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  1. vinceB

    2205 2210 Mods Thread!

    It depends on what tube I use. sometimes there is just very little output and another tube will be real quiet but if I hit the strings a little harder it gets loud and sounds awful then immediately cuts off. I tried several tubes and moved them around so I don't think it's the tube. It all...
  2. vinceB

    2205 2210 Mods Thread!

    Since I made the changes to the Normal channel a 12AX7 will no longer work in v2. The 12AU7 is the only tube that will work now. What could I have done that would cause that? It doesn't sound bad at all I was just curious what the 12AX7 would sound like with the changes and the answer is, it...
  3. vinceB

    4210 sound clip

    Here is my 4210 normal and boost channels through a 2x12 with one CL80 and one V30 and everything set at 12 clock except the normal volume and reverb backed off a little. I used a Les Paul with EMG pick ups.
  4. vinceB

    2205 2210 Mods Thread!

    thanks for this info. Is there a way for me to tweak the character of the clipping circuit to warm it up a little? Is this an asymmetric clipping circuit or symmetric? :coffee:
  5. vinceB

    2205 2210 Mods Thread!

    Initially I was happy with everything I did but something in the boost channel just isn't sounding right. I replaced D1 with a cap and at first I liked it but now that I've been playing it a lot I'm not sure. I need to understand the clipping circuit better because instead of trying to get rid...
  6. vinceB

    Greenback substitute

    I'm not expecting it to sound exactly like a greenback I just want some of that bite.
  7. vinceB

    Conservative 2205/4210 Mods

    I performed these same mods but used a 22uf for V2b and used a 12AU7 in V2. I also did the boost channel mods and I have to say I like it a lot better. It takes the "bite" away but it gave it a much warmer browner sound. The normal channel is really shining right now. It doesn't sound like a...
  8. vinceB

    Greenback substitute

    What is scumback? I don't know what this is.:coffee:
  9. vinceB

    Greenback substitute

    A figure fifty watt amp is going to overdrive a fifty watt speaker as a fifty watt amp would overdrive two twenty-five watt speakers. I have a 1x12 combo that I want to have a little Greenback flavor.
  10. vinceB

    Greenback substitute

    I'm looking for a speaker that is voiced similar to a vintage Greenback but has 50+ watt capability. Suggestions?:hbang:
  11. vinceB

    BEST EVER EVH Brown Sound AmpROCKSTAH MOD 5 Handbuilt Clone Amp-JCM2203-Plexi-PLEXI

    Re: BEST EVER EVH Brown Sound AmpROCKSTAH MOD 5 Handbuilt Clone Amp-JCM2203-Plexi-PLE Let's not forget those pick ups he was using. I think those hand wound abominations may have played a role in driving that front end so hard.
  12. vinceB

    BEST EVER EVH Brown Sound AmpROCKSTAH MOD 5 Handbuilt Clone Amp-JCM2203-Plexi-PLEXI

    Re: BEST EVER EVH Brown Sound AmpROCKSTAH MOD 5 Handbuilt Clone Amp-JCM2203-Plexi-PLE I thought this was pretty cool. He has admitted later that he said he turned the voltage up even though he was actually turning it down Eddie Van Halen: The Complete 1978 Interviews | Jas Obrecht Music Archive
  13. vinceB

    Conservative 2205/4210 Mods

    330uf on V2b?
  14. vinceB

    2205 2210 Mods Thread!

    This is how she's looking in her new clothes:hbang:
  15. vinceB

    2205 2210 Mods Thread!

    I hope you guys are still following this thread because I have a couple of questions. What will it do to the Normal channel if I increase the value of C2 and add bypass caps to V2a and b? What value would I want to start with there? Also, what does D1 do and what would happen soundwise if I put...
  16. vinceB

    Your or famous guitarsists Settings...

    that has to be extremely loud. That's close to my 4210 settings. I don't run my gain that high though. I find those amps really hit their sweet spot with the gain lower the master way up and use the channel volumes for controlling the output level. Its not as nasty or as "metal" but it's...
  17. vinceB

    BEST EVER EVH Brown Sound AmpROCKSTAH MOD 5 Handbuilt Clone Amp-JCM2203-Plexi-PLEXI

    Re: BEST EVER EVH Brown Sound AmpROCKSTAH MOD 5 Handbuilt Clone Amp-JCM2203-Plexi-PLE
  18. vinceB

    DSL40C vs JCM800 4210! Help!

    I have been getting a lot of grief for not liking the DSL and to be fair I haven't played a lot of 50s or 100s. I did however test drive three DSL 40Cs and they all sounded like a Crate or a Peavey. Some will say I'm doing it wrong I don't have it set up right etc. what ever. Out of the box the...
  19. vinceB

    Am I the only dude that doesnt like the DSL?

    I've become somewhat intrigued by the DSL 15H. Any input/reviews on these? I want a lightweight rig to replace my 4210 but I don't want another amp with solid state gain stage. If I want that I use a pedal. Are there any low watt amps out there that are pure tube?
  20. vinceB

    DSL40C vs JCM800 4210! Help!

    I was faced with the exact same choice. I went with the 4210. I used to have a 2205 so I knew what I would get sound wise. The 4210 is a beast and built like a tank. The later models are way better and the effects loop in my 89 works great with my pedal board. It's kind of a one trick pony but...