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Is 'having nothing to do', mean you're depressed?

  • Thread starter dreyn77
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Well-Known Member
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Oct 7, 2011
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South of Nashville
So you can get a sense of accomplishment flipping burgers and mopping toilets?

To me a sense of accomplishment is working in a job where you're valued and treated fairly by an employer and where you can look back at a shift's work with the thought "that was great work there i achieved all that and made that stuff there"

Very few shithole jobs will give you that feeling.

You're obviously deranged, or on drugs, probably both! :ugh::squint::iough:

So what do you look back on and think after a hard day's work of mowing someone else's grass?


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2013
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Traverse City, Mi.
So you can get a sense of accomplishment flipping burgers and mopping toilets?

To me a sense of accomplishment is working in a job where you're valued and treated fairly by an employer and where you can look back at a shift's work with the thought "that was great work there i achieved all that and made that stuff there"

Very few shithole jobs will give you that feeling.

You're obviously deranged, or on drugs, probably both! :ugh::squint::iough:

Working is frequently better than just hanging out. At least maybe make some friends and goof off on a crap job. It's kinda pointless for me to speculate about someone I don't know...working "could" help.


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Jan 4, 2013
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Manatee County Florida, USA
Dude, read something interesting; it might boost your imagination.

“Extreme boredom provides its own antidote.” F. R

“Those who make the worst use of their time are the first to complain of its brevity.” J. B

I don't think it's depression - life is ultimately meaningless and pointless, but it's entertaining the mind and the humour within that's worthwhile. So do that. Of course, it requires effort - but once you get started it should snowball. Find others that are doing the same and you have something going on.

I will always remember however, that not all that wander are lost.

“Man can will nothing unless he has first understood that he must count on no one but himself; that he is alone, abandoned on earth in the midst of his infinite responsibilities, without help, with no other aim than the one he sets himself, with no other destiny than the one he forges for himself on this earth.”

Welcome to the class of existentialism. It ultimately deals with the burden of existence whence came the very boredom you suffer. Get involved! read, get insight! boil the still waters in your mind.

What he said.

I am not giving any more solicited advice. I can not grip the thought of recovering a football. I'll bet I have done dimmer stuff, just can't remember right now.


Well-Known Member
Jun 23, 2010
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Ontario, Canada
Dreyn, I'm sorry I can't really offer much advice. I'm only 19 and haven't really "lived" at all. I think it's great there are of lot of dudes here who can give such good life experience, we have much more than an amp forum here. In fact, there have been times where I think about my life in the future, and its "purpose". I look at my family members, older people I see during the day and think to myself "I really hope I don't fall into the same, depressing everyday routine, doing nothing new, productive or exciting"

Big P

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Jul 18, 2013
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Cedar Rapids, Iowa
My suggestion is to go to the gym and lift weights. You set goals, achieve the goals, set higher goals, and you will look better too.:hmm::hbang:


Well-Known Member
Feb 18, 2012
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Just hearing/ reading from others is a big help, it doesn't have to be helpful, cause arguing is a familiar thing which I don't hear anymore.

the Marshall Forum is a BIG help to me and I think all of you guys!
Sorry for the 'mood swings'! I don't know that I'm 'doing it' but I know its happening.

THe job is the huge problem. I have done 20+ jobs before, not a problem. my last job was 'long term', management changed and started with new policy. that's fine what ever. I went into an area at work and the boss was there on the mobile, He looked angry that I might have over heard something (not his office and was 'out in the timberyard') (I didn't sell timber). I was supprised he was out there talking on a private phone. I kept on working.
the next 9 months i got the royal treatment. 'not'.
One of the women quit her job. I heard I wasn't the only chosen child. and twenty others where watching my soap opera, so the boss sacked me. (fine whatever)
went to mediation, small tribunal, big court. along the way i learned all about the law.
they went through a team of lawyers and the court found they had no reason to sack me.
So the court helped them out.
now because they did that (i knew it was comming) all employment contracts are nolonger valid. there is no point in signing anything. and now I'm a marked guy.
'the system' justs leaves me alone. 10 years uptil now.
I have had attacks from the police and when they shove me into court, the judge hears what i have to say and the gallery laughs and the court is vitoed
the handcuffs come off the door is opened andyou walk free, back to your life of being left alone.

If I sign a employment contract that means i'm agreeing to the illegal court ruling from before.
I would be erasing my 'get out of jail free card'.
I ended up with a win but it's one where you have to watch your back all the time. I'm more likey to be shot dead for a traffic stop now.
(within a short time 20 people quit their jobs after my incident)

Las Palmas Norte

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Apr 23, 2010
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At the risk of sounding like "that guy", my life felt fairly empty between the ages 20-30. Then I had kids and it all made sense again.

Humm ... I had the time of my life back then, and never had kids. My step kids (now with kids of their own) and my nephews and nieces with theirs, are my salvation!

Cheers, Barrie.


Well-Known Member
Feb 18, 2012
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Thanks for the jokes too! I've had a real laugh! hope you have too.

I agree with the children comment too! 'but', that is all court up in legal issues (you sign paper work for that ) and if the courts are corrupt then you can't sign!
I've had my 'friend and her child' kidnapped already but because I won't appear in a 'lower' corupt court they had to give them back. (after one and half years).

the most famous community lawyers (that work for free to help the down trodden ) won't even make an appointment for me to talk to them. I've even be threatened by the governing body for all lawyers.


Well-Known Member
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Oct 7, 2011
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South of Nashville
Just hearing/ reading from others is a big help, it doesn't have to be helpful, cause arguing is a familiar thing which I don't hear anymore.

the Marshall Forum is a BIG help to me and I think all of you guys!
Sorry for the 'mood swings'! I don't know that I'm 'doing it' but I know its happening.

THe job is the huge problem. I have done 20+ jobs before, not a problem. my last job was 'long term', management changed and started with new policy. that's fine what ever. I went into an area at work and the boss was there on the mobile, He looked angry that I might have over heard something (not his office and was 'out in the timberyard') (I didn't sell timber). I was supprised he was out there talking on a private phone. I kept on working.
the next 9 months i got the royal treatment. 'not'.
One of the women quit her job. I heard I wasn't the only chosen child. and twenty others where watching my soap opera, so the boss sacked me. (fine whatever)
went to mediation, small tribunal, big court. along the way i learned all about the law.
they went through a team of lawyers and the court found they had no reason to sack me.
So the court helped them out.
now because they did that (i knew it was comming) all employment contracts are nolonger valid. there is no point in signing anything. and now I'm a marked guy.
'the system' justs leaves me alone. 10 years uptil now.
I have had attacks from the police and when they shove me into court, the judge hears what i have to say and the gallery laughs and the court is vitoed
the handcuffs come off the door is opened andyou walk free, back to your life of being left alone.

If I sign a employment contract that means i'm agreeing to the illegal court ruling from before.
I would be erasing my 'get out of jail free card'.
I ended up with a win but it's one where you have to watch your back all the time. I'm more likey to be shot dead for a traffic stop now.
(within a short time 20 people quit their jobs after my incident)


I'm confused. Why did the police attack you? Do you mean they targeted you because of your problems with your employeer? Or were you a cop?


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2012
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(Response to Las Palmas)

Oh to be sure, i had fun too! That was the problem. My fun was far too meaningless and selfish. Too much drinking, uninvolved relationships, work that had no future but was a hoot. It seems like you found salvation in kids too, maybe just not your own. But it doesnt have to be kids, just living for someone other than yourself tends to put a great perspective and much more meaning in a person's life.

Dreyn, so far your comments dont seem to involve anyone close...always "others". You seem to have labeled things like employment and the Courts and everyone else as this big, bad entity out to get you. But all these entities are composed of people, and most are just trying to be decent folks. If you believe otherwise, then yea, life is gonna suck. I suggest you try forging some closer relationships with people, and see if that helps you out of the funk.

I remember when I was about twenty five. By many standards I was living the life of riley, but i felt terribly empty. I dont prescribe to much theology, but I remember I prayed for more meaning and someone special. I hung up the gigging life, went to graduate school, and by thirty I was married and eventually had two kids. Whenever I get pissed off at life now, i remind myself of that prayer, and I realize how much better my life is with my wife and kids in my life.

Give it time man. Make some hard choices and dont stop searching for the meaning. My guess is that it will find you before you find it.


Well-Known Member
Dec 18, 2010
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Minneapolis, MN
So you can get a sense of accomplishment flipping burgers and mopping toilets?

To me a sense of accomplishment is working in a job where you're valued and treated fairly by an employer and where you can look back at a shift's work with the thought "that was great work there i achieved all that and made that stuff there"

Very few shithole jobs will give you that feeling.

You're obviously deranged, or on drugs, probably both! :ugh::squint::iough:

Not deranged, or on drugs. I get a sense of accomplishment by doing the best I can do. I've never flipped burgers, but my second job was a janitor for our church and I cleaned a ton of toilets among other things. Did I like cleaning toilets? Not really, but I didn't feel like I was above it. I've had other jobs where I cleaned toilets too. And I was treated fairly by my employers. Guess what? Now I'm married and still have to clean the toilet. Sometimes I even do the dishes! :wow:

It would only be depressing if you thought that was as far as you could go(and you wanted more). What would a world be like if no one cleaned toilets? Do you ever clean your toilet? I'm guessing you do.

Dreyn, I'm sure you'll be fine. Work, even if it's not your job, and exercise will help with your mood and don't try to tackle everything at once.


Well-Known Member
Feb 18, 2012
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Thanks for the help guys! you've changed my thinking alittle.
there is some more to the story, but that is for another day, but is a big reason for the jaded view of the world.
i see most at work try for a 'good' outcome in stituations. yeah agreed. I can see these 'groups' of people are 'loose associations'. but once the 'feds' open a file on you it's never closed and I have found 3 guys tracking me inlife and I have made sure that I was right in my thoughts about being followed.

No I'm not the police never have been. When the police make it clear to you they don't like you and you happen to make their boots dirty, there is a little 'payback' comming your way.
Can anybody prove a link to personal vendetta from people in power, it's very difficult.
The boss of the company does know your family situation and i was told he did have personal chats to employees who might know me more than 'just business'.
If your sitting at home and the door bell rings and its the police and ambulance and 'child protection' and they just want to chat. the next thing you know is your in the emergency ward of the hospital and your child is gone. and you family hasn't been notified and neither is the children's court. the child was 1 and a half years old. within a few months of me loosing the job.
when I went to the hospital they told me to 'get an drink and come back etc...' when I did, 10 minutes later she was gone and secretly sent to another hospital. (the docs and nurses don't speak to you) I found her two days later and they moved her back to the orig hospital. Professional child stealing.


Well-Known Member
May 29, 2008
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Ontario, Canada
So what do you look back on and think after a hard day's work of mowing someone else's grass?

That I accomplished something. That I'm not sponging of someone else. That I sucked it up and did what I had to do to survive even if I hated it.

I have done more shit jobs and minimum wage jobs and jobs that I just plain hated in my life that anyone should have to. But you do what you have to do. There are far too many people who won't take those jobs because they feel they are beneath them. So they live off other peoples taxes. It's a huge peeve of mine too. The "I'm not doing that...I have a degree" thing doesn't cut it for me.

I didn't start out with a good job, I worked hard to get it. No matter what "good" jobs I have had in my lifetimes.

Rant over, bad to the boredom. Dreyn. How about thinking up rules for a song contest that no one will object to. That should keep you busy :hmm:


Well-Known Member
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Oct 7, 2011
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South of Nashville
That I accomplished something. That I'm not sponging of someone else. That I sucked it up and did what I had to do to survive even if I hated it.

I have done more shit jobs and minimum wage jobs and jobs that I just plain hated in my life that anyone should have to. But you do what you have to do. There are far too many people who won't take those jobs because they feel they are beneath them. So they live off other peoples taxes. It's a huge peeve of mine too. The "I'm not doing that...I have a degree" thing doesn't cut it for me.

I didn't start out with a good job, I worked hard to get it. No matter what "good" jobs I have had in my lifetimes.

Rant over, bad to the boredom. Dreyn. How about thinking up rules for a song contest that no one will object to. That should keep you busy :hmm:

My response was an "inside joke" directed at Ampcrazy. No offense meant to anyone with a job!


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2013
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On an Island

Sounds to me your slump has more to do with your focus on the past. The job and child scenarios are so far removed from anything I have ever experienced. I doubt many folks could possibly relate.

I wish you the best in trying to move on. Nonetheless, I just sense that paranoia may be getting the best of you.

Best of luck!


Well-Known Member
Feb 18, 2012
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I have and I've proven it twice. Not crazy! (I have the documents to prove it). Some people can't function on a standard level but others are 'political crazy'. Look at what happened to the russian pres/ruler. jailed in his home and his doc 'spoke for him'.
Mickeal jackson saw a 'sonvolt professional' and was murdered.

Rules for the contest? that sounds interesting.

Just saw a sow about the guy who invented computing. He worked for the gov during WW2 and helped break the 'enigma code'. after the war he had some items stolen from his house and went to the police. they heard what he had to say and prosicuted him for 'being gay'. the court ordered 'chemical castration' as punishment. after a few years and having seen a 'fortune teller' (he'd spent years talking to a psychologist) he realised everybody fights their own wars all day everyday. and he thought life was a 'shamm'. he saved his country from a 'madman
and his country physically and emotionly killed him.
He killed himself. His doctor was totally broken by the suicide.

The father of all our computers.

The Ozzk

Well-Known Member
Mar 28, 2011
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Calgary, AB
Thanks for the help guys! you've changed my thinking alittle.
there is some more to the story, but that is for another day, but is a big reason for the jaded view of the world.
i see most at work try for a 'good' outcome in stituations. yeah agreed. I can see these 'groups' of people are 'loose associations'. but once the 'feds' open a file on you it's never closed and I have found 3 guys tracking me inlife and I have made sure that I was right in my thoughts about being followed.

No I'm not the police never have been. When the police make it clear to you they don't like you and you happen to make their boots dirty, there is a little 'payback' comming your way.
Can anybody prove a link to personal vendetta from people in power, it's very difficult.
The boss of the company does know your family situation and i was told he did have personal chats to employees who might know me more than 'just business'.
If your sitting at home and the door bell rings and its the police and ambulance and 'child protection' and they just want to chat. the next thing you know is your in the emergency ward of the hospital and your child is gone. and you family hasn't been notified and neither is the children's court. the child was 1 and a half years old. within a few months of me loosing the job.
when I went to the hospital they told me to 'get an drink and come back etc...' when I did, 10 minutes later she was gone and secretly sent to another hospital. (the docs and nurses don't speak to you) I found her two days later and they moved her back to the orig hospital. Professional child stealing.

Those are no easy pills to swallow for sure man... If there is one good/bad thing about the past, it's that you can't change it. Don't waste your energy into something you can't do anything about.

The future, however, it's all yours. It belongs to you. And it's completely unwritten. Think about it, that's a lot of power. And with power comes responsibility. The incredible part is that reading these lines you have effectively changed your future. Go and make the most of it man! :h5:

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