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    I guess EMG just voices their single coils way differently than humbuckers. I noticed the same thing with my ceramic S's. They sound very organic in contrast to the humbuckers which sound much more digital. Their new single coil X series to me is a bit redundant.
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    Tsl 100 tubes

    Between you and M you're filled with false assumptions which is your problems not mine. If the OP wants to specify something, let him do it instead of making an ass out of me based on your two's own projections. First of all read my first post. Secondly, read the second. You'll notice I said...
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    Tsl 100 tubes

    The man wanted our opinions, I gave him mine. There was no outline as to how our answers should follow. In other words the exclusion of new amps was not specified. Also, without going into detail, your attempts to objectify something which is subjective is foolish. Everything I said was valid...
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    Marshall Labeled Preamp tubes

    I can save you from another gimmick in the future. If you LOVE the tone of your amp NEVER buy Marshall labeled tubes. Marshall relabels tubes and jacks up the price just like GT. Most likely you've got Chinese 9th generation/white labeled preamp tubes in there. With that said you can get those...
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    Tsl 100 tubes

    I think for what you're looking for you're going down the wrong path. Most of the tone by far comes from the rest of the amps circuitry. Swapping tubes is more like the frosting on the cake. If you think by changing tubes your TSL is going to sound like a Plexi or 2203, you're dreaming. There...
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    Seymour Duncan JB myth!

    Just adding to what's already been said... Jeff ended up not liking the pup but SD kept the design since he personally liked it so much. This "Jazz, Blues" acronym is just legal balognia. Jeffie wouldn't be too thrilled if SD was profiting off his name w/o getting his piece of the pie too.
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    When to replace PreTube in AVT50?

    Just had to replace mine after only a year. The bass frequency had gotten thin and overall lost that open, 3 dimentional tone. After opening it up I noticed the right side of the tube had some scortch marks on it(which I thought was odd.) Popped a new one in and sure enough, problem solved...
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    DSL 401 question

    Goodness, the first time I remember seeing that one was around 3 years ago. Looking at the first part of the serial number, 2004... the year it was made, it could have been sitting around even longer. It doesn't mean anything. I've seen a lot of things that have been there for years.
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    DSL 401 question

    Didn't mean to scare you. Actually I had my eye on that one.:( Well just know, even though it's yours now... I played it first!:hippie:
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    DSL 401 question

    Let's see, DSL 401, SamAsh, SoCal...hmm Please tell me it's not the one at Ontario Mills!
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    Just got laid off......

    Great you're rehired! Now it's your turn to feel sorry for the rest of us.
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    Youtube guy runs his JVM on 2 EL34's and 2 5881's at same time.

    Next you'll see him with a Mega Booger complaining that his last amp fried on him because it was a piece of junk.
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    Eurotubes: regular, high gain, or gold pin?

    Amen to that! Gosh I leave for a year only to find the forum has been hijacked by a couple of damn salesmen. Enough of the JJ and Eurotubes bashing. I'm sure they were reduced to sliminess for the same reason UsingMarshallsForumAsPublicityAmplification and are here...
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    Mr. Crowley

    +100 My god one of those... who think they're so above learning other peoples music like everyone else is some sort of sub-species of guitar player. ANNOYING, why bother comment?! Writers read other peoples works, sculpers and painters study other peoples techniques, etc. Guitar players are...
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    AC/DC sounds on MG50DFX

    Classic rock sounds are probably that amps weakest link. It sounds incredibly harsh and brittle for what you're after. It does pretty good for cleans and Metal, that's about it. It's not really known for being versatile.
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    JVM410 -At Low Volumes-

    Fuck it, if your folks are paying for it HELL YEA go for it. That thing will sound way better at low volumes than any SS amp.
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    Marshall AVT

    These are not difficult amps to get good tones out of as versatile as they are. I'm not sure what tone you're after. I've got the 100x combo so the tones may differ slightly. Basically any older type of sound the clean channel or OD1 is the best bet and adjust the gain and EQ accordingly. OD 2...
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    Anything you know about guitarists that other people don't

    Not really. I like how he points out the BS in religion but if he were a bit smarter he'd use honey to get his message out not vinegar. He's only marketing to the rejects... UNACCEPTABLE!
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    Maintenance on Valvestate 8200

    No the chasis, not the black bit. I mean the whole gold chunk of metal that the black thing is attatched to, and the speaker outs and all the knobs on the front attatched to it, the entire thing needs to come out. There should be 4 screws holding it up from the top of the head. When you unscrew...

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