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Well-Known Member
May 3, 2021
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I know in Illinois 10, .5 gram prerolls are 80 to 100 bucks, the same prerolls in Oregon where $20 this summer. No tax in Oregon except the city tax where the dispensary is at. Weed is almost cheaper than beer. In Illinois taxes on cannabis are super steep.
And there's the rub...the taxes.

Here in Washington we were told the taxes on weed would pay for schoolbooks and roads, among other things. Sounds great right?

Meantime, the schoolbooks are still outdated, the roads still suck, and among other things never gets done either.

G the wildman

Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2016
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London UK
Live and let live man.

Matter of time, you can see the mood of the country shifting as more states "legalize it mon".

If you don't like alcohol, caffeine, pot, etc.....then don't ingest them. I'm not telling anyone else how to live their life.

Worst thing pots heads ever do is sit on a couch and play video games, play guitar, watch movies and munch out.

People been smoking weed for very long time. It will never stop.

Weed is not heroin. I smoked weed but never did heroin so don't give me that "gateway drug" argument...

Weed ain't coke or meth or any other lab cooked drug.

Country is way past broke, pushing $20 trillion in debt. Do we need to waste any more tax payer money on prosecuting weed related offenses?

This link is crazy with debt numbers;

How'd prohibition work out with alcohol?

Again, alcohol is legal and better in what way versus weed?

Live and let live, man. Live and let live.
Hi my friend,

Can’t argue with what you say. All points are valid.

But it does depend what you want from life. No insult intended here. What I mean is some people are chilled and happy with their lot. Whereas some people could contribute more to society but weed just kills motivation. It is not a good thing - but I agree it is not going anywhere. Nor is booze.


Matthews Guitars

Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2019
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Tobacco products (nicotine) are absolutely 100 percent without question physiologically addictive. This is no more in question than is the notion of whether or not the sun will rise tomorrow morning. Nicotine addiction is the reference grade case study for serotonin-dopamine loop addiction.

The Biology of Nicotine Addiction
Nicotine acts on nicotinic cholinergic receptors, triggering the release of neurotransmitters that produce psychoactive effects that are rewarding. With repeated exposure, tolerance develops to many of the effects of nicotine, thereby reducing its primary reinforcing effects and inducing physical dependence (i.e., withdrawal symptoms in the absence of nicotine). Smoking behavior is influenced by pharmacologic feedback and by environmental factors such as smoking cues, friends who smoke, stress, and product advertising. Levels of nicotine in the body in relation to a particular level of nicotine intake from smoking are modulated by the rate of nicotine metabolism, which occurs in the liver largely by means of the enzyme CYP2A6. Other factors that influence smoking behavior include age, sex, genetics, mental illness, and substance abuse.


(Many additional paragraphs not included for the sake of brevity.)


Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2021
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Some City, USA
Hi my friend,

Can’t argue with what you say. All points are valid.

But it does depend what you want from life. No insult intended here. What I mean is some people are chilled and happy with their lot. Whereas some people could contribute more to society but weed just kills motivation. It is not a good thing - but I agree it is not going anywhere. Nor is booze.

Hey I could make an argument that the government has not contributed to society as much they promise without my nuts and two hands tied behind my back.

Cannabis has contributed to many in society, most notably pain management. But there are many others including mental health, Gov 0 Cannabis 2. Instead FDA bolsters medications like fentanyl, Oxycontin, morphine...DEA wages war on drugs - how does that work? FDA approves and DEA disapproves. USDA approves terrible foods and the EPA approves insecticides.

Both are run by boards that include pharmaceutical conglomerate CEOs. Who is doing badly? Who is just fine? Where are the taxes going? Of course we have to keep other countries in line too...DOD, you're welcome.

I could go on but right now my lady is talkin' about some serious munchies for which I have to pay attention🍲🍝🍻

Dogs of Doom

~~~ Moderator ~~~
Staff Member
Aug 2, 2012
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Los Angeles
And there's the rub...the taxes.

Here in Washington we were told the taxes on weed would pay for schoolbooks and roads, among other things. Sounds great right?

Meantime, the schoolbooks are still outdated, the roads still suck, and among other things never gets done either.
to quote Lord Dark Helmet: "I can't believe it mon, you fell for the oldest trick in the book!"

Never believe them when they promise that something will fund _______ (fill in the blank). It never does.

In CA, they got the lotto to pass. CA was an anti gambling state (still is mostly, except Indian reservations). The pitch was that the Lotto would pay so many millions to schools to keep them running.

The next election, the schools had their hand out, for more taxes. The Lotto wasn't enough. Somebody in the state, decided, since the Lotto would bring in all these "proposed" millions, that the schools didn't need their normal allotment, so they diverted it. Where they diverted it to is still to be seen... & that was some 20+ years ago.

Every election, the schools still have their hand out, for more tax money, meanwhile, CA's schools are ranked the worst in the nation. The teacher's union is flourishing though, they have a lot of political clout, & they are adversarial to parents & students alike...

Dogs of Doom

~~~ Moderator ~~~
Staff Member
Aug 2, 2012
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Los Angeles
Tobacco products (nicotine) are absolutely 100 percent without question physiologically addictive. This is no more in question than is the notion of whether or not the sun will rise tomorrow morning. Nicotine addiction is the reference grade case study for serotonin-dopamine loop addiction.

The Biology of Nicotine Addiction
Nicotine acts on nicotinic cholinergic receptors, triggering the release of neurotransmitters that produce psychoactive effects that are rewarding. With repeated exposure, tolerance develops to many of the effects of nicotine, thereby reducing its primary reinforcing effects and inducing physical dependence (i.e., withdrawal symptoms in the absence of nicotine). Smoking behavior is influenced by pharmacologic feedback and by environmental factors such as smoking cues, friends who smoke, stress, and product advertising. Levels of nicotine in the body in relation to a particular level of nicotine intake from smoking are modulated by the rate of nicotine metabolism, which occurs in the liver largely by means of the enzyme CYP2A6. Other factors that influence smoking behavior include age, sex, genetics, mental illness, and substance abuse.

View attachment 117614

(Many additional paragraphs not included for the sake of brevity.)
&... when it came to quitting, I quit cigarettes easily, in 1 day, but pot was a lot harder to kick. Maybe because when I quit cigarettes, I had pot to fall on, I just smoked more of it.

& I drank a lot. Drinking w/o cigarettes was a whole other deal, when you are used to smoking & drinking. Smoking pot while drinking made you more buzzed. Whereas, when doing speed/crystal/coke, & drinking, a cigarette would keep the buzz in check (seemingly) to a point.

But, when it came time for me to quite dope, it was the hardest...


Well-Known Member
Jul 9, 2021
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&... when it came to quitting, I quit cigarettes easily, in 1 day, but pot was a lot harder to kick. Maybe because when I quit cigarettes, I had pot to fall on, I just smoked more of it.

& I drank a lot. Drinking w/o cigarettes was a whole other deal, when you are used to smoking & drinking. Smoking pot while drinking made you more buzzed. Whereas, when doing speed/crystal/coke, & drinking, a cigarette would keep the buzz in check (seemingly) to a point.

But, when it came time for me to quite dope, it was the hardest...
Nobody likes a quitter doom


Well-Known Member
Aug 11, 2019
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ok guys please be careful with this thread. its a good thread and we have made it 26 pages.
as easy as it is to do, im guilty as well, be careful to not get to far into the politics of
the marry jane. again its easy to do as one comment can set the pace of the rabbit hole.

Matthews Guitars

Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2019
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Florida did the same thing. "Lottery proceeds benefit education." And then they removed education funding from the normal state budgetary allotments. Shell game nonsense. But Florida ranks no. 16 in pre-K to 12th grade education, and first in the nation in higher education. So that's not bad.

When it comes to defense spending, while it's far from perfect, and there is a lot of fraud, waste, and abuse in the system, in general terms I'm all for it. I'm ex-military myself, (One enlistment term, USAF) and would rather live in a country that has a strong military than one that has a weak military. Just being pragmatic about it. In my family, military service is respected and every generation has its members who have served. Including today.

Politically speaking....that's just a mess. Always has been, always will be. No point in wasting a lot of time ranting and typing about it.

Jethro Rocker

Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2011
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Saskatoon, Canada
.... a guarantee. Those are the same people that would find themselves addicted to chocolate cake if they ate it enough.
Cake? Did you say cake? Heeeeh where is the cake? I... I just... need a ... little... just a slice... a...a small slice.... and.. and chocolate! Lots of chocolate.... I won't eat more than that I promise...


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2021
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Timely discussion.

I just ran out of weed yesterday for the first time in years.

Came out of my multi-decade haze and spent a day contributing to society.

Fuck all that. Scored another quality sac at the studio later in the evening.

Damn that was close. If I hadn't been able to come up with anything, I might have accidentally ended up becoming a responsible adult.

Totally dodged a bullet on that one.

Leonard Neemoil

Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2021
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Timely discussion.

I just ran out of weed yesterday for the first time in years.

Came out of my multi-decade haze and spent a day contributing to society.

Fuck all that. Scored another quality sac at the studio later in the evening.

Damn that was close. If I hadn't been able to come up with anything, I might have accidentally ended up becoming a responsible adult.

Totally dodged a bullet on that one.

Grow your own, you'll never run out again. Outdoor is best IMO.


Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2020
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Here in the Netherlands we pay tax on weed when bought legally from (to quote Vincent from Pulp Fiction) the "hash bars". Actually they're called coffee shops, but it would have confused the audience as Jules and Vincent were in a sort of (american) coffee shop/diner during the conversation. Needless to say, some of the finer points in that discussion are incorrect. It's not actually "legal to own it", neither is it illegal. It's complicated. A cop in Amsterdam doesn't have the right to search you - until you refuse to be searched. It's complicated, haha. Fact of the matter is, if people are going to do something in mass, legalize it, tax it fairly and don't criminalize the relatively peaceful smokers. The only time I saw someone get hurt in a "hash bar" was when a guy had an epileptic fit and fell over backwards. He was immediately taken care of. Now compare that with an average bar... All in all, I think society would probably have been more peaceful if we would have adopted cannabis instead of alcohol as the "socially accepted drug". I consume both in copious amounts, so I had to leave my high horse at the stable... :rofl:


Well-Known Member
Aug 11, 2019
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I think society would probably have been more peaceful if we would have adopted cannabis instead of alcohol as the "socially accepted drug".
alcohol is harder to make where as weed was easier and could be grown anywhere.

besides, booze was the drug of choice to the local law makers and way easier to tax.


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2021
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Grow your own, you'll never run out again. Outdoor is best IMO.
I have a small attic rig, but in all honesty, I don't have the time anymore. Besides, even growing at the full capacity of my space, it's not enough to cover my personal usage 😄.

Outdoor isn't an option here. Which is a shame because the weather is good for a rotation or two per year.

We're moving next year. I'll finally have studio space. Might be able to separate a small bit of it for better growing space.

In the meantime, I'll have to keep forking out for my delivery guy to come to the studio once a month or so😄


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2012
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United States
Hi my friend,

Can’t argue with what you say. All points are valid.

But it does depend what you want from life. No insult intended here. What I mean is some people are chilled and happy with their lot. Whereas some people could contribute more to society but weed just kills motivation. It is not a good thing - but I agree it is not going anywhere. Nor is booze.

I would respectfully argue with and disagree with your assumption that weed kills motivation. what type of weed are you talking about? ALL weed?? if so, you are seriously mistaken. maybe most indica strains, as a result of having a more sedative effect could decrease levels of motivation a bit, in some people (ok, is that such a terrible thing, compared to what other drugs do to people?), but most sativa strains do the opposite. they stimulate the brain and the majority of them do not have any sedative effect at all whatsoever.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 9, 2021
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So f Ed up to see ads on TV ,Craigslist, etc to buy weed. Nearly every gas station/variety stores have a wall 8' x30' wall of bongs. Even the crazy glass bongs are dirt cheap.
If I were 20 again, this world would be heaven, cause 26% THC is cheaper than its ever been, who knew?
Back in the day weed was 7-10% now its nearly 30%.. If we had the same potency then, we d all be knuckleheads by now.