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  1. AndyHighTides

    Which would you keep?

    Keeping amps doesn't cost anything. Buying an amp you used to have cost more than you sold yours for, every time! Unless you hate one of them, keep them both.
  2. AndyHighTides

    Marshall 4203 Artist 30

    I used GT power tubes and a Ruby pi tube in my 3203 head. Works way better than the Mesa tubes that were in it. It used to squeel at higher gain settings, but now I can dial everything to 10 and stay quiet.
  3. AndyHighTides

    Help with Final Decisions

    Nothing wrong with dinosaurs. New doesn't mean better. Find a second hand amp like you used to have back in the day and rock like it was 1969.
  4. AndyHighTides

    Tube amp for home use

    I didn't mention the TT because it costs 3x as much as the others.
  5. AndyHighTides

    Tube amp for home use

    When are they gonna make a 5 watter to compete with the Epiphone Valve Jr., Fender Champion 600, Blackheart Little Giant/Killer Ant etc.
  6. AndyHighTides


    My friend has one and he says it's 80 watts on it's own and 100 with the ext. cab. Doesn't really make sense to me.
  7. AndyHighTides

    please help an idiot noob out with her Marshall cab!

    You guys are starting to sound like pervs.
  8. AndyHighTides

    marshall 6 x 12? Do they exist?

    8x10's are traditionally a bass cab. The origional Ampeg SVT's came with 2. Pictured is a V4-B.
  9. AndyHighTides

    Site Suggestions?

    I had my speakers turned off. I didn't realize.
  10. AndyHighTides

    spam on the forum

    Re: Ban LIVEDEAL and DEVICEWISE !!! Lynch mob. Cool!:dude:
  11. AndyHighTides

    Site Suggestions?

    Re: Spam !!!!!! I'll second that if you turn off your CAPS LOCK!
  12. AndyHighTides

    New Monkey

    With the bass and treble at 2:00, it sounds quite close to the tube screamer. The bonus is the extra lows and highs you can dial in. Bass at full gets a little overbearing, but back it off just a little and it sounds awsome. Also, it works well with the gain turned off as a clean boost. 11:30...
  13. AndyHighTides

    New Monkey

    I just got a Bad Monkey to go in front of my Artist3203. Any sugestions for settings?
  14. AndyHighTides

    IF you could only have one 12"...

    What about CTS?
  15. AndyHighTides

    100 watt amp not as loud as a 30 watt amp... Why?

    The thing that throws me is how it breaks up so early. If it were the speakers you would expect the opposite. I would be suspicious of a preamp tube. If you have any extras, try trading them out one at a time.
  16. AndyHighTides

    Traynor Mark 3 Head

    The thing about Traynor amps is back in the day, nobody respected someone who copied Marshall. Now, everybody does it. Those old amps love pedals and are very reliable. A multi-effects board will give you any sound you want and the amp will take as much gain as you can throw at it. Expect...
  17. AndyHighTides

    1987 Marshall JCM-800 combo?

    The Artist 4203 is a 30 watt hybrid combo and does a reasonable JCM immatation. It's a little simple on controls, but it doesn't weigh anything. The head is the 3203.
  18. AndyHighTides

    Artist 3203

    First, using 2 cabs of equal ohms is important. I believe a 1960 is 16 ohms. Mixing a 16 and an 8 would make an unbalanced load and hurt your amp. Two 16 ohm cabs would make 8. Two 8 ohm cabs would make 4. Now alot of guys will tell you 4 ohms isn't any louder, but adding more speakers moves...