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Leonard Neemoil

Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2021
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I knew another guy, who got violent when he smoked pot...

He wasn't always like that, but, at some point he turned that way. He'd be mellow, but after getting buzzed, he'd become angry & would act out on it. I sold him a knife once & he went out & shanked someone w/ it.

I hadn't heard from him after that, for a long time. Next thing I heard, he was living in his house alone, his Mother & Sister left because they were scared for their lives... He had no electricity or water.

Funny thing, I ran into him just the other day. I didn't even recognize him, but his voice was the same.

I guess it can be like any other substance in that it affects some people differently. Sounds like he had a chemical imbalance or a mental illness of some sort. Unfortunate situation without a doubt.

Matthews Guitars

Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2019
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Goody Two Shoes is a fun song and Adam Ant was very talented and quite entertaining. He had some really catchy songs.
For a few years he went through a "bald middle aged chubby high school science teacher" phase, but in recent years he's now trying to channel his inner Johnny Depp/Captain Jack.

I'd say I'm closer to "straight edge", as it is within the punk rock community. I've got too many guns to qualify as a goody two shoes type.


Well-Known Member
May 3, 2021
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Not related to pot, but my ex bro in law was such a knob he decided at age 50 ish to TRY meth. Once. Just to see.
Surprised he was able to get off it after 6 months. Hanging with meth heads.
What an idiot.
"knob" is a good adjective to descibe that sort of decision making.

Glad he made it back, but damn...:facepalm:


Well-Known Member
Aug 11, 2019
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Well-Known Member
May 3, 2021
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yeah, that's unfortunate, but it is real. I find it funny that some people can see no down side to pot.
I can see the downside for some. Biggest being some become lazy and lose any ambition...or getting consumed with everything pot.

For me, it can enhance things I enjoy, it's not the center of what I enjoy.

I enjoy it a lot less often these days - and that just means how often I partake.


Well-Known Member
Aug 11, 2019
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yeah, that's unfortunate, but it is real. I find it funny that some people can see no down side to pot.
oh there very well can be a down side indeed. thing it for some its just a pot hole, for others its a damn
sink hole. then there are some it isnt much of a big deal. i think it also matters if your burning a sac a night
or just doing a bit of puff puff give every so often. its like just about anything else in the world,
there is a up side and a down side to just about everything. you cant let the up or down side control you.
the hard part is noticing when the control starts. the flip side of the coin, we ALL have addictions but
a big chunk of us dont realize that. never enjoy something so much or so often that it becomes an addiction.

Leonard Neemoil

Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2021
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There are definitely down sides to pot for some people. When I was able to smoke, besides helping my mental issues, it helped me be more creative and think about different things that, in turn would help my creativity. No downsides for me that I know of.

My step daughter on the other hand, has been smoking for decades and still takes a trip to space after only a couple of hits. It's unreal! The term "far out" applies to her more than any one else I've ever met. Paranoid schizophrenia, dementia, and other mental illnesses plague her fathers side of the family and I wonder if that's a factor.

My wife just started smoking again after a 30 some odd year hiatus and you'd never even know she's stoned. Just puts her in a good mood. Oh, and she's become even more creative than she used to be. Seems to hit her like it used to hit me when I could smoke.

Leonard Neemoil

Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2021
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oh there very well can be a down side indeed. thing it for some its just a pot hole, for others its a damn
sink hole. then there are some it isnt much of a big deal. i think it also matters if your burning a sac a night
or just doing a bit of puff puff give every so often. its like just about anything else in the world,
there is a up side and a down side to just about everything. you cant let the up or down side control you.
the hard part is noticing when the control starts. the flip side of the coin, we ALL have addictions but
a big chunk of us dont realize that. never enjoy something so much or so often that it becomes an addiction.

Pot is non addictive.

As stated above, I smoked all day every day for around 40 years and had to quit cold turkey after that antibiotic. Zero withdrawals. Maybe it's different for others but I've read about how it's non addictive. Sure users could be mentally bummed when quitting but that's not real withdrawal afaik.

Matthews Guitars

Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2019
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"Pot is non addictive." :lol: I call BS on that. For some people it most certainly is. Even if the addiction is not involved in a serotonin based addiction cycle, a psychological addiction without serotonin involvement is no less an addiction in real terms.

A true addiction is characterized by binge/intoxication, withdrawal/negative affect, and preoccupation/anticipation in a repeating cycle. Doesn't matter what the chemical mechanism is, or even if there has to be one.

Yes there are people who can make occasional use of it without addiction. But certainly there are people who are truly addicted to marijuana. Whatever the mechanism, the result is still the same.