The Official Marshall DSL40c Information Thread

  • Thread starter Micky
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Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2014
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Alberta, Canada
I run a Bad Monkey but keep level full on Monkey, no gain, and gain on amp fairly low. Try it with 808.

I use the Bad Monkey just like this. Having the separate bass and treble controls is nice for shaping the tone a little further. It colors the tone slightly, but in the right way, at least for me.


Active Member
Feb 16, 2015
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Kansas city
So, over the holiday break I got the courage up to roll in Doug's Tubes "tone kit" which is their specially picked preamps for the DSL, along with their suggestion of matched Ruby power tubes. Below is what it consists of:

2 matched Ruby EL34BSTR's

1 Tung Sol 12AX7 for V1
2 Ruby 7025SS for V2 and V3
and a Sovtek 12AX7 LPS for V4

I set the bias at 36.4 left and 36.2 on the right, but this might be a bit too low. I didn't measure plate voltage...not feeling THAT courageous just yet....just went with 38mv as my base that seems to be the normal measurement that has been posted here. I have only been able to play at lower volume so far but I could tell right away I'll be able to dial in some treble, finally. I have been running the treb. at about 2 on the dial and the Bass at about 8 up to this point. This tube "cocktail" seemed to have really cleaned up the Classic 1(green) channel (a good thing in MY book). The red channel is still a little fizzy for my taste but I I'm reserving my opinion until I can crank the amp a bit....apartment living is the pits for this sort of thing. Besides, I usually stay on green1 and go with pedals for my dirty sounds anyway.

I AM happy with the results so far, but the real test will be when I play with the band at level. I'm also proud of myself for being able to swap tubes and set the bias...something I knew nothing about 5 months ago...but thanks to the great info here it was a "breeze". You guys rock :hbang:. I will admit, it took my hands about 45 minute to stop shaking after I was all done. :lol:

I can't wait to see...or hear what it sounds like at the next band rehersal.

I guess I should mention I'm still running the stock speaker, that should have enough time on it to be broken in (4 months of at least once a week playing??? practices/gigs) and guitar was a 2013 Trad Les Paul.
I also tried that same exact set from Doug's tubes HG with better balance than the stock JJ's. I also installed 2 E34L's from Eurotubes nice and punchy!. The stock speaker in this amp is no longer piercing in the treble range after break in period, in fact I have to kick in extra treble to bring some back-no mod's. I gave myself aprx. 6-7 months to evaluate. Using certain boost od pedals gives it a bit more roar!:cool:


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Apr 29, 2010
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It is nice to see everyone experimenting with tubes as it relates to tone!
That, and the speaker have the 2 biggest impacts, your playing does the rest.

Best part is, with a nice set of tubes in your amp, you can use the originals as a spare set.


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2014
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Alberta, Canada
Well folks, I finally bit the bullet over the holidays and clipped the C19 cap. I really didn't want to nullify my warranty but I figured that I could solder it back if I didn't like the results and no one should be the wiser.
The effect is Major to say the least. I'm really happy with the tone so far, but I may play with assorted caps after I get used to it. I typically was using the Green channel and pedals to get my dirt, but this really sounds good IMHO. I'll report back if and when I make any changes. Thanks again for all the good information in this thread. I really appreciate it.

Jethro Rocker

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Mar 11, 2011
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Saskatoon, Canada
Well folks, I finally bit the bullet over the holidays and clipped the C19 cap. I really didn't want to nullify my warranty but I figured that I could solder it back if I didn't like the results and no one should be the wiser.
The effect is Major to say the least. I'm really happy with the tone so far, but I may play with assorted caps after I get used to it. I typically was using the Green channel and pedals to get my dirt, but this really sounds good IMHO. I'll report back if and when I make any changes. Thanks again for all the good information in this thread. I really appreciate it.

Did it first week I had mine, it really works for me in balancing the channels. Push the front as memtioned, I can go from cleanish - clean enough - to dirt on Green, and solo with more level on Ultra channel. Look forward to tryimg it on Thursday's show.


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2014
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Alberta, Canada
Told you so. :shred:

Did it first week I had mine, it really works for me in balancing the channels. Push the front as memtioned, I can go from cleanish - clean enough - to dirt on Green, and solo with more level on Ultra channel. Look forward to tryimg it on Thursday's show.

It's not that I didn't trust you guys. I was a bit of a chicken sh!t to be honest.:ugh:

The Red channels now sound far more pleasing to me. I couldn't get anything nearly as good as what I was with the Green channel and pedals before the cap was removed. The only reservations that I have now are if the amp will cut through as well at band volume and will I miss some of the bite that it previously had. Time will tell.


Well-Known Member
May 8, 2015
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So Cal
I am a straight-into-the-amp kinda guy.
I find that I love the Crunch on all Marshalls, and the Ultra on most.
I don't need a lot of effects, especially something to overdrive an already overdriven channel or mode.

Clean drive is a different story, I can use that to get more clean volume.
The OD-1x is great for that...

I have been the same forever as well...Guitar, chord, amp. Shoot, never even used reverb live. But last month I bought a TC mojomojo OD just to try out and see. It opened up my 40c big time with both a nice clean and crunch boost. In escenence adding a third channel to the amp. A transparent pedal is what you want on a Marshall, one that keeps the amps tone intact and just adds extra coloring.

I don't think that I will ever be a pedal board guy or anything but a few select ones is definitely on the agenda.


Well-Known Member
Nov 28, 2010
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Well folks, I finally bit the bullet over the holidays and clipped the C19 cap. I really didn't want to nullify my warranty but I figured that I could solder it back if I didn't like the results and no one should be the wiser.
The effect is Major to say the least. I'm really happy with the tone so far, but I may play with assorted caps after I get used to it. I typically was using the Green channel and pedals to get my dirt, but this really sounds good IMHO. I'll report back if and when I make any changes. Thanks again for all the good information in this thread. I really appreciate it.

Glad you like it but I kinda figured you would:yesway: I have ended up a 100 pF cap in its place for,what it's worth.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2011
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Lethbridge, Alberta
I run Two OCD's Awesome pedal. One is set with just a hair on it the other is set pretty aggressive. The DSL40C and the 100H love those pedals and your guitar is very open and not squashed.


Well-Known Member
Dec 22, 2011
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Traverse City, Michigan
That tube likes a little heat into the so 65% is the minimum I'd bias them. Anything less sounds cold to me. I have the TAD version at 38mV (36mA), the water is real fine!

I've biased mine anywhere from 55-80% and found that it sounds the best at about 77% or 42ma. Any less and it just sounds sterile, any more and its too sizzly. Those are the stock chinese el34s. I'm sure different tubes will sound better at different bias settings.


Sep 16, 2015
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Well folks, I finally bit the bullet over the holidays and clipped the C19 cap. I really didn't want to nullify my warranty but I figured that I could solder it back if I didn't like the results and no one should be the wiser.
The effect is Major to say the least. I'm really happy with the tone so far, but I may play with assorted caps after I get used to it. I typically was using the Green channel and pedals to get my dirt, but this really sounds good IMHO. I'll report back if and when I make any changes. Thanks again for all the good information in this thread. I really appreciate it.

Out of curiosity I located cap C19 while I was fumbling around in there during my tube swap/biasing escapade this weekend. That damn thing is TINY!!! :ugh: I saw the pictures posted here and they don't do justice to the true size...or lack there of....of C19. There was a time I considered swapping it out for a different value, but my soldering skills are not up to the tasks. :naughty: Especially for a channel I don't use that much...however with the mod maaaaybe....:hmm: :D


Well-Known Member
Mar 2, 2014
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Well folks, I finally bit the bullet over the holidays and clipped the C19 cap.

I'm still in the tempted stage. Partially the warranty and partially because I know my skill level probably isn't good enough to make a difference yet.

Look forward to tryimg it on Thursday's show.

Someone's bound to video the show and then someone else is bound to post said video here, right?

I run Two OCD's Awesome pedal.

What pedals? There's a pedal called the Awesome? I'm curious because my Soul Food, although a great pedal, doesn't cut it for me. When my drive is turned up, it just has a "digital" sound to the overdriven tone. Like I'm using a Spider 3 amp or something like that. Am I looking for a warmer, smoother overdrive?


Active Member
Feb 16, 2015
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Kansas city
I'm still in the tempted stage. Partially the warranty and partially because I know my skill level probably isn't good enough to make a difference yet.

Someone's bound to video the show and then someone else is bound to post said video here, right?

What pedals? There's a pedal called the Awesome? I'm curious because my Soul Food, although a great pedal, doesn't cut it for me. When my drive is turned up, it just has a "digital" sound to the overdriven tone. Like I'm using a Spider 3 amp or something like that. Am I looking for a warmer, smoother overdrive?
Keep in mind a pedal choice is partially subjective to preference. Personally I like an Ibanez tube screamer used as a boost (Green or Red channel) and maybe a little gain just unbelievable.

I tried the OCD and was too dark and fuzzy for me. :yesway:


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2014
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Alberta, Canada
Out of curiosity I located cap C19 while I was fumbling around in there during my tube swap/biasing escapade this weekend. That damn thing is TINY!!! :ugh: I saw the pictures posted here and they don't do justice to the true size...or lack there of....of C19. There was a time I considered swapping it out for a different value, but my soldering skills are not up to the tasks. :naughty: Especially for a channel I don't use that much...however with the mod maaaaybe....:hmm: :D

All I have done so far is clipped the capacitor, and you're right, it is tiny. I have done some soldering with pickups, but I have a couple of buddies who would be happy to help me do it and they have the tools for the job. I'm a hands on guy so it's always good to learn something new so that I can tackle it myself in the future. That's why this thread is so helpful to me.

I really didn't care for the Red channel, pre mod, but now it's really a ton better. Maybe not perfect quite yet, but usable which is the key. Keep in mind that this is all my perception and your results may vary.