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  1. DWK302

    BBlades secret new amp plans found on WikiLeaks

    Peewee, don't wait for an answer from BB, or anyone in his crew. Even if any of them had a long enough attention span to read your post, they don't have enough reading comprehension to understand it (see Solar's post following yours). I thought your post was thoughtful and accurate. BB is an...
  2. DWK302

    BBlades secret new amp plans found on WikiLeaks

    LOL!! That is hillarious!! rofl::rofl::rofl: Is that the Joe Satriani prototype??? You do it to yourself Billy. That's so funny.
  3. DWK302

    So, I ruined my LP

    You won't regret it. I switched from years of using EBs and haven't looked back.
  4. DWK302

    So, I ruined my LP

    Try a set of Rotosounds. I'm using the Rotosound Blues 10-52 and I love them. They have just the right amount of tension, last a long time and sound great.
  5. DWK302

    Recommend a Good Practice Amp

    I just started doing that I realized I can't keep time, and I'm pressing down on the frets way to hard, along with a number of issues to many to list here :D
  6. DWK302

    The Great Britsh Guitar Show 2013: SL-5 content

    Wow :wow: That sounds incredible!! I was very disappointed after the Anderton's video, but this...this was amazing. Nails the AFD sounds. It shall be mine!!!
  7. DWK302

    Recommend a Good Practice Amp

    It's pretty cool but it's so expensive for what it is.
  8. DWK302

    Recommend a Good Practice Amp

    I had the same experience with the Frontman. Fine for cleans. Awful for dirt.
  9. DWK302

    Billy Blades song of the day ! Our Daily Crunch!

    So that's what you're spending Steve's amp money on.
  10. DWK302

    Billy Blades song of the day ! Our Daily Crunch!

    Bulldozer is right in everything he said. Why are you so disrespectful to him? You posted videos on YouTube of that abomination of an amp then you are shocked that people are commenting on it! The thing is a complete amature cluster f@!k visually, and that's not even taking into consideration...
  11. DWK302

    Recommend a Good Practice Amp

    Don't have a Mac but I have Garage Band on my ipad. The JCM1 sounds very good though:thumb:
  12. DWK302

    Recommend a Good Practice Amp

    Yes! I don't really use the JCM1 often. I have a 2x12 cab that's hooked up to my YJM, which is my go to amp. I was looking for something that is really geared to helping me be a better player. Something that will give me a beat, jam tracks, maybe hook up to an mp3 player. Things like that...
  13. DWK302

    Recommend a Good Practice Amp

    I play mostly rock and blues. Not a whole lot of heavy stuff, at least, not anymore. I've mellowed out as I've gotten a bit older. I'm not familiar with DAW(?).
  14. DWK302

    Recommend a Good Practice Amp

    So I've been looking for a good practice amp. Something that will actually improve my playing. I've narrowed it down to the Roland Cube and the Line 6 Spider Jam (yea I know). The Roland sounds good for what it is and it comes with a built in drum machine, which doesn't sound good. The...
  15. DWK302

    Blades Custom Amps latest progress vid..

    Omg!!!:wow: It looks like it's made out of mustard colored Play-DoH!!! Way to go Billy Blades!! All that smack you talked about being better than Marshalls, Friedmans and Camerons. You're just winging it. At this point, it doesn't even matter what the amp sounds like. It would be an...
  16. DWK302

    Two lost brothers unite (Huge NAD)

    First time I tried a Mark V I absolutely hated it. It felt like it was just too complicated to be functional. Then, my buddy showed me how to dail it in and I was blown away. It sounded fantastic. Once you get your mind around all its button, switches, sliders, etc., you can nail some amazing...
  17. DWK302

    Test drive ahead

    The amp sounds great and looks as good inside. Excellent work.
  18. DWK302

    The answer to every "Which Marshall?" thread

    Why even bother with a Marshall,,,,,,,,,when ,,,,,you can get a Billy Blades Firebolt Rattlesnake,,,,Cyclone Venum 20 watter,,,,from his Razor series of amps??
  19. DWK302

    Chappers demoing slashes new 5 watt marshall

    Gene, got any pics?
  20. DWK302

    Chappers demoing slashes new 5 watt marshall

    I've been looking for low watt combo amp. I love the AFD, I'm a huge fan of Slash........but, I'm not sure I like the sound of the amp, in this demo at least :( Doesn't really sound like an AFD to me, right? I think it's fairly priced. I really want one but I need to see a different demo, or...

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