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  1. KraftyBob

    One of mark knopflers JTM45 is being sold in switzerland

    I’m a huge Knopfler fan, but gear played or signed by famous people doesn’t do anything for me. To me, this is just another JTM45, but I understand that there are collectors out there for this stuff.
  2. KraftyBob

    Headfirst mods on DSL40C

    ? The linked profile is Ledvedder
  3. KraftyBob

    DSL40C intermittent static / white noise with all controls on zero

    Don’t know what to tell you. My DSL40C has hissed like a flat tire on the red channel from day one. It was my first tube amp and I was told it was normal for these. Turns out not the case but it was too late to do anything. I tried changing tubes and put in higher quality plate resistors...
  4. KraftyBob

    Headfirst mods on DSL40C

    I’ve seen some of his videos and the amps sound good so I downloaded the mod for the DSL100 to use on my 40C. That’s as far as I got. He may be knowledgeable regarding what to mod, but looking at the pics he may want to take a lesson on soldering 😀 I read the thread that SkyMonkey posted, and...
  5. KraftyBob

    NAD - 3210 (3rd Time's a Charm?)

    A check of the output transistors and the bridge rectifier before the fuse gets there wouldn’t hurt. Do you have a variac or lightbulb limiter to power up with? Nice score btw!
  6. KraftyBob

    Mesa Electradyne went out

    How did you check the power tubes? The filament glowing does not mean the tube is working. That’s just the heater for the cathode. Also, if you had a known good preamp tube you could have tried swapping the tubes in your amp one at a time to see if it is a tube issue. Like Matthews Guitars said...
  7. KraftyBob

    RIP Member Axe4me

    Man that sucks. I really enjoyed seeing all the guitars. RIP Axe4me
  8. KraftyBob

    Amps and their ext. cab mates

    I just sold a VS65R. It was one I picked up cheap to repair and sell. Great little amp and I was pleasantly surprised how good the headphone out sounds.
  9. KraftyBob

    Amps and their ext. cab mates

    I ran into the same issue you did - couldn't find a 1x12 cab as wide as my DSL40C. I ended up buying a MG250DFX that some guy was using as a 2x12 cab and rebuilding it as a 1x12. The cab is slightly wider than the amp, but I'd rather have that vs the amp hanging over the sides. I posted the...
  10. KraftyBob

    dsl40cr tones setting

    Your best bet is to just sit with the amp and mess around with the settings yourself. Tone is subjective and what sounds good to one person might not to another.
  11. KraftyBob

    DSL40CR sounds like underwater

    T The effects loop in the DSL is serial. But you’re right about the mix and certain effects. My Mesa Rectoverb 50 (2003) has a parallel loop as back then rack mount effects were popular and those work well with parallel loops. But I modded mine to convert it to serial and my Helix likes it...
  12. KraftyBob

    DSL40CR sounds like underwater

    Plug your guitar directly into the effects return and see if the muffled tone goes away. It won’t sound normal as you’d expect because your bypassing the preamp section, but it should sound clear. If the problem goes away plug your guitar into the input and swap out your preamp tubes one at a...
  13. KraftyBob

    Change output impedance

    You’ll need a different OT as the output taps are based on the windings in the transformer. Or get two 16 ohm speakers and wire them in parallel.
  14. KraftyBob

    Best P-90 platform

    I don’t know that it’s the best, but I really enjoy playing my SG w/P90’s.
  15. KraftyBob

    DSL40CR speaker swap.

    The V-Type is a big improvement over the Seventy/80 that came in the 40C (which is what I have). Although, when I bought mine Sweetwater was running a deal that for the same price you could get the G12M-65 Creamback so I got that - and am really glad I did. On a lightly different note, my Hot...
  16. KraftyBob

    Just got a vs265 from Ebay and it has a faulty left channel

    Plug your guitar directly into the effects return of the left side and if the signal is good the problem is in the preamp section. If not, it’s in the power amp. Do you have an oscilloscope and function generator? If so, signal trace the amp and see where your losing signal. That will at least...
  17. KraftyBob

    Anyone Like College Football?

    Oh boy
  18. KraftyBob

    2204 clean distortion? Blown OT?

    If you have DC on those knobs then check the coupling caps just before them. You shouldn’t have DC there.
  19. KraftyBob

    Seventy eighties with Celestion Vintage 30...

    The ohm reading will be slightly lower than what the speaker is rated because you’re measuring the impedance of the speaker. A 16 ohm speaker will measure around 13 ohms +/- on your meter. An 8 ohm speaker will measure around 6 ohms +/-. Nothing to be ashamed about using Line 6. Whatever it...
  20. KraftyBob

    origin 50c plopping

    I'm assuming you mean a popping noise? I don't own and Origin so hopefully others that do will reply and let you know if that's normal or not. I've had a few solid state amps that pop when powered down - which was completely normal for them.

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