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  1. FJP467

    Mr Crowley Lead Live Using A Kemper

    Hey Mike: It was a pleasure meeting you and your son at the 2300 Arena in Philly last Saturday. You guys put on a hell of a show. My wife and I really enjoyed talking to you guys afterward. MFers.....I can say first hand that the band is awesome and the young man can flat out shred. Get...
  2. FJP467

    What's On Everybody's Christmas List?

    I was really hoping for a mini Jubilee but now that new Mesa TC-50 looks very interesting.
  3. FJP467

    Peavey Classic 20 Mini Head

    The Peavey MH series are all great heads. I have the 6505MH and the Valveking II MH. They are awesome. I have no doubt the Classic 20 is right up there with them. I will have to add that one to the collection sooner or later!
  4. FJP467

    What's Your #1 Favorite Guitar?

    I love all of my guitars and I try to play them all as much as I can. However, if I could only keep 1. It would be my Jackson SL2H Soloist.
  5. FJP467

    My Band From Last Night....

    Due, great tone and great playing. Nailed it for sure. That was awesome. Congrats on a great performance.
  6. FJP467

    Favorite voices of all time:

    Ronnie James Dio
  7. FJP467

    Gear Acquired In 2015.

    Aside from the picks, strings and clip on tuners, 2015 was a good year gear wise for me: Marshall 1936 2x12 Cab 1968 Gibson Les Paul Custom Reissue Tri-burst Peavey 6505MH Peavey Valveking 20MH
  8. FJP467

    When I go to the bar, I don't go looking for a girl who knows the Capital of Maine.

    Re: When I go to the bar, I don't go looking for a girl who knows the Capital of Main There is no doubt that Holm kicked the ***t out of RR. The fight was not even close. That said, Holm is a great fighter but she has the back of a bodybuilder. She was jacked. I have no doubt that her...
  9. FJP467

    Pics and clips from this weekends gigs 11/13/15 awesome venue!

    Congrats! Looks like I missed another great show. I hope to catch the next show in our area. Great job and keep on rocking!!
  10. FJP467

    EVH lll lbx quick demo clip - Birthday present!!!

    Happy Birthday and Congrats on your NAD.
  11. FJP467

    NGD: PRS Private Stock One-off Build

    That is absolutely ridiculously gorgeous. Congrats and enjoy!!
  12. FJP467

    Tribute Madness

    Very cool. Definitely keep me in the loop if you can. Me and a few of my peeps are really looking forward to seeing you guys play.
  13. FJP467

    Tribute Madness

    I am local to you guys. I am in South Jersey in Winslow Twp. I looked into the Jim Thorpe show but unfortunately can not make. We will be visiting my daughter in Florida. Hopefully we can catch you in the very near future.
  14. FJP467

    Tribute Madness

    Don't let this bother you. Lots of jealousy in this world and haters are gonna hate. Maybe I am biased as I am a Jersey guy too, but I am really looking forward to catching a show and seeing you guys live. That said, to me, a night out listening to a great band is still a good time. I don't...
  15. FJP467

    Peavey Classic 20 Mini arrived - Review

    That is a great set up. Nice review and congrats on the NAD.
  16. FJP467

    My apologies

    Happy NGD. Beautiful axe, enjoy!!
  17. FJP467

    Peavey Classic 20 Mini on the way to go with my EVH 5150 & Peavey 6505 MH

    No doubt, there are some great prices on those 100w heads. I know those 100w heads are scalable back to 5w, I am just curious if they sound as good as the mini heads at low volumes. I will agree that the VK is tremendously versatile. I am very fortunate to have the VK and the 6505. I am not...
  18. FJP467

    Peavey Classic 20 Mini on the way to go with my EVH 5150 & Peavey 6505 MH

    I am very anxious to hear how Yell03 likes the Classic. It does sound great. I am just not sure it is different enough from the VK to justify buying it and completing the collection.
  19. FJP467

    Peavey Classic 20 Mini on the way to go with my EVH 5150 & Peavey 6505 MH

    Good Day? That is a great day! Congrats.
  20. FJP467

    EVH 5150 III 50w arrived - compared to my Peavey 6505 MH

    Hey Yello3......As much as I love the 6505MH, I would never kid myself and think it is superior to the EVH. There is no way the peavey can compete with 50 watts of power. I am just curious though, is the EVH as dynamic as the 6505 at real low volumes. I am curious how is compares to the...