The 16th Anniversary Of Going To Jail Is

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Scumback Speakers

Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2016
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Los Angeles, Ca
The 16 year anniversary of getting arrested and going to jail for loud, unreasonable noise is today. Wow, how time flies!

How the Scumback name came to be.

I had a psycho neighbor around 2001. She lived 126 feet across the street from me in Culver City, Ca.

This woman hated guitar players. She would call the cops on me for just putting a guitar around my neck, if she saw me doing it, much less firing up my 10 watt project amp, later known as the Capt Crunch.

I'm not sure if she was completely nuts, but she had a few bats in the belfry, or brain anchoring screws loose for sure. She called the cops on me at the goofiest times, I mostly heard about it from my neighbor, here's an example he related to me.

I had just driven back from Mexico and dropped off my girlfriend at her place in Hollywood. When I got there around 9 am, my neighbor informed me the cops had just left, after pounding on my door and then knocking on his door to wake him up to find out where "the guy next door that plays guitar was...".

He told them the truth.

Neighbor (N) "He's away for the week, back later today. I'm watching his dog."

CC PD "No you don't understand. We want the guy next door who plays guitar."

(N) "I know exactly who you're asking about. Is Ellen calling you for the loud guitar playing bit again?"

CC PD "You know who's calling?"

(N) "Sure, she does it when he's here and when he's not."

CC PD "She does?"

(N) "You don't log your own calls on this? Interesting. She's called the cops on him three times that I was involved in by you good folks pounding on my door. Once he was out visiting his Mom 100 miles east of here. Another time he was working at a studio fixing their computers that was out in Burbank. And now this time."

CC PD "He seems to play this guitar very loudly, according to Ellen."

(N) "Yeah, that's what I understand. You know what's funny? I live next door with a six inch thick wall between our apartments and I don't hear it that often."

CC PD "You sure he's not playing it with a remote?"

(N) "Ha would have to be one hell of a good remote to do that. He went to Bajamar Golf Course just above Ensenada, Mexico and is due back later today. If he can remotely play that guitar from 250 miles away that would be something."

The cops left embarrassed as hell to field the prank call.

Eventually Ellen turned me in for "loud unreasonable noise" by filing a citizen complaint, and had me arrested. She claimed I had just finished playing 15 minutes before. I had been asleep since 10 pm, the cops showed up at 11:30 pm.

As I was being led away in handcuffs, she came out and screamed (from 126 feet across the street)..."Good! And make sure you keep that f*cking scumbag in jail overnight!"

Her complaint was dismissed for lack of evidence, I spent about 90 minutes in jail discussing HD pixel sizes and screen specs with the Culver City police before they took me home. They also told me she'd done this before to an acoustic guitar player that used to live across the street from me, but within 50 feet of Ellen's condo.

It turned out he won a large settlement from her and her condo property management company for "false imprisonment".

I finished my amp design, and came out with "Scumbag Amps" in honor of my former psycho neighbor.

A couple of years later, I was talking to my buddy Jeff Jourard on the phone one day after getting the speaker specs dialed in I asked him what I should call them.

Jeff said "Well, you have a Scumbag amp company and you're replicating the tone from the old 60's Greenbacks. How about Scumback?"

That's the whole story. I guess we can thank Ellen (wherever that psycho hose beast is) for inspiring the name, and speaker company years later.

Springfield Scooter

Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2017
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Happy Anniversary!
Your story make me want to become a consumer of your product!
To be honest, Ive played for 40 years, and never heard a Scumback speaker in person...
Shame on me.
Oddly enough, Im in the market for a 4 x 12 cabinet for a Marshall 2204!
Congrats on making lemonaid out of your neighbors lemons!

Scumback Speakers

Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2016
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Los Angeles, Ca
I hope she's gone. Hopefully back to Scotland or wherever she came from. Wicked witch is an upgrade for that woman, trust me! LOL
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2015
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Saginaw MI
Had a neighbor across the street that did the same thing. Worse part is, her husband worked at the local radio station. You'd think there would be some appreciation for musicians.
She'd call the police as soon as she seen a cars pull up to the pole barn.
I had the police there before we even had the drummer on site and the guitarist's amp was still in his truck.

Mike got so pissed about having to come out. Yeah, I knew our township department well.

Trumpet Rider

Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2016
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Jail sucks. You don't realize it until it happens to you. They shut the door and that is it. You suddenly know that you can not leave. Until they let you. It is the most humiliating, helpless feeling ever. It happens to the guilty and it happens to the innocent.


Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2009
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Melbourne - Australia
So she even went after an acoustic player !

Obviously had nothing better to do with her time and super hearing

But, for you it ended up all positive and she will probably claim royalties now if she happens to stumble across this post !

keep rocking !!


Active Member
Mar 13, 2011
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So, this neighbor was a known crank, she had a record of calling the cops on bullshit complaints, and YET they took her word to the point of making arrests, and NEVER went after her for filing false complaints?

Seriously, what the fuck.

Scumback Speakers

Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2016
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Los Angeles, Ca
Yes, nothing happened to her for doing this from the police, even though she was a known wack job. I spent two hours in jail, mug shot, fingerprints, etc. When the cops found out I was a digital video engineer/consultant in Hollywood/etc. they took me out of my cell, and I had six of them asking me what HD format TV to get, pixel/aspect ration sizes, what TV to buy, etc. Past the first 45 minutes it was ok, although I talked shop until 1:30 in the morning before getting a ride home 1/2 mile away. That's when the cops told me she'd done this before and to call an attorney, and what to sue for.

Not all caps suck, and in this case they tried to help me out. Too bad she'd already been bled dry by the acoustic guitar player's lawyers, but she got what she deserved for that! Wish I could have thrown her in jail in response, but then I'd be as stupid and petty as she was. Oh well, life goes on!


Active Member
Mar 13, 2011
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It's too late now, but for the benefit of others, in the future...

Filing false complaints is a CRIME. Even if she was out of money, you should have gone for blood.

Filing a false police report can lead to multiple criminal consequences. Many states call this charge "false report to a peace officer." It is one of the few types of speech that is not constitutionally protected. Lying to a law enforcement officer can result in a criminal conviction.

Depending on where you live and the extent of the deception, the criminal charge of filing a false police report can either be a misdemeanor or a felony. Cases that cause less inconvenience to police and other authorities tend to be classified as misdemeanors, while people who create greater confusion or harm by filing a false police report may face felony charges.
Minor infractions, like lying about a misdemeanor offense, usually results in a similar misdemeanor charge. Lying about felony offenses can result in felony level charges. Misdemeanor punishment can result in a sentence ranging from probation to a year or two in county jail. Felony punishment can also result in probation, but a much higher prison sentence, from two to ten years.

Scumback Speakers

Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2016
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Los Angeles, Ca
SG: Yes, I could have pursued it further, but I had already moved when it came to arbitration. There had been a shoot out between two rival gangs right in front of the apt building two months later (while I was still in the filing stage of the case), while I was on the phone to a producer at NBC walking him through a problem with his digital video system. Needless to say after 40-50 9mm bullets were sprayed around and into the apt building, I thought moving was a good idea! And that left Ellen, her ugly daughter and loud noise problems behind.

Funny thing, those gangs were across the street from each other. 4 against 1, two Mac 10's, plus other semi-auto pistols, and they all missed the guy. Half the apt building occupants moved inside of 3 months.

So once there was no money, and just more payments to my lawyer, I figured the $3k I had already spent on it was enough. I'm sure she's pissed someone else off and they've done something about it, or to her. People like that seem to never learn from their mistakes, IME.

I appreciate the thought, though.

Scumback Speakers

Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2016
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Los Angeles, Ca
Happy Anniversary!
Your story make me want to become a consumer of your product!
To be honest, Ive played for 40 years, and never heard a Scumback speaker in person...
Shame on me.
Oddly enough, Im in the market for a 4 x 12 cabinet for a Marshall 2204!
Congrats on making lemonaid out of your neighbors lemons!
Sorry SS, I didn't see this post. Well, you've been playing guitar 3 times as long as I've been in business, so no offense taken. I've been playing 45 years, and I didn't hear of Scumbacks until December, 2004, either! LOL

If you need some help with anything speaker related shoot me an email. Thanks for your post!

Springfield Scooter

Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2017
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Sorry SS, I didn't see this post. Well, you've been playing guitar 3 times as long as I've been in business, so no offense taken. I've been playing 45 years, and I didn't hear of Scumbacks until December, 2004, either! LOL

If you need some help with anything speaker related shoot me an email. Thanks for your post!

Will do!
I started a thread reguarding my speaker search here:
I will e-mail you, or feel to reply here.
Thanks in advance!

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