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  1. jaek

    randy vs. eddie- nuff yours

    the irony here is that Randy used a SOLD STATE Peavey amp head with Quiet Riot. That was before he had Marshalls.
  2. jaek

    Good ol' days of Jake E Lee

    Jake is the best! It amazes me he never became hugely successful. Epically Badlands which produced two amazing albums.....
  3. jaek

    My Band, BlinkerLight and The good 'ole Marshall

    First Recorded video. quality sucks but its something at least. We're not perfect but criticism is appreciated. Oh yeah and uh. Its a Marshall and sounds like teh sex. :headbanger: YouTube - BlinkerLight Band **PARANOID**
  4. jaek

    I got it!!!! 2203ZW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Nice collection. Only 1 question. Which do you play the most?
  5. jaek

    No Presence on TSL602

    The only way I figured it out is cause I got a new OT and changed nothing else and kaboom the amp worked perfectly again and has since.
  6. jaek

    gibson flood les paul

    (blood is though :lol: )
  7. jaek

    No Presence on TSL602

    on my DSL the OT partially fried. The amp still made noise just cut in and out alot with less volume in the 7-10 range on the volume knob. Replaced the OT (with a little help from MarshallForum) same tubes and bias and the problem was solved.
  8. jaek

    Led Zeppelin to rejoin for world Tour June '11!!!

    damn you! I really thought this was serious until I opened the page!
  9. jaek

    My amp room, lets see yours!!!

  10. jaek

    How loud do you run your marshalls?

    A. 3.5 acres next to 10 acres of woods and the neighbors across are retired and travel all the time. I can easily max it out at 10 when everybody's gone and when they're here I keep it below 5.
  11. jaek

    Music Theory...

    am I the only one who actually LIKES music theory? I love learning it practicing it......
  12. jaek


    I take your Kiss trading cards and raise you an Oirginal White Album poster of John setting at his white piano. :hippie:
  13. jaek

    How do you afford your gear guys??

    Lucky ass.....I can only wish upon a LPC -.- Granted in the 80's you could barley GIVE a les paul away...
  14. jaek

    How do you afford your gear guys??

    Get a job? Being 16 and having a Marshall DSL halfstack didn't happen from sitting on my ass.....I worked as a garden keeper and mowed lawns and worked my ass off to get what I have......
  15. jaek

    Happy 54th to Adrian Smith!!

    Suprised Carnada didn't post this....
  16. jaek

    Dimed TSL 60

    And you can still hear after standing in the same room as it? Dayum!
  17. jaek

    You dirty, dirty girl...

    This is starting to sound like the latest episode of Supernatural on CBS......Replace mannequins with Guitar and its just as creepy.
  18. jaek

    JCM900 and Bugera 1990

    Just get a real Marshall. And the Bugera's reputation is theyre good while they last....emphasis on the while they last. I originally wanted a 1990 but saved for a real Marshall and never looked back.
  19. jaek

    JCM 800 Bong

    someone post the clown that turns into the rainbow haha
  20. jaek

    I need a long a$$ cable!!

    I saw Slash at the sprint center last saturday (22) and he was using wireless. but his tone sucked ass. WAY WAY THIN! not impressed by the AFD100s he was using. Then Gus G came on and his tone was awesome! (blackstars.)