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  1. Robertf

    Unofficial "Post YOUR youtube videos" thread

    Here's a video I did a few months ago, as a demo for the Marshall Class 5 amp. YouTube - Marshall Class 5 Demo - Immigrant Song live and another of my old band playing one of the smaller rooms at the House of Blues in Hollywood... YouTube - Headley Grange - Heartbreaker
  2. Robertf

    What is the point, if you can't use it?

    Interesting to see all the guitar players basically giving the middle finger to sound guys and club owners. :headbanger: But the problem is epidemic these days, at least at the clubs we play in LA, which have included the House Of Blues, Knitting Factory, AC Supper Club, Mint and Derby...
  3. Robertf

    if i was to upgrade spakers in a mg412 cab

    I upgraded my MG412 with 4 Greenbacks -- left it at 8ohms. Its a really nice sounding cab now and works well with my 1987 and 2061 reissue amps, and its not so killer on my back. I use it all the time for rehearsal and for gigs with small stages. Rob
  4. Robertf

    Okay, finally a current pic of my modest gear

    Modest. Really nice looking gear and a great photo, too! Love that ebony Standard. Rob
  5. Robertf

    Opinions- 2061x vs JTM-45 (30 watt)

    Thanks to all who replied! Looks like I will be investigating further into the Ultimate Attenuator and the Marshall 2061x. Rob
  6. Robertf

    Opinions- 2061x vs JTM-45 (30 watt)

    Guys: Thanks for the replys so far. Steelhorse: I tried a VM before I bought the 1987 and I just could not warm up to it. MV amps and I have never really got along. MMorse: How do you think the Ultimate Attenuator will differ form the THD Hotplate I've been using with the 1987? That...
  7. Robertf

    Opinions- 2061x vs JTM-45 (30 watt)

    Hey all: I'm currently in 2 bands. One does mostly Led Zep covers, and the other is an originals band where a heavy guitar sound works. I use my 1987x reissue --guitar straight in with no boost pedals for the Zep band. Absolute heaven. No issues whatsoever. In the originals band, I...
  8. Robertf

    Marshall 50 full stack w/'59 Les Paul filmed back in 1981...

    Hey Glen! Great vids and playing. Thanks for posting them. I hope you get your amp back! Rob
  9. Robertf

    have i been ripped off?

    That's too bad. :( Sounds like the tricks of an unscrupulous merchant, or perhaps one that is "on the bubble" financially thanks to the bad economy. Now's a good time to watch everything that you buy, from guitar stores to the supermarket. Merchants big and small are feeling the pinch...
  10. Robertf

    is this a real 1960AV cab?

    I just picked up one of these cabs used the other day, and I'm wondering about the speakers too. I opened it up and its got the black lable Marshall-branded "Vintage" speakers everyone is describing. A quick look on the Celestion website doesn't reveal anything similar to these with a 70 watt...
  11. Robertf

    Making an MG sound good?

    Hi: I've got an MG 412A - It had the same shrill properties that you describe, especially when paired with my 1987x 50 watt head. I've replaced all the shit OEM speakers with Celestion G12M Greenbacks and I couldn't be happier. Nice 60's -70's tone. The cab fits easily into my trunk and is...
  12. Robertf

    What was your first good electric Guitar?

    Probably not everyones cup of tea on this board, but here's my first really good one... 1968 Rickenbacker 330/6. The amp is a '65 Deluxe Reverb. Wish I still had both of them. I had owned the guitar for about 3 years when the pic was taken and the color had faded noticeably already.
  13. Robertf

    Show us your Marshall

    A lot of great amps around here. Unfortunately I only have one Marshall 2006 1987x Plexi reissue
  14. Robertf

    anybody like 1987x Marshall..?

    I've had mine for a little over a month now and I love it. You really can't go wrong with one if you're after those late 60's to mid '70's classic rock sounds. I had been Marshall-less for over 30 years. Now I don't know how I ever did without this amp. Plug a Les Paul straight into the...
  15. Robertf

    Speaker Mix

    Adwex: Thanks for the info about the bright cap. I've heard that before. However, in playing with this amp, I becoming convinced that the extreme brightness is an essential component of the sound I'm after, so I'll leave the cap in for a while. Rob
  16. Robertf

    Speaker Mix

    Well I got the 1987x 50 watt head home this morning. This is my first Marshall set up in about 30 years, so its quite exciting. I bridged both channels and plugged my R9 Les Paul into the normal channel, which aside from being a bit darker, is not unlike the the normal channel on my 65...
  17. Robertf

    Speaker Mix

    Guys: Thanks for the welcome and the link! :thumb:
  18. Robertf

    Speaker Mix

    Hello: This is my first post on this great forum. I just recently grabbed a 2006 1987x 50 watt head off fleabay. It should arrive tomorrow and I can't wait to play my Les Paul Custom through it. For the time being, I'm going to hook the amp up to everyone's favorite cab, the MG-412. I...