009
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Criminals are criminals. Rape and burglary are the same in any country.

Criminals don't turn to guns in more advanced socities because guns weren't made a part of their culture. We've foolishly celebrated firepower in our anthems, holidays, and mindless flag-waving patriotism. We fly military jets over sporting events. We're a country of dumb rednecked poor people masquerading as a world leader. This is why gun violence is so rampant in our country and not others that are supposed to be similarly advanced, when in reality, they're far more advanced. We're on par with shitholes like Thailand and Columbia. That doesn't sit well with me. There's plenty of blame to go around and we should take a long look at ourselves to fix the problem. Wouldn't you rather not have to be strapped like Rambo to go get a slurpee from the 7-11? Sadly, it's probably too late to fix it.

Looking at "ourselves" is quite the loaded proposition. It means looking at the hoodrats along with the rednecks, the poor special interest voters along with the rich, the bible beaters along with the God haters, the politicians along side the peoole who comprised the majority in support of them, the X along with the Y. It also means takimg a good lomg look at yourself, and me myself.

Did or do you/ I do anything to help my neighbor or fellow man today... this week... this decade? When honestly examining your/my social and moral conduct along with other factors of being a member of society are you/I a contribution or a drain upon it? Are you/am I living up to the example of a person who belongs in that better society or do you/I better typify a member contributing to or even capitalizing upon the problem society?

Some may not even care ome way or another about any of that crap, and that is fine too (so long as they aren't bitching about it). At the end of the day you and I share a lot of gripes about the place we live in. I am quite convinced we point the finger in different directions in many places, and sometimes we point in unisom at the same target. All I can say is that When examining such facts in the cold hard light of truth, I do not live up to the model as the citizen of the utopia in which I would rather be. I have a ways to go. I have made progress (even realizing I'm not there is SOME progress), but until I am better serving my community, country, and/or fellow man, I can only throw the stones so far


Well-Known Member
Jan 25, 2009
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Not in Australia, we do just fine without them. And we are as, if not more diverse than the USA in regards to race and religion.

1. That's one, maybe two random factors drawn in common. There could be a few more, but that is oversimplifying things. Factors that are divergent likely match or exceed the commonalities, like population density (Aus has @23 million people spread over 3 million square miles whereas the US has well over 300 million spread over 3.8 million square miles). Also, the actual 'diversity' (as opposed to its preaching) can be widely different. In the US for example, many 'progressive' towns and cities have very little actual diversity and many 'racist' towns have a significant presence of diversity

2. Australia was doing just fine WITH guns until (very) recently when they chose to outlaw them.


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Oct 14, 2011
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Great Southern Land
1. That's one, maybe two random factors drawn in common. There could be a few more, but that is oversimplifying things. Factors that are divergent likely match or exceed the commonalities, like population density (Aus has @23 million people spread over 3 million square miles whereas the US has well over 300 million spread over 3.8 million square miles). Also, the actual 'diversity' (as opposed to its preaching) can be widely different. In the US for example, many 'progressive' towns and cities have very little actual diversity and many 'racist' towns have a significant presence of diversity

2. Australia was doing just fine WITH guns until (very) recently when they chose to outlaw them.
1 we may have a lower population but, our ratio of white Christians compared to the USA is much lower. 95% of Australia is basically uninhabited so the majority of the population is based around major cities.

2 WTF??? Your gonna have to explain this to me because we have never in our history been allowed to carry guns.


Well-Known Member
Jan 25, 2009
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1 we may have a lower population but, our ratio of white Christians compared to the USA is much lower. 95% of Australia is basically uninhabited so the majority of the population is based around major cities.

I don't know the demographics here (populated percentage) but the same trends hold true here in the states with populatiin density in smaller areas. Nevertheless, I was making proposals, not arguments of those points. The main argument I made was that you can't convincingly draw meaningful analyses of two or more societies drawn from a few isolated parallels particularly when the quality and quantity of divergent factors rival or overtake the similarities.

2 WTF??? Your gonna have to explain this to me because we have never in our history been allowed to carry guns.

You assumed my comment was about 'open or concealed carry'. I was speaking of the overbroad firearms restrictions that have occured recently in Australia

Also not sure where your stats came from.

USA population 313,847,465 size 9,826,675 sq. mi.

Australia population 22,015,576 size 7,741,220 sq. mi.

Your pop numbers are the same as mine and you have confused square miles with square kilometers


VIP Member
Oct 14, 2011
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Great Southern Land
My point is you walk down the street in NY you see predominantly white people. You walk down the street in Sydney you see predominantly Chinese people.

Anyways Guns are part of the American culture, I can't see that changing anytime soon.


Well-Known Member
Jan 25, 2009
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My point is you walk down the street in NY you see predominantly white people. You walk down the street in Sydney you see predominantly Chinese people.

Anyways Guns are part of the American culture, I can't see that changing anytime soon.

We agree on the latter, definitely not on the former. NYC is one of the most diverse areas in the US, but that is another topic.


VIP Member
Oct 14, 2011
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Great Southern Land

Feeling Supersonic

Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2011
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I live in a gentlemanly quarter of the English countryside.

No need for a gun in the Queen's England.

However, if I lived in the USA, I'd probably own a Beretta .45mm and maybe a decent shotgun.

Why? - because guns are bad-fucking-ass and I'd feel safer in my home.

Also, everyone has failed to acknowledge the possibility of zombies. That's internet fail right there.

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