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  1. Guitargearfreak

    got any LIVE SHOTS!!!

    Finally got a good shot of my flying V this weekend! \nn/
  2. Guitargearfreak

    Stained White Flying V :(

    Hi guys Last last I did a gig with a long sleeve red shirt while playing my white flying V. Now the top of the guitar (where my arm sit) is pink!!! :mad: Any idea of product I should use ? I tried my Fender cleaner and it does nothing at all...
  3. Guitargearfreak

    JCM800 bedroom volume?

    A power scaling system is different than an attenuator. I agree that this thing is pretty efficient, not perfect, but good. Anyway, my advice is to by a 5 watts amps for your home, and play your Marshall live. I love my blackstar HT-5, I paid 300$ for it, and its impossible to make my DSL...
  4. Guitargearfreak

    JCM800 bedroom volume?

    There's no attenuator on planet earth that can change a 100 watts cranked monster into a good little practice amp. Do yourself a favor and for the same price, buy a practice amp instead of an attenuator, and play your Marshall with your band. It will sounds 100 times better. I asked the exact...
  5. Guitargearfreak

    Unofficial "Post YOUR youtube videos" thread

    Worst quality ever but this is all I got... Slash haters don't clic on this one!!! ‪Sweet child O'mine 3rd solo cover‬‏ - YouTube
  6. Guitargearfreak

    got any LIVE SHOTS!!!

    Some shots of my lovely DSL100 in action! :dude: and yes, I am skinny as f***!!! :laugh2:
  7. Guitargearfreak

    AFD GAS... should I sell my DSL?

    Arggggg... I was hoping you guys will say: "Nah, keep your DSL, the AFD is just another signature crap, Slash got enough money, if you already like your tone, what's the problem?, etc..." Damn, the problem is that I can get like 800$ for the DSL-100... (right?) so there's a 1000$ missing...
  8. Guitargearfreak

    AFD GAS... should I sell my DSL?

    Hey guys. I've been playing a DSL-100 for a long time, I'm happy with it, I get great comments about my tone, very reliable, BUT I tried an AFD-100 tonight and OMG, this thing sings. The guy at my local music store told me that he just got one. I was the first to plugued it, brand new...
  9. Guitargearfreak

    My Jubilee Vid

    very nice tone, just pure raw rock tone! Is that your favorite now? how would you compare the jub to the lead1 of the dsl?
  10. Guitargearfreak

    Newb asks stupid question...

    So basically you're saying "I'm a bit scared to drive my ferrari at full speed around the block". And there's people saying "buy a smaller car, and drive the ferrari on a race track" and others saying "you're a wuss, go kill yourself and kill all the kids in town, we're all gonna die anyway...
  11. Guitargearfreak

    Newb asks stupid question...

    I also got ethymotic earplugs for live situation. It's good, but it deforms the sound a bit (a lot less than standard foam plug though) and you'll hear yourself inside your head (breathing, signing very loud). Etymotic Research, Inc. - ETY-Plugs ER20 High Fidelity Earplugs BUT, I totally...
  12. Guitargearfreak

    AFD100 users - anyone like #34 mode? I don't...

    this guy does... YouTube - Marshall AFD 100 demo SLASH sound clip see the description and comments....
  13. Guitargearfreak

    What amp comes closest to the Marshall sound?

    My blackstar HT-5 is the best piece of kit I've ever bought. It sounds a lot more "Marshally" than my real Marshall at bedroom volume. Serious heavy birtish tones!
  14. Guitargearfreak

    New DSL100 *first impressions*

    Now, is there someone here kind enough to explain: why once he got too far on the trim pots (over 90), he needs turn one side even hotter to be able to turn both side cooler (under 90)... why he has to turn both sides up, to get them both down... At the begining of the video, the amp is set...
  15. Guitargearfreak

    New DSL100 *first impressions*

    What I don't get from that video is why once he got too hot, he needs turn one side even hotter to be able to turn both side cooler... I know each sides work against each other, but why he has to turn both sides up, to get them both down... :S
  16. Guitargearfreak

    New DSL100 *first impressions*

    Guys I'm so confused... I'm looking at that same video and the bias probe is in MiliAmps, while the multimeter is in MiliVolts. I don't think that you can say 41MA+41MA = 82MV :confused:
  17. Guitargearfreak

    *dsl 100**

    I run mine through vintage 30s too, and I agree, you got to keep that presence and treble just a bit over a quater and it sounds amazing. So do you prefer this one or the 50 watts version? What is your final favorite bias setting?
  18. Guitargearfreak

    Your Own Personal Favorite Amp & Guitar Set up

    Gibson Flying V --> DSL100 --> 1960AV
  19. Guitargearfreak

    5150 vs JCM2000

    The 5150 is the holy grail of brutal amp... sooooo mean. A mesa sounds like a teddy bear beside it. If you want to do hardcore stuff you should definitely keep it. But as the sample you post was a rock tone, the DSL will be a better choice in that territory. I love mine.
  20. Guitargearfreak

    Thinking about a DSL50...

    Now we agree. I'm talking about rock tone, that's why I care about the power section. I don't like modern metal tones, and don't like the tone of an uncranked Marshall... just matter of taste