des this Peavey Windsor...

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Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2011
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Tone Mountain
Mr. Stock Hippie , look what you caused , didn't you just get back from a vacation on the other forum for the same sh-t ?

Thanks for validating that I'm not the only one who sees/recognizes this routine, and doesn't appreciate it.

My problem is I have a really hard time standing by passively/quietly, while these sorts of members do their thing to mock the unsuspecting, because music has been the way I've been earning a living for many many years, and guitar has been a passion for many years longer than that.

I love the enthusiasm of other players, and like to help and encourage when/where I can-- to share my knowledge and experience using gear, playing music, the music business, etc.

I've literally received hundreds of PMs from forum members here, and even have made some new friends, who I've been happy and fortunate enough to actually meet in person.

I offered to help S-H to test out and obtain some gear, in a now deleted thread. (Deleted for the same nonsense that's going on in this one-- I presume) Only to realize that he was only mocking my intended charity, by continuing to escalate his idiocy-- indicating to me that he was never really serious at all about any of it, but was just interested in being a tool. It really does affect my willingness to go out of the way to be helpful.

I own a guitar store here in Hawaii, and was planning on making sure he had what he needed, as I have for other less fortunate forum members here, including one who lives in Argentina (a friend- that I met here on MF, whom I've sent gear to because he can't get it in his country)-- but no-- only more BS from S-H. THAT, is why I know this guy is just mocking those of us who have a passion for playing music, and the gear we talk about here.

He seems to want to prove the point that gear only matters if you can actually play, and he'd be correct in that--but clearly is old enough to know better, how to act in public, and then chooses not to, apparently to feed an attention seeking behavior, akin to a developmentally disabled person. I just am sick of it


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2013
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Traverse City, Mi.
and Merry Christmas to you too, my passive aggressive, instigator of a friend. I know you and I have gone at it in the past, and I've tried to be civil to you none the less, but I'm done w/ this silliness, and trying to be diplomatic w/ the likes of you, who seem interested in/excited by continuing to fan the flames of discord and controversy, and stirring up the crap for your own amusement. It's boring, and juvenile akin to the noobs/tools at UG forum or HC forum. This place would be much cooler if you cut it out.

Look, I just popped in to wish the guy well with his cd and it was you who confronted me. You are also the one tossing insults and name calling. Why?

I might be missing something but Stock Hippie seems like an ok guy...been a member a long time what's the big deal?
Really, there are no harsh feelings on my end and I'm not just trying to stir up controversy.
Anyhow- Merry Christmas to you too (my irritable Hawaiian friend ;) ) :wave:


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2011
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Tone Mountain
Look, I just popped in to wish the guy well with his cd and it was you who confronted me. You are also the one tossing insults and name calling. Why? Because you know I don't take crap, and you wanted to instigate controversy, so you could sit back and watch it unfold, would be my best guess as to your motive. That and the fact that you and I have had our confrontations in the past, and you being the passive aggressive guy you appear to be, are just unable to curb your nature, to stir the pot.

I might be missing something but Stock Hippie seems like an ok guy...been a member a long time what's the big deal?
Really, there are no harsh feelings on my end and I'm not just trying to stir up controversy.
Anyhow- Merry Christmas to you too (my irritable Hawaiian friend ;) ) :wave:

He's been a member for a long time, fine-- but not much of a positive contributor, that I can see.

The fact that he's been a member for a long time seems to me, to support my case-- that he knows better, and is just choosing to play the fool for negative attention. Make sense? (Guessing you'll disagree, but whatever...)

If you believe S-H is really seeking help, then I have to wonder, why haven't you offered to get him an amp, like I have? Of course, his choosing to not take advantage of that, but rather just yank my chain facilitated me deciding to withdraw what I was aiming for, which was to do an act of charity and kindness to someone truly in need. Clearly, his needs are not gear related. I mean w/ record labels wanting to put together a band for him etc... right? C'mon, it doesn't pass the smell test. He's totally fos

You see-- my skepticism and animosity toward him and those who would encourage his chosen course of interaction is not baseless.

Quit being a putz

Mr Jones

New Member
Feb 7, 2014
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Look, I just popped in to wish the guy well with his cd and it was you who confronted me. You are also the one tossing insults and name calling. Why?

I might be missing something but Stock Hippie seems like an ok guy...been a member a long time what's the big deal?
Really, there are no harsh feelings on my end and I'm not just trying to stir up controversy.
Anyhow- Merry Christmas to you too (my irritable Hawaiian friend ;) ) :wave:



Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2013
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Traverse City, Mi.


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2008
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so...i have a JMP Marshall spotted...and the recording sessios are next week...and most of all i want to put down a music track and then sing...up till now the tehs want me to sing and then over dub the music..(guitar)...?...its ok but sometimes you get a good vocal and then the tech says.."Can you do that again? I want to zero in my sound."...o yeah..i went to a really famous studio and the guy took and hour to sound check....and another time it was an hour and a half....and we started at four pm....and I'm going geeee...i start playing in the morning...but it was good and so was the album...


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2008
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The album was called 'Born with a Cheating Heart" was the good one..
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