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  1. A

    Marshall 1968 plexi(original) vs Marshall 1968 Plexi Clone

    A vintage Plexi and a clone will sound differently, but personally I can't tell the vintage. Especially since two vintage Plexis can sound differently from each other as well. Same as bursts... People who played multiple bursts say that there are significant differences between them. You can...
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    Anyone get Amp sims to sound as close to Marshall as possible?

    Plugins have gotten so good that when AB'ing two audio tracks, one plugin and one tube amp, it's close to impossible to tell what's what. However, you still have a 50% chance to get it right with only two tracks. Take ten tracks, say 1 Plexi plugin and 9 real Plexis, and it's over... The...
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    Tinnitus - a solution

    It doesn't work for me, and I've tried it extensively. I don't have insulin resistance either... Mine was triggered by doing the Wim Hof breathing technique. The first couple of times I did it, it triggered tinnitus but it went away after a few minutes. The 4ht of 5th time it didn't go away...
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    4th gain stage in 2204

    This is me fooling around years ago with some GnR riffs (which I didn't really know, as you'll hear). Extra gain stage on a 2204 clone, plus some component changes for more gain. I used an SM57. I'm convinced that someone who really knows those riffs could have made it sound much better...
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    4th gain stage in 2204

    Years ago I added to my 2204 clone a cascaded gain stage on a switch with its own gain knob. If I were to do it again, I wouldn't... I would simply go with a pedal. I replaced that extra 12AX7 with a 12AU7. It was just too much. I don't use the extra gain stage anymore. Having said that, if...
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    Thanks. I definitely should start reading/studying the power amp books that I have. Bottom line, and last question (unless you say something interesting again and I can't stop myself), would EL34s work in an amp with a plate voltage of 480?
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    Why is everyone so tight with there mods??

    I personally have no meaningful mod to share with, or hide from the world, but I believe the concept should be simple. If a guy has something that I want, and I ask him to give it to me, and he says "No", what right do I have to be upset? All the rest, as in "it's just an amp", "nothing...
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    In fact, the 220k bias resistors instead of 100k should lower the voltage, right?
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    Actually, the plate voltage was 480, and that was measured using a Weber Bias Rite.
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    Oops, does it mean that since the screen voltage on this amp is 480, I can't just put in EL34s with only a few resistor changes?
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    Weeeeird clicks in my 2204

    Thank you so much for putting my mind at ease :applause: My other 2204 and another 2203 that I had never had that. Maybe because they had better OTs... Or maybe that had nothing to do with it.... Anyway, thanks again!
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    I started learning about amps beginning with the input and preamp. I wanted to gather a good knowledge of those before moving over to the power amp section. I'm by no means a preamp expert, but now I understand what happens there. I just got Merlin's new book on power amps and I'm ready to move...
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    BTW, this is the PT http://www.classictone.net/40-18023.pdf I don't know yet how to "read" PTs... Is it a good PT for EL34s?
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    Thanks a lot :cheers:
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    Weeeeird clicks in my 2204

    I just got a used 2204 clone and it sounds really good. I had the chassis out and I started playing it through an attenuator. At some point, as I was playing the Sweet child of mine intro at low (attenuator) volume, I thought I heard a click after every note. I turned down entirely the...
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    Thank for the info. The voltage was about 480, so I put in the 6550s, biased, and it sounded great. This is a 2204 clone I bought and it came with KT88s, but I want to modify it for EL34. I already have a 2204 clone with 6550s. I was afraid it was built with a transformer for KT88s, but it...
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    A thread resurrection... Thanks for the detailed explanation. What else would need to be changed when going from KT88s to 6550s, if the voltage is too high? Is it the bias resistors (I think 150k for a 50W amp with 6550s). Is it also the bias supply dropping resistor (the one is series with...
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    Why is the JCM 800 such a "great" amp?

    The tube sockets are not on the board, it's the pots and jacks.
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    Why is the JCM 800 such a "great" amp?

    The 800 can be very flexible. They won't do everything, but they'll do a lot. And the low input is very underrated. I had a 2203 from '83 and was using it with an attenuator and the master always on 8. Playing with the guitar volume, and/or the amp's preamp gain (between songs) gives you lots...
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    AFD Mod

    Could the following mods be classified based on which one gives the most gain? I know they all combined give more gain, but is there a rough estimation of which one gives most (I must say I don't fully understand the role of component 3)). 1) .1uF over 10K cathode of the 2nd stage 2) 820...