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  1. VanR

    Weird 70's era SG 2 x 12 cab

    I remember those. But know very little about the SG company except they were owned by Gibson.
  2. VanR

    Looks like it may be official, =C= now defunct.

    I like the Shuguangs much better than the SED's anyway.
  3. VanR

    Mojotone 5 Lug Rocker Switch Problem

    Not sure. Perhaps the light is defective.
  4. VanR

    Mojotone 5 Lug Rocker Switch Problem

    Hard to say without seeing it in person, but on the pic of the old switch it appears the tabs are pointing to the left and on the new switch the tabs are pointing right. Do you have the switch upside down or are the terminals numbered the same as the old switch? I believe you have the switch...
  5. VanR

    Question For Marty, The Eminence Expert . . . .

    Contact Anthony Lucas at Eminence. He can tell you.
  6. VanR

    Tubes For JMP 2204

    I would have one EL34, one 6CA7, and one KT77.
  7. VanR

    New Orange products for 2014

    I love Orange but their prices are not based on reality for the average player. I did own 2 Tiny Terrors and sold them both. Someday I'll find that used Thunderverb 50 at a steal price.
  8. VanR

    which Alnico (Blue Or Gold)

    Since the 50 watt Gold is only a few dollars more that is the one I would get.
  9. VanR

    alright, I'm biting...who has some good RFT EL34s?
  10. VanR

    marshall 8x10 cabinet

    That looks like it might be the Overton Park Shell. Played there a few times. Grew up in Memphis.
  11. VanR

    Can i have my tubed head on stand by but not plugged into a cab?

    You can, but it's a bad habit to get into.
  12. VanR

    Help with schematic

    Well you could parallel resistors across those you have in there to get the schematic values and see if you like the results. If not remove them.
  13. VanR

    Lowering Heater Voltages

    I'm not sure why this would bother you. It is within tolerance and my thought is that "fixing" the problem will be more trouble than it's worth.
  14. VanR

    Help with schematic

    Why change them if you like the way it sounds? Amp makers often change the value of components mid-production without notice.
  15. VanR

    DSL 15/6v6 biasing??

    So let's do the math: 14/417=.033 X .7=.023 So -23mA is the most you would want (70%) so at 18-21 you are doing fine.
  16. VanR

    Need tube help

    The Shuguang EL34B's are the best thing going in EL34's right now IMO. I keep trying other EL34's and keep coming back to the Shuguang's.
  17. VanR

    Honestly, how important is biasing?

    But isn't that the idea behind Groove Tubes and others? Buy some tubes rated 5 and bias your amp then as long as you use 5's from Groove Tubes you never have to bias again. Or so the premise is. Perhaps they buy Groove Tube 5.
  18. VanR

    Honestly, how important is biasing?

    Could be that Joe buys his tubes in bulk all rated the same so that once biased the tubes can just be changed without biasing again.
  19. VanR

    Electro Harmonix EL34 vs. JJ E34L

    Just tried a pair of JJ EL34's in my H&K and they only stayed in for one band rehearsal and back in the Valve Art EL34B's went. JJ's made my amp sound thin. I learned my lesson. Gonna stick with the Shuguang EL34B's.
  20. VanR

    farking kids these days

    I like how the girl wore her "I'm so innocent" school uniform to court. What a joke.

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