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    Anyone ever get pissed with their axe?

    man i got a gretsch 5120 i love the guitar it feels right plays great and sounds great THROUGH MY FENDER amp. since i replaced the fender for a marshall jcm 900 ive tried to play the gretsch but the feed back is a killer on stage or in the house.
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    Jcm 900 dual reverb

    im so bad at this i dont know what model i have all i know its the 4100 dual reverb (its my first tube amp) how can i tell
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    Jcm 900 dual reverb

    i have a jcm 900 4100 and i want to get it retubed. I play in a punk band and know little to nothing about what to retube it with? any ideas? it has sovteks in them now
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    Our Kids Playing Music

    well not the same but my little brother came to see my band play when he was 6 years old and when he saw my drummer play thats all he talked about. so that same week i bought he a cheap drum set and let him have at it. now hes my drummer in my band.
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    yeah im they same way on my gretsch but alas i have a floating bridge i just adjust to what sounds good to me.
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    EBMM, no love?

    i had a buddy that played a 4 string sterling it was amazing i was sad when he sold it to pay bills. also my buddy got hooked on them by john patrucci when they went on tour with dream theater he use to play a custom tele and switched to a custom 7 string ebmm. ive played on a few of there...
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    gibson vs epiphone

    when i went to get my les paul i was looking at price mainly i played a epi standard and a gibson studio. the gibson did not sound any better than the epi i ended up walking out the door with the epi extra cash that i would have ended up spending on the studio. now mind you i went back a monh...
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    Help me out please

    personally i agree with mauk 1 all those guitars are great ( i really dont like deans) but ibanez has allways been tried and true to my heart. even the cheap ones sound good
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    i think my dsl 100 head is too hot?

    now the i have kinda the same set up with a 16ohms cab and a 900 and it has to be both at 16 ohms or you could really damage something. so far warning set the head to 16 ohms now its going to be hot trust me that wont go away but it wont hurt your hand
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    Marshall MA Series

    some one agrees with me :laugh2:
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    Marshall MA Series

    i wasnt looking to buy just checking out
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    Marshall MA Series

    i dont know its really a toss up for me i have a MG as a backup amp just in case mine ever goes out and i need it for a show it doesnt sound bad at all
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    Orange cab 4x12

    it came down to the 1960 cab and an orange 4x12 i ended with the 1960 cab but i sometimes wish i got the orange cab :(
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    Marshall MA Series

    i havent seen a thread on these little guys yet i was curious on what people think. I tried one the other day and you really get what you pay for. i didnt like the distortion one bit ( im also going by my jcm900 and my other guitar players dsl100) and well id rather have a mg series to be...
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    Speaker buzz

    do the 1960 cabs have a brace in it? i know my tv cab does and that can cause rattle at high levels..i just have some cardboard inbetween the brace and the back of the cab. dont know if it will work in this situation the tv cab is the only cab ive owned
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    Mustang Short scale

    i would tell you ebay man seeing how its a short scale bass and most likely a special neck that u would need
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    gretsch players

    come on guys i know there are more out there than me :rock:
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    Problem with frets/MY GIBSON IS A PIECE OF CRAP!

    oh yeah deff needs a set up i got lucky with my les paul it came off the wall at guitar center set up right ( very lucky) but my gretsch was totally off needed everything done to it ( id get dead notes on to lower strings from fret 1 to 12 and get dead notes on the higher strings from fret 12...
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    Marshall For Home Use

    i was going to say the haze is it any good?
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    Switching Strings

    steel wool is to harsh had a bad experience with that the lightest sand paper you can get from home depot will do the trick and i dont know if homedepot is outside of texas so any hardware store the lightest they have