Need A New Amp!! What Am I Describing Here? Whats For Me??

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Jason Fieldhouseespk

Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2018
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I mean, how much gain do you really want??

This is gain maxed and volume 3 o'clock... not even with the boost...

And this lad has it turned down so quiet you can hear his strings clacking, could you imagine if it was turn up?

This guy has it getting quite crunchy, by 6 mins in gain is up max, and yes on the high setting, with the volume down it's not so overdriven, granted.

Then at 6 mins he switches it down from mid to low, now he can turn that volume up to 6(conservative), and it starts to overdrive....
Then he chickens out and turns it back down before putting the boost on... but what if he didn't back it off? What if actually he maxed the volume and hit the boost? Mushy right?
Flick it back to mid power... THAT is a righteous overdrive and distortion in spades, don't need no pedals with that, just some beefy pickups and chug away...
Well, that's what the guy in the first video did, that's without the boost...



Well-Known Member
Nov 3, 2012
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Wow , this is a great oportunity to not answer with standard response. I don't have a absolute answer but it sounds like you are in great place , 1 you know what you want and 2 your geographic location . " Chapers" Rob Chapman has a amp company or he is involved. Anyway , Victory amps RD1 ytube demo and Silverback is the new Swiss army knife leaning toward metal . Check those out.
Also check out Carlsbro , they to be inovative. There are others I can't remember.
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Kinkless Tetrode

Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2017
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My "core" sound was a les paul into a jcm800 with a ts9 in front set to clean boost. Worked for me!! Too powerful for most places and no solo boost though.
I sold off all the big stuff and am looking for something else.
As I've pretty much exclusively played jcm800 2203/2204's for so long I'm a bit lost with what else is out there.

Looking at some of the options that have been given:

Origin. This is good for essentially your old set up of Les Paul > boost pedal > single channel amp that you were using, but scaled down in size, weight, and volume. The loop is switchable which could help set up a solo boost. Simple and straight forward.

Mini Jubilee. It will do what you want by using the above formula of guitar then pedal into the clean/crunch channel, and then switching to the lead channel for a solos. The Jubilee is a darker, thicker sounding amp than the 800s your used to, though. The mid focus is shifted down. And it's picky about speakers. What speaker/cabs do have?

DSL40CR or 100HR. The DSLs have two channels and two modes in each channel. The classic channel in crunch mode is a good platform for a les Paul >boost pedal> single channel amp. The new DSL R models have an assignable extra master volume which you can switch in for a solo boost.

Some other Marshalls:

JVM JVMs can do a pretty good 800 type tone among many. JVMs are multi channel amps and each channel has three gain modes: green, orange, and red. You could set one up to have an 800 like guitar through a boost into a single channel amp sound, and another for your solo tones, and in the case of the four channel JVM a completely clean channel, all at any volume. Not as simple and straight forward but very versatile.

Vintage Modern The VMs have been out of production for several years so you have to go used. But these amps are good for the guitar straight into a single channel amp approach, and they are much more manageable in terms of volume control than an 800. They don't have a solo boost facility, but they respond extremely well to adjustments of the guitar's volume knob. They are like a four holer but the channels are already jumped internally. You have to blend bassy and treble sounds using the Detail and Body gain knobs. They have two modes in a single channel type arrangement. Low Dynamic Range is good for putting a boost out in front. High Dynamic Range cuts in an extra preamp tube so no pedal is needed.


Well-Known Member
Nov 3, 2012
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Not a lot of the new carlsbro on youtube , I never played one but in Europe you should be able to find one.

Jethro Rocker

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Mar 11, 2011
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Saskatoon, Canada
Well the, you turn the gain and volume up around 8 and the Origin is full off gain, then use the attenuator to find a level....
It's quite overdriven to me, would take just a little push into high gain.... humbuckers should do it tbh, does with mine...
Interesting and good to know considering how the Origin is marketed. With an attenuator, most amps would work I guess. OP plays metal from through the 80's so a fair amount of gain would be required or the ability to turn up the master as per some of the videos.

Jason Fieldhouseespk

Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2018
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Interesting and good to know considering how the Origin is marketed. With an attenuator, most amps would work I guess. OP plays metal from through the 80's so a fair amount of gain would be required or the ability to turn up the master as per some of the videos.

Indeed, just no one has turnbthe volume to max yet... ;-)

Jon C

Well-Known Member
May 29, 2017
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Wa State
Looking at some of the options that have been given:

Origin. This is good for essentially your old set up of Les Paul > boost pedal > single channel amp that you were using, but scaled down in size, weight, and volume. The loop is switchable which could help set up a solo boost. Simple and straight forward.

Mini Jubilee. It will do what you want by using the above formula of guitar then pedal into the clean/crunch channel, and then switching to the lead channel for a solos. The Jubilee is a darker, thicker sounding amp than the 800s your used to, though. The mid focus is shifted down. And it's picky about speakers. What speaker/cabs do have?

DSL40CR or 100HR. The DSLs have two channels and two modes in each channel. The classic channel in crunch mode is a good platform for a les Paul >boost pedal> single channel amp. The new DSL R models have an assignable extra master volume which you can switch in for a solo boost.

Some other Marshalls:

JVM JVMs can do a pretty good 800 type tone among many. JVMs are multi channel amps and each channel has three gain modes: green, orange, and red. You could set one up to have an 800 like guitar through a boost into a single channel amp sound, and another for your solo tones, and in the case of the four channel JVM a completely clean channel, all at any volume. Not as simple and straight forward but very versatile.

Vintage Modern The VMs have been out of production for several years so you have to go used. But these amps are good for the guitar straight into a single channel amp approach, and they are much more manageable in terms of volume control than an 800. They don't have a solo boost facility, but they respond extremely well to adjustments of the guitar's volume knob. They are like a four holer but the channels are already jumped internally. You have to blend bassy and treble sounds using the Detail and Body gain knobs. They have two modes in a single channel type arrangement. Low Dynamic Range is good for putting a boost out in front. High Dynamic Range cuts in an extra preamp tube so no pedal is needed.
I wish you had been over on TGP to save me …… got chewed up and spat upon !!

Mitchell Pearrow

Well-Known Member
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Jul 2, 2018
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Moreno Valley CA
I wish you had been over on TGP to save me …… got chewed up and spat upon !!
Then I would have gotten an instant ban , because I would have flooded the page with origin clips lol , I happen to like the amp, maybe more than some, but I also let my ears tell me what I precive as good tone, of course ymmv! Cheers Mitch

Mitchell Pearrow

Well-Known Member
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Jul 2, 2018
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Moreno Valley CA
I am using an SD1 the gain is 8, low power setting, volume at 4, it does sound better when you turn it up further, but this is where I have to set it so the phone won’t clip, it’s my only means of recording/sharing the information I have gained on the amp! Cheers Mitch

Jr Deluxe

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2017
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Studio 15. And any clean boost pedal. Or better yet. Mono price 15. Yeah that's right. More like a jcm800 than any dsl or origin. The preamp section IS from a 2204.


Well-Known Member
Dec 7, 2009
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I'm a long time user of marshall jcm800's. I love em, but they're just too powerful for most things these days. My "core" sound was a les paul into a jcm800 with a ts9 in front set to clean boost. Worked for me!! Too powerful for most places and no solo boost though.
I sold off all the big stuff and am looking for something else.
As I've pretty much exclusively played jcm800 2203/2204's for so long I'm a bit lost with what else is out there.

So I need something reliable, something simple to use!!
I don't need a clean tone but a good core drive sound, with different shades of dirt, from crunch to boosted jcm800 type levels.
I don't need loads of channels, but I would like the ability to have a solo boost.
I play the average mid level venues that most of us play, so need to be heard above other guitarists etc but mic'd up most of the time.
It'd be great if it's an amp I can play in the house too.

My core sounds are marshally rock./metal from 70's through to 90's. I'm told I sound somewhere between motorhead and slayer. I play a mixture of garage rock, NWOBHM, punk and crossover stuff.

Any idea which marshall would be for me??! I;m in the UK BTW.


Come to mind


Well-Known Member
May 31, 2008
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Wilton NSW
Looking at some of the options that have been given:

Origin. This is good for essentially your old set up of Les Paul > boost pedal > single channel amp that you were using, but scaled down in size, weight, and volume. The loop is switchable which could help set up a solo boost. Simple and straight forward.

Mini Jubilee. It will do what you want by using the above formula of guitar then pedal into the clean/crunch channel, and then switching to the lead channel for a solos. The Jubilee is a darker, thicker sounding amp than the 800s your used to, though. The mid focus is shifted down. And it's picky about speakers. What speaker/cabs do have?

DSL40CR or 100HR. The DSLs have two channels and two modes in each channel. The classic channel in crunch mode is a good platform for a les Paul >boost pedal> single channel amp. The new DSL R models have an assignable extra master volume which you can switch in for a solo boost.

Some other Marshalls:

JVM JVMs can do a pretty good 800 type tone among many. JVMs are multi channel amps and each channel has three gain modes: green, orange, and red. You could set one up to have an 800 like guitar through a boost into a single channel amp sound, and another for your solo tones, and in the case of the four channel JVM a completely clean channel, all at any volume. Not as simple and straight forward but very versatile.

Vintage Modern The VMs have been out of production for several years so you have to go used. But these amps are good for the guitar straight into a single channel amp approach, and they are much more manageable in terms of volume control than an 800. They don't have a solo boost facility, but they respond extremely well to adjustments of the guitar's volume knob. They are like a four holer but the channels are already jumped internally. You have to blend bassy and treble sounds using the Detail and Body gain knobs. They have two modes in a single channel type arrangement. Low Dynamic Range is good for putting a boost out in front. High Dynamic Range cuts in an extra preamp tube so no pedal is needed.

What a great summary! That's the best post I've read on the internet this morning.


Well-Known Member
May 28, 2018
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good advice up there^^^!! i would offer the DSL side of things, I have 100h & cr40 made into head. Also have PTP jmp50 2204 & 6100. all these amps can do the 800 thing pretty well with many dif flavors, i did studio work last year with the 40cr and jmp..very good for gigging..the DSL..all day long.. classic chan 1 green .very and i mean very good clean..chimey at times..then red..a nice thick od but will clean up with guitar vol knob. both chan can be boosted Ultra..dang man was i rodded 800-900 type sounds and i use gain on 3 to 5..(10 oclock to noon) i did drop c and D and very crunchy heavy mutes in E and mostly hard rock with Gibsons strait in,,,gigging..i have 4 progressive stages of gain set up by footswitch and then the 2 chan switches..the 20 watt is cool for practice and 40 is full...DSl100 very similar but slightly more old school(mines modded)..this CD, going to use that and 6100 to record for something dif--this one has the most insane punch i ever felt, it weighs a ton and the amp is big sounding.. chan 2 800 sounds are crazy good and then chan 3 is 900 but non fizz.. am going to gig the dsl's cause of ease of use and 4 basic sounds i use live..


Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2017
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I mean, how much gain do you really want??

This is gain maxed and volume 3 o'clock... not even with the boost...

And this lad has it turned down so quiet you can hear his strings clacking, could you imagine if it was turn up?

This guy has it getting quite crunchy, by 6 mins in gain is up max, and yes on the high setting, with the volume down it's not so overdriven, granted.

Then at 6 mins he switches it down from mid to low, now he can turn that volume up to 6(conservative), and it starts to overdrive....
Then he chickens out and turns it back down before putting the boost on... but what if he didn't back it off? What if actually he maxed the volume and hit the boost? Mushy right?
Flick it back to mid power... THAT is a righteous overdrive and distortion in spades, don't need no pedals with that, just some beefy pickups and chug away...
Well, that's what the guy in the first video did, that's without the boost...

Perhaps there was something wrong with the one I messed with. I am pretty sure I dimed the gain and used the boost and it was just a crazy bright thin clean tone, maybe on the edge of some breakup. It certainly didn't sound like the videos you posted.


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2013
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Rochester NY
I've had many Marshall's over the years, and when I read your post, the amp that popped into my head was the Marshall SL-X 2500. I like to think of the SL-X as a JCM800 with added gain stages and a second, switchable, master volume for solos. It's actually the only single channel Marshall, that I can think of, with a 2nd switchable master volume. There are, of course, tons of other amp options, but that's the most flexible single channel amp that comes to mind.

The JCM 900 MK III is a single Channel amp with 2 master volumes. It has a 800 like circuit that can have diode clipping added in. Or just go all out 800 style without diodes.

The SLX is a great all tube choice
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