SC20H as a general rock amp?

  • Thread starter svinyard
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Well-Known Member
Jan 27, 2023
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The 20w amps are loud enough. I wouldn't even worry about having "enough volume". That's why we use PA's these days. If a drummer is hitting hard enough at practice to drown out a 20w tube amp, time to find a new drummer (IMO). Our drummer has a special kit for practices and small spaces. He also has these cool practice cymbals that are full of holes. Drummer's need to play smart to preserve hearing at practices.

This kind of sensible outlook in the 100 watts is all you need world of a vast amount of MF'ers is not acceptable. You stop that shit right now. There will be none of that.


Gene Ballzz

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Feb 19, 2013
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Las Vegas, NV
For a bit more tonal complexity and a wider range of available sounds, I'd recommend the SV20. If the Master Volume is a big point, simply put a JHS LBAB in the loop and it becomes an effective Master Volume, in the same circuit location as the one on the SC20. If you choose to use effects in the loop, simply put the JHS at the end of your effects in the loop chain.

Understanding that this unit, while called an "attenuator" is strictly a line level device and not intended as a speaker level attenuator!

Of course, the best way to tame the volume of these amps is a @JohnH M2, passive attenuator! For the Stusio Series amps, it is a match made in heaven! Either build one for $100-$135 or have someone (we know a guy) do it for you in the $280-$310 range!

Thank Me In The Mornin'
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Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2023
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Just to follow up on my very layman experience. I went to a GC to play the SC20h on a 1x12 cab (nice one). A pro musician buddy, said to just bring my own DSL40CR amp with and see if my ears liked the extra price tag of the head plus a cab compared to my 600$ DSL+Footswitch setup. I had the cash on me. My thought was, we'll if it hits home and really sings to me...I've no choice but to buy it.

So it was definitely good but in the end the gap between that and my DSL wasn't that far. I expected it to be further by a lot but it wasn't. It was more nuance more than mind blowing. The lows were for sure more articulate tho, that was rad. I want that in my DSL, but it wasn't super far off. Tone wise it wasn't super more vintage. It was def PLENTY loud tho. I also played it on a few 1-2k$ guitars with various humbucker designs and some pedals. So I passed on it, trading for saving some cash and keeping the versatility of the 40CR with footswitch...for now at least. The SC was definitely definitely cool, tho...I have no knocks on it other than that it didn't seem to have that lower chainsaw grind I thought it would.

A buddy has a half-stack and a JCM800 that I've yet to try. I want to see what that sounds like. I was glad to get the experience of it. Thanks for the advice everyone.

Jethro Rocker

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Mar 11, 2011
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Saskatoon, Canada
Just to follow up on my very layman experience. I went to a GC to play the SC20h on a 1x12 cab (nice one). A pro musician buddy, said to just bring my own DSL40CR amp with and see if my ears liked the extra price tag of the head plus a cab compared to my 600$ DSL+Footswitch setup. I had the cash on me. My thought was, we'll if it hits home and really sings to me...I've no choice but to buy it.

So it was definitely good but in the end the gap between that and my DSL wasn't that far. I expected it to be further by a lot but it wasn't. It was more nuance more than mind blowing. The lows were for sure more articulate tho, that was rad. I want that in my DSL, but it wasn't super far off. Tone wise it wasn't super more vintage. It was def PLENTY loud tho. I also played it on a few 1-2k$ guitars with various humbucker designs and some pedals. So I passed on it, trading for saving some cash and keeping the versatility of the 40CR with footswitch...for now at least. The SC was definitely definitely cool, tho...I have no knocks on it other than that it didn't seem to have that lower chainsaw grind I thought it would.

A buddy has a half-stack and a JCM800 that I've yet to try. I want to see what that sounds like. I was glad to get the experience of it. Thanks for the advice everyone.
Oh you have a DSL40CR?
Did not know this.
In that case, I would have said no.
You already are close enough and have a more versatile amp that sounds good at lower volumes for playing at home.


Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2023
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Oh you have a DSL40CR?
Did not know this.
In that case, I would have said no.
You already are close enough and have a more versatile amp that sounds good at lower volumes for playing at home.
Nah it was all good. Sometimes the grass seems a lot greener (for myself when I get interested in something) and it's good to see/hear for myself. But yeah the DSL is doing a great job, especially as I get more familiar with the knobs. Any deficiencies at this point are WAY more on my skills than the amps. Boy was the JCM punchy-ness/articulation bad ass tho. Especially in the hands of someone that knows how to use it well. I sure wish Marshall would have built that into the DSL a bit better lol. But hey that's what mods are for right!


Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2009
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Just to follow up on my very layman experience. I went to a GC to play the SC20h on a 1x12 cab (nice one). A pro musician buddy, said to just bring my own DSL40CR amp with and see if my ears liked the extra price tag of the head plus a cab compared to my 600$ DSL+Footswitch setup. I had the cash on me. My thought was, we'll if it hits home and really sings to me...I've no choice but to buy it.

So it was definitely good but in the end the gap between that and my DSL wasn't that far. I expected it to be further by a lot but it wasn't. It was more nuance more than mind blowing. The lows were for sure more articulate tho, that was rad. I want that in my DSL, but it wasn't super far off. Tone wise it wasn't super more vintage. It was def PLENTY loud tho. I also played it on a few 1-2k$ guitars with various humbucker designs and some pedals. So I passed on it, trading for saving some cash and keeping the versatility of the 40CR with footswitch...for now at least. The SC was definitely definitely cool, tho...I have no knocks on it other than that it didn't seem to have that lower chainsaw grind I thought it would.

A buddy has a half-stack and a JCM800 that I've yet to try. I want to see what that sounds like. I was glad to get the experience of it. Thanks for the advice everyone.
Haha, "A buddy has a half-stack and a JCM800 that I've yet to try, I want to see what that sounds like."... Reminds me of a movie, but lines would be... "You don't want none of this Dewy"... "What is it?"... "It's a Marshall, it'll blow your head off"... "I think I want me some of that Marshall".
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Apr 22, 2023
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My buddy had a SC20. His amp, sounded Damm good. His effects loop was fubar though. He could have sent it in for warranty, but he was lazy and traded it for a Friedman Dirty Shirley 20w head; which is amazing as well!!!! He also has the SV20 head, and kept that head over the SC20 FYI! When he comes over. He plugs straight into my JCM800 though. I have some plexi circuit amps he could use, but he loves my 800. I think he misses his 800 lol!!!

My 1986 JCM800 2203 and matching 1960 cab; I bought from original owner. I Put new filter caps in it, and new tubes and it’s a glorious amp.

Compared. JCM800 100w and 50w heads have more dynamic feel vs the SC20 IMO. That said, that SC20 comes really Damm close in feel and basically nails the tone. And for 90+% of people would be perfectly fine or even better than the big iron heads! They won’t give you several lower lumbar disc herniations( moving them more than a foot or two). Im being dramatic, but people who have moved these things for gigs/practices will feel my pain.

Tbh, I don’t care for an unadulterated JCM800 sound other than rolling back guitar volume and it gets to be a nice classic sound cranked. If I want to roll volume knobs for classic tones; then I’ll play a plexi type circuit(awesomeness )or throw pedals at a platform of my choice . I push my Jcm800 with various pedals and it’s awesome. I will get crucified for saying this, but I mainly play my JCM900 4100DR head and pedal board. Easier for this old man to get the tones with less fuss and two channels. Not as dynamic, and definitely less thump. If I could marry the two I’d love it!!!!

Now, all of this is predicated on my pathetic skill set, or lack of skill. Combined with an affinity to be wrong frequently! My wife reminds me of this daily! Take everything with a grain of salt!!!
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Well-Known Member
Dec 7, 2009
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The Great White North
Really, that's just rediculous. EL34 is the Marshall tone.

No, what is ridiculous (besides your spelling) is your comment and your obvious lack of knowledge about Marshall amps. Both the Bluesbreaker and the JTM45 are iconic Marshalls, and neither uses EL34 tubes. Same for the Vintage Modern I believe.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2023
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Who gives a shit about an effects loop? People used amps and effects for decades before the first loop was invented, and they managed just fine.
I just bumped into a guy with two 4010. He was adding effects loops to them. He has these other sets of preamps (I guess for different tones or amps sorta but not a model) and needed the effects loops to by pass the preamp in the stock amp sometimes for whatever sound their band needed.

I didn’t totally get it but it was interesting. And he was a HUGE Marshall guy down to guts of it.


Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2020
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Who gives a shit about an effects loop? People used amps and effects for decades before the first loop was invented, and they managed just fine.

...people who bought an amp with a loop and intend to use it? :D

He could have sent it in for warranty, but he was lazy and traded it for a Friedman Dirty Shirley 20w head

Quite different amp, I'm not surprised he misses his 800 a bit. There's no Stealth edition of the Dirty Shirley though...

Jethro Rocker

Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2011
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Saskatoon, Canada
Who gives a shit about an effects loop? People used amps and effects for decades before the first loop was invented, and they managed just fine.
I gotta say too, I do.
Makes an excellent point for adding an EQ for a solo volume boost and tonal change.
When amp gain is ramped right up a boost up front does not control the volume enough.
Many people for decades had dedicated soundmen to boost up for solos too.

Put an OD up front for more grunt and an EQ in loop. It almost gives you 3 channels.


Well-Known Member
Dec 7, 2009
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The Great White North
I just bumped into a guy with two 4010. He was adding effects loops to them. He has these other sets of preamps (I guess for different tones or amps sorta but not a model) and needed the effects loops to by pass the preamp in the stock amp sometimes for whatever sound their band needed.

I didn’t totally get it but it was interesting. And he was a HUGE Marshall guy down to guts of it.

And he will be fucking up his amps. They were not designed for loops and adding them breaks the circuit as it was designed, so his amps will never be the same.


Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2020
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And he will be fucking up his amps. They were not designed for loops and adding them breaks the circuit as it was designed, so his amps will never be the same.

That's a bold assumption based on zero information. Have you considered that you can physically switch a loop in and out of circuit - as Marshall and many others do?

I have no idea whether this fellow is doing that, but it doesn't seem a stretch to me.


Well-Known Member
Dec 7, 2009
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The Great White North
Probably because they had no choice. I'm sure if they had that option, they would have used them.

You're making an assumption with no proof to back it up.

My AD30 doesn't have a loop and not only do I not miss it, but I wouldn't want one because it would alter the circuit in a sensational amp.


Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2020
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You're making an assumption with no proof to back it up.

My AD30 doesn't have a loop and not only do I not miss it, but I wouldn't want one because it would alter the circuit in a sensational amp.

Hey, I don't mean to ruffle your feathers here, mate, honestly. However, your assumption that a loop in an amp would alter the circuit noticeably when not engaged and implemented properly is simply incorrect - and you also have no proof to back it up. As it happens I have an amp without a loop and I hardly use the loops on my amps that do.