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  1. G

    Guitar And Pedal Issues

    I'm just having all kinds pf problems and things are just falling apart. Lots of things I could say right now, but I know you guys are not up for hearing my drama, so I'll spare you the good bits. The only things I will say is that I think my gear needs a total revamp - guitars, amps, and all...
  2. G

    Guitar And Pedal Issues

    Or a JVM205H. Haven't decided which yet.
  3. G

    Guitar And Pedal Issues

    Very good questions/suggestions. The rat I think we can toss out. Yes, I've tried it with the settings all over the board. It sounds like I described it earlier, like someone spilt milk on a $30 First Act amp from Walmart. It is going straight to GC and getting traded for a different, more...
  4. G

    Guitar And Pedal Issues

    For real?
  5. G

    Guitar And Pedal Issues

    I'm honestly very let down by my Splawn but just not wanting to admit it to myself. It could just be my playing though. I know I've played on equipment before that made me sound amazing and had very good sonic rewards for very little effort, but I never seem to be able to get a good sound out...
  6. G

    Guitar And Pedal Issues

    You'd think so. I'm definitely trading the Rat II for a mini cry baby or something. I've never really trusted myself to do technical work or tinkering on stuff. Just seems like I end up making things worse when I do. I've had this guitar setup several times by pros and it's been way better than...
  7. G

    Guitar And Pedal Issues

    I've got some problems with my guitar and pedal that I suppose need addressing separately, but I'll post them both in this thread: So I recently bought a Splawn QR100. It's a great amp, but I wasn't really satisfied with the gain. Now, this could be attributable to a number of things, but it...
  8. G

    Is This Acceptable?

    Not that you guys will respond to this thread anymore, but are there any well-known Facebook groups for musicians connecting or looking for members? CL is a waste of time and you have to pay a monthly fee to use bandmix.
  9. G

    Is This Acceptable?

    I would if there were any. No one is starting rock bands anymore. It's all either country or hipster/indie acoustic stuff. Here's the types of ads you see: Vocalist/multi-instrumentalist looking for drums/bass/keys for Americana project Guitarist/songwriter wants to collaborate on new songs...
  10. G

    Is This Acceptable?

    I've tried and tried and tried. I cannot find anyone who wants to play. I live in one of the most musical cities in the world too. I'll put out ads, one or two people will respond to them, I will follow up with them, then I never hear from them again. It's cricket cricket cricket cricket. You...
  11. G

    Are You A Left Lane Driver?

    This thread describes my life and feelings 100%. I think states should revamp the highway laws and speed limits. Should be one larger sign that says "RIGHT LANE: 70/LEFT LANE: 75+". And leave it at that. No speed limit in the left lane other than a minimum speed.
  12. G

    Why Do I Bother With Life?

    Don't know what you mean by not adding up.
  13. G

    Is This Acceptable?

    :lol: Yeah, I guess Hollywood just has to cast whoever applies/auditions for a particular role even of they're the wrong age, gender, ethnicity, and nationality for the part, right? Suggesting otherwise would be "bigotry". Hell, let's even stop discriminating based on talent-level. That's...
  14. G

    Is This Acceptable?

    Good point. Thanks!
  15. G

    the sun is going to sleep

    By far the best explanation I've ever heard of how people tend to think and form their opinions/worldviews comes from Michael Shermer. He says that people are more like lawyers than scientists. That is, they pick the belief first that makes them comfortable, then they lawyer the evidence to fit...
  16. G

    Is This Acceptable?

    Is this an acceptable CL ad? Title: Guitarist seeking band members (hard rock) Body: • Looking for drummer and bassist • Ages 21-30 • Original hard rock band • Only requirement is dependability and no drug/alcohol issues • Reply by email or call/text *number* (serious inquiries only) Just...
  17. G

    Why Do I Bother With Life?

    Not sure what happened, but I hope I didn't cause a falling out.
  18. G

    Why Do I Bother With Life?

    To be honest, the less attractive women are even worse than the good looking ones as far as rejecting me.
  19. G

    Why Do I Bother With Life?

    Easy to say when you're a normal guy who can generally get the attention of women. Classic example of my life from tonight. Pretty lady comes up to us at the hotel. In the mood for partying. Thought to myself, "okay, I'll try to flirt a little bit with her, see where it goes." And as I expected...
  20. G

    It's A Changing World...

    ...and I'm not prepared for it, and never will be.