Search results

  1. ics1974

    Marshall Code Vs Mgcfx

    Thanks guys. Still deciding. I need to find a store to test both
  2. ics1974

    Marshall Code Vs Mgcfx

    Hey guys Looking for a good solid state amp to get Marshall tones. What do you all think of the Code series of amps? Are they better then the MG series? Which one is the better sounding amp?
  3. ics1974

    SL-5 shipped today!!!! LTD?????

    The amp is more important than work. Get your priorities straight
  4. ics1974

    Best way to add gain to a jmp 2203

    Way Huge Pork Loin
  5. ics1974

    84' JCM 800 or I'm getting robbed. Literally.

    LOL I was thinking the same thing.
  6. ics1974

    Overdrive boosts and DSL

    Way Huge pork loin
  7. ics1974

    Used DSL50 for sale.....

    yes you should
  8. ics1974

    Call me Biased BUT:

    I didn't realize the JMD:1 used tubes at all. So is it discontinued as I can't see any for sale?
  9. ics1974

    Can you play Bass in a Guitar amp and cab

    I did it for a while with my DSL and 1960A cab but at low volumes. It was fine and sounded ok. I did this until I was ready to invest in a true bass rig.
  10. ics1974

    JCM800 Re-Issue Sounds Fizzy

    You should post a sample of the fizz. What you call fizz might be different from what someone else thinks.
  11. ics1974

    Comparaison clips JMP2203 and 2203X

    I like the 2203X better
  12. ics1974

    Bass guitar with DSL 50 and 1960a cab

    I want to start learning bass guitar but don't want to buy a new bass amp and bass cab unless I decide I really like playing bass. Is it safe to play bass guitar using my dsl 50 with my 1960a cab loaded with v30's/75's? I would only be playing at living room volume levels.
  13. ics1974

    JCM 800 2203 vs JCM 800KK

    Is the 800KK exactly like a regular 800 2203 if the beast mode is NOT engaged? Is there any difference in sound?
  14. ics1974

    Satriani goes JVM 410H

    The more I read and hear youtube video's the more I want a JVM. I wonder how much more the Satriani JVM will be. The black one I mean.
  15. ics1974

    This is sooo cool!!!

    They should make a fridge sub forum.
  16. ics1974

    Satriani goes JVM 410H

    Does anyone know if the black 410JS will be a limit production model as well?
  17. ics1974

    Got the JVM !!

    Congrats. When you get comfortable with the amp let us know how it compares to your DSL.
  18. ics1974

    New guitar or new amp?

    I have owned a 07 American Strat (sounded tinny) American VG Strat (too gimmicky) Jeff Beck Signature Strat (it sounded good but didn't like the neck) 2010 MIM Strat. (this one is just right) Sold all them and only own the MIM Strat. Don't know why but this one I liked the best. go figure. That...
  19. ics1974

    Satriani goes JVM 410H

    This amp is going to be very cool.
  20. ics1974

    very cool new marshall!!!

    I want one too... It would look great in my bacement... Oh the fridge too.