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  1. Stringjunkie

    I Hate The Internet

    Stoopid interwebs.
  2. Stringjunkie

    Katy Perry is who?

    Understood, I'm not personally a fan either, just was curious.
  3. Stringjunkie

    Katy Perry is who?

    Do you guys have kkk in scotland too?
  4. Stringjunkie

    Does anyone PREFER Boss??

    I have an OFA modded SD1 that I wont part with and a TU3 that is sitting in a drawer, that I dont seem to part with either..
  5. Stringjunkie

    Just got skystreamx free streaming tv and movies

    Alot is free on roku but not everything. Between netflix and Hulu I think I pay around $15 a month. But thats drastically less than cable was, that bill just pissed me off every month.
  6. Stringjunkie

    Just got skystreamx free streaming tv and movies

    Actually, I just got a tv again a couple months ago and it has roku on it. I cut the cable years ago but this streaming tv is pretty cool.
  7. Stringjunkie

    List every thing you do before going to work each day

    Re: **OP removed** You give up too easy Vin. This place has been a boring read for awhile, at least you're trying.
  8. Stringjunkie

    kanye 53 Million in debt

    Lol, I get to go home tomorrow, I will like that better.
  9. Stringjunkie

    kanye 53 Million in debt

    Ha! But right now I am 1200 miles away from there.
  10. Stringjunkie

    kanye 53 Million in debt

    What is? Not posting clips or bitching about people who dont post clips? Im just trying to figure out where I stand.
  11. Stringjunkie

    kanye 53 Million in debt

    Kanye can suck it. **** him
  12. Stringjunkie

    any mods to lower gain on ch3. evh 5150iii

    Turn the gain down to around 10-11 o'clock.
  13. Stringjunkie

    So my amp is paid off, and just bought a new guitar...

    Congrats! The only pedals I use with my 5153 are reverb and delay. Its a killer amp/cab. I actually dont mind playing my V sitting down, it just locks in about perfect.
  14. Stringjunkie

    Hot Overdrive for my DSL

    Buy an SD1 and send it to OFA to be modded. It will be exactly what you need.
  15. Stringjunkie

    My OFA Modded Boss SD-1

    Eddie the pedal is great with a DSL. Enjoy!
  16. Stringjunkie

    My OFA Modded Boss SD-1

    OFA does a great job with the SD1, while I dont use mine with my amp I have now I will never sell it. His Klone is great too.
  17. Stringjunkie

    JVM-1 noise

    No worries. I had to reseat the tubes in all 3 of my 1w because they were doing exactly as you said.
  18. Stringjunkie

    Marshall C5 Head through 1960a & b?

    Yeah, with no bottom end. Do whatever you like, im not here to argue. I gave my opinion based on fact.
  19. Stringjunkie

    JVM-1 noise

    Make sure the tubes are seated well first. If so I would change them 1 at a time to see it thats it.
  20. Stringjunkie

    dog people

    ^ This :applause: