Search results

  1. C

    DSL 100 Versus TSL 100

    Just sold some of the guitars I didn't use anymore, so now I will go spend it on a new Marshall head. I'm quiet covered in when it comes to 2203s so i was looking at the JCM2000 DSL 100 and TSL 100. I want to try these out at my local store, but they don't have any in stock, and they kind of...
  2. C

    AFD-100 questions

    Well, as I said, he is a good guitarist, but putting him on a pedestal like he was the absolute best.. That bugs me the way sleaze/hair/glam "metal" does..
  3. C

    AFD-100 questions

    Setting :slash: name over Hendrix, Gallagher, Van Halen, Randy Rhoades, Clapton, Page, Beck, Blackmore, Vai, Bellamy? blasphemer! ;)
  4. C

    AFD-100 questions

    Oh, yes.. I have nothing against signature gear, but against those boneheads whom think they sounds/are/plays like Slash (or any other guitarist), simply by buying the gear.. Besides that, I can't see a valid argument for hyping Slash that much.. yeah he is a good rythme and lead guitarist, who...
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    Jubiliee vs. Anniversary

  6. C

    Jubilee Calendar

    Nice :)
  7. C

    Haze 15 problems?

    I opt to disagree.. A nice set of vintage 30 or some old EVM's from a Mesa cab, unless you like to have that "treble rebel". The only problem I have with the Haze is that it goes from kinda bright to very dark, when switching to the OD channel, even when the "bright" switch is on.. I would...
  8. C

    Any Rumours about the 50th Anni Model..

    I really hope it is something usable, and not just collectible.. Cause I'm sure I will put my dirty hands on one!
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    The Marshall Amplifier Thread! we welcome EVERYONE!

    Hello, my name is Carsten, I'm a Marshallholic..
  10. C

    EMG's on a LP Custom?

    Pink Floyds creativity kinda died after "The Wall", cause they went mainstream.. But do you expect a 64 yo former acid head to come up with innovativ songs? I mean.. look at Rolling Stones.. They have never written a song with soul and feeling, they're famous because they are still alive...
  11. C

    To loop or not to loop

    You mean by put into the send and recive and "short circuiting" the bypass with this cable?
  12. C

    To loop or not to loop

    I have a old 2203 and a silver jub 2550
  13. C

    EMG's on a LP Custom?

    The Blackouts Modular Preamp I haven't tried it yet, and since I havn't "grown up" (yes a little pun intended ;) ) I still use EMGs and Blackouts, and If you look a guitarist like Steve Lukather or David Gilmour, whom also uses EMG, I would say they are both dynamic, so maybe it is not the PU.
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    To loop or not to loop

    I'm kinda new to this forum, but i've noticed that a lot o' people uses effects loop and complaints 'bout a amp if there isn't one on a amp. But how important is a loop really? I mean, i never have used the FX loop on my amp, but then again, I'm kinda semi-purist when it comes to pedals and...
  15. C

    2203KK versus 2203X

    A former band mate of mine, had made a custom switch for that purpose exactly, so i know that is a fixable problem.
  16. C

    2203KK versus 2203X

    Well, the factor whenever there is or is not "another name" on a amp dosen't matter for me, it is the sound that is important. If one feels inhibited by the cosmetics of their amp, well yeah.. it should be obvious.. besides isn't Marshall a name (or a brand you might say)? If you think "the...
  17. C

    2203KK versus 2203X

    He sure does.. like ZW likes Pinch Hamonics ;)
  18. C

    2203KK versus 2203X

    Simplicity I guess.. I mean, have you ever heard King with a delay or phaser?
  19. C

    do you play/practice @ low volumes?

    When I practice at home I mainly practice unplugged. Chris Cannella (of Autumn's End) gave me the advise to play unplugged, cause your tone is affected by your playing style, so if yo u want a special tone, the first thing should not be searching the web for new amp, PU or pedals, but your...
  20. C

    What is the point, if you can't use it?

    The only problem i see (which is in every cab) is that you have this "death ray" of treble, coming in a straight line from the speakers. If you "close" that off (with fx plexi screens) you have less trouble with the soundman (according to my experience), and you can stand in front of your cab...