DSL players : what overdrive pedal are you using?


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Jul 12, 2013
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I've yet to come across an OD that sounds better than the amp with the gain turned up.


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Dec 19, 2014
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Pacific Northwest U.S.A
Here's a recent demo I made for myself to hear the difference in some of my pedals. Personally I like the sound of the amp by itself best and either the FD2 or OCD for a bit more gain for faster runs, leads, etc.



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Nov 18, 2014
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Tried out a TS-9 with the JRC4558D and two resistor swap to 808 specs on the front end of my DSL40C green channel. It sounded decent but had less low end and added much more compression than my SD-1. The SD-1 has more of an open air bite/crunch to it (less compressed). I did do the cap removal mod and changed the value of a couple caps for increased low end on the SD-1.

SD-1 still the winner. Hmm, what should I try next?

I was a pedal junkie 10 years ago or so and swore I wouldn't fall back in that black hole so I am trying to tread water at this point. Maybe I need to tell myself that the SD-1 is it! Heck no, nothing like like getting a new pedal and slapping it on the board for a test drive. So far, I have auditioned the TS-9, Bad Monkey and an OCD V4 (briefly) but I sold it before feeding it 18v so I might give that another shot. I just can't seem to find anything that compares to a SD-1 on the front end of a Marshall.
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Nov 18, 2014
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I know, this is an old thread but thought I would add my $.02. Anyway, I just bought a Timmy and gave it a test drive in front of my DSL40C and I like it! It is a bit more transparent than the FDII mosfet and doesn't have the mid-hump and also has a fuller low end. I think I'm going to look for a BB Preamp and give it a test drive. Anybody use a BB in front of the green channel on a DSL40C?


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Apr 29, 2010
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BOSS DS-1 (slightly modded)


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Dec 28, 2008
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Calgary, Canada
Maxon 808, It does what I want out of an OD. Used it on my 78 JMP 2203, my 2011 JVM210H, and now my 2014 DLS100H. It sounds great with all of them.

I have it on pretty much all the time unless I am doing spanky clean.


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Nov 8, 2014
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Ive been using a Xotic BBmb pre for lighter biting overdrive in front of my dsl100 head, and a Butler Audio Tube Driver pedal with the 12ax7 tube for heavier sustained distortion.
The amp sounds good by itself but I like to change tones throughout the night to cut down on listener fatigue.


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Aug 14, 2012
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Seattle Area
I know, this is an old thread but thought I would add my $.02. Anyway, I just bought a Timmy and gave it a test drive in front of my DSL40C and I like it! It is a bit more transparent than the FDII mosfet and doesn't have the mid-hump and also has a fuller low end. I think I'm going to look for a BB Preamp and give it a test drive. Anybody use a BB in front of the green channel on a DSL40C?

I use an Xotic BB, but mostly use it as a boost on the red channel for solos on the neck pickup. I've got it set to slightly bump the volume, gain, and treble, and reduce the lows.

Recently I've been using an Xotic EP booster as an always on boost in front of the amp. It fattens up the overall tone, adds some sustain, and seems to make the volume control on the guitar a bit more dynamic. It still rolls back for cleans if that's what I want to do, but I mostly use the green channel for cleans.


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May 8, 2015
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So Cal
Never really understood why people use an OD pedal on the clean channel on a Marshall. Not knocking those who do, just sayin'.....

Im old school I guess, guitar to chord to amp, green clean, red nuked. Done.


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Feb 18, 2012
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to get the MXR/BOSS/whoever's crunch sound and not the signature marshall crunch sound.

yezz, some people!

I paid a massive amount of money for those lead1 and lead2 channels, so I'll use them most of the time.

Where DID you guys get your ideas for using pedals as well, with the DSL amps?
were you listening to MEGADETH's sounds? Metallica's sounds? ETC....?

cause NOBODY in the celebrity world actually did this 'customizing trick' of putting MORE stuff into the front of the amp which had already been totally customized.
(that I can think of)

you guys act like it's just such a 'normal technique' with this particular amp.

Where did you think up your idea for this technique?

did you actually know your pickups made the 'distortion' sound already? so if you added a pedal at as well you'd have DOUBLE the 'whatever it is' sound from the custom pickups.
but then the amp is 'custom' and and so, you'll endup with a triple sound version, just by having the pedal in the signal path.
but if you turn on the pedal then you'll endup with a quadruple version of 'that' sound.

can you hear you've moved further away from the true Valve sound, a total of 4 times????

at this point you'd be better off playing an AM radio. flat mono sound.

I struggle to think of an artist who actually made sounds the way you guys have been making sounds.
you've invented all this stuff up yourself.
the heaviest bands NEVER EVER made sounds this way.

NOT ONLY THIS, but YOU GUYS were at such a unique level with nobody else around you to help guide you, that you were customizing the speakers as well.

but to top it all off, you were doing MORE by changing internal amp components too.

SO, you're versions of sounds were 8 TIMES removed from the valve sound.
AND YOU STILL weren't happy with the amp and you called the amp RUBBISH, for years!

the amp doesn't need 'aftermarket' pickups, let alone all the 8 extra things which you people have been saying to do with the amp.

"to tighten the sound up replace the speakers". was the quote.
for what? the megadeth main sound?
that sound was BAD sound. infact it was just PEDAL sound.
Dave was NO inventor. he was just a purchaser of items and then he used them.
I agree with what dave has said, that he didn't invent anything.
megadeth's sound was NOTHING special.

You guys were, are WAY OUT THERE on your own.
you've got to realize, that's what you're actually doing, and making sounds which are REAL STRANGE.

but don't forget you're spending MAXIMUM money, to do so.
you could have got the same sounds with a MUCH cheaper method.

"put that thing down and step away from those custom marshalls!"

If you mention paul gilbert did it, well paul actually uses unique pickups, he has the decades of skill too.


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Aug 26, 2015
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I use a BITMO modded vintage tube OD VT-999 and it sounds freakin awesome through my DSL.That MOD is incredible it gives you three pedals in one unit.I mainly use it as a clean boost but with the different vocings.
I have a 12au7 preamp tube in it and thats works well. I mainly use the green crunch channel and just add the OD to boost the signal more thats it not all the time just some times.And when using the red channel nothing just crank it and play.


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Apr 29, 2010
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Never really understood why people use an OD pedal on the clean channel on a Marshall. Not knocking those who do, just sayin'.....

Im old school I guess, guitar to chord to amp, green clean, red nuked. Done.

Because with a true OD pedal, you can get a 'clean' overdrive and boost the volume, while keeping the signal clean.

I am another 'straight into the amp' kinda guy, but after I got the BOSS OD-1x I realized I can clean-boost the clean channel and get a volume only boost.

Sure, I could also turn up the drive a bit and get some sweet tone as well, and many other players don't necessarily care for the Ultra channel gain and just boost the clean channel like you would a Fender amp.

Kinda like adding a 3rd channel to a DSL...

Jaymz E

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Sep 11, 2012
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Maxon 820 pro and sometimes a Way Huge Pork Loin.. I would like to get a BB pre to tryout.


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May 8, 2015
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So Cal
Because with a true OD pedal, you can get a 'clean' overdrive and boost the volume, while keeping the signal clean.

I am another 'straight into the amp' kinda guy, but after I got the BOSS OD-1x I realized I can clean-boost the clean channel and get a volume only boost.

Sure, I could also turn up the drive a bit and get some sweet tone as well, and many other players don't necessarily care for the Ultra channel gain and just boost the clean channel like you would a Fender amp.

Kinda like adding a 3rd channel to a DSL...

Yea, I get it but it still doesnt make much sense to this thick head. Using a Marshal like a Fender IMHO just does not compute Will Robinson... sorta like putting low profile 22" wheels and tires on a truck....huh?!?


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Aug 14, 2012
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Seattle Area
Yea, I get it but it still doesnt make much sense to this thick head. Using a Marshal like a Fender IMHO just does not compute Will Robinson... sorta like putting low profile 22" wheels and tires on a truck....huh?!?

Dreyn actually answered the question in his post, and then blew his own argument all to hell:

Dreynn77 said:
to get the MXR/BOSS/whoever's crunch sound and not the signature marshall crunch sound.

yezz, some people!

People use boosts and overdrives because they want to modify how the amp sounds or feels. If nobody ever used stuff like this, everyone would sound exactly the same.

And that would be boring.


Well-Known Member
May 8, 2015
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So Cal
Again, I get it, its subjective and thats cool. With that being said I dont think that a pedal (or amp for that matter) gives you 'your' sound. You give you your sound. Line up 99 other dudes on the same amp, same guitar, same settings, same everything and not a single one is gonna sound like me. Pedals dont keep things from sounding the same or being boring, players do.

There is no right or wrong just different takes on achieving whatever it is we all want to hear in our heads.

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