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TSL 60 or 100?

  • Thread starter xophrax
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Well-Known Member
Feb 18, 2012
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They've got some different features, and the TSL60 was made after the tsl100.

I've always thought they sounded different when I've heard other guys play them.

I would approach the problem from the view of VOlume control. how much do you want?

You want more adjustment down low or something that goes to pretty loud?
I've seen both at the repair shops often.
I think guys missed the whole point of the 60 amp. unfortunitly :(


Active Member
Feb 10, 2010
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New Jersey
I have owned a TSL60 for ten years and Its a keeper.

1. I like amps with two power tubes over four. Much easier to re-tube and bias. Lighter to carry around.

2. The original footswitches were really bad. The wires were so small and would break pretty fast. I bought a later model footswitch from Marshall and the wires were much heavier. Problem solved.

3. The reverb tanks were problematic. I have upgraded the reverb tank to a MOD and the amp is better than ever.

4. A much less know fact about the TSL, you need to crank up the mid EQ to get it to sound like a classic Marshall.

5. Just like any tube amp, you need a good set of power tubes with proper bias.

All in all, its a great amp.


New Member
Jun 17, 2014
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Yes, I have thought it over, and as much as I would like to have the 100 watts for my stack I am piecing together, and the extra eq would also be nice, but I am going to keep my TSL60.
I would rather put the extra cash,that I would have to put in the trade towards new tubes and possibly get the bizzare FX loop issue figured out.
Thanks for the insights


New Member
Jun 17, 2014
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Just out of curiosity, what is your cab setup with your TSL60? As I said I will soon be using it as a stack with a 1960ax and 1960b cab.


Well-Known Member
Jan 19, 2011
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I had the TSL 602 (2x12) combo. I swapped the speakers for Eminence Man O Wars, and also paired the combo with a Marshall 1936 2x12 cab. It had Eminence Texas Heats. The match up was a little off ( the Man o Wars are more sensitive and efficient ), but it sounded great. When I retubed it, I used a full set of JJ's.


Active Member
Jun 10, 2010
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I need to know the differences between the TSL 60 head, and the TSL 100 head. Please so questions unless you really need them, I just really like the tone of a TSL 60 at a low volume, and I want to know if i would regret buying it over a TSL100 it because it has less features than the 100.

I have owned both, kept the TSL100. It just sounds infinitely better! I wouldn't own another TSL60 even if it was super cheap as chips.


Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2010
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I have a TSL60 that I use as a backup amp. I think it's a pretty nice sounding amp. I wouldn't hesitate to make it my main amp if I had to. My only complaint is that the clean channel doesn't have much headroom.


Active Member
Jul 29, 2014
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I have both right here with me now, well to be exact I've got

TSL602 - same as TSL60 but in 2x12 combo form
TSL100 - head

Both are great, although on of the main differences to me is that the TSL60 has a master volume, whereas the TSL100 does not.

Also, the TSL60 has a darker voice than the TSL100 in the preamp section.

I love them both, but the TSL100s voicing on the gain channels is more useful for darker mahogany guitars. I use an EQ pedal before the TSL602 preamp if I play it with such an instrument to dial out the low end a bit.

But they are from the same stable, and similar tones are available in both ultimately.


Active Member
Jun 26, 2012
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houston, tx
I love my tsl60. what a great amp for over 10+ years.

my friend has the 100 and it's louder but the tones are similar. It also has extra features like two fx loops. THe 100 also has a vpr switch which reduces the power to emulate the sound of a 20W amp.

however, the 100 doesn't have a master volume. that's a deal breaker for me because you have to play it loud to get it to really sound it's best.

they're both great amp but I never needed to extra power for my 2x12. also, the tsl60 will probably be easier to dial in.


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May 22, 2010
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SoCal U.S.A.
Wow. Very entertaining thread for sure LOL.

I was able to do a direct comparison between my TSL100 and my buds TSL60 at a jam in his garage. I started out the night on his TSL60 into my G12-65 1936 cab. It was a bit different dialing in the TSL60. The shared EQ was a bummer for me though. The TSL60 does have a superior Clean channel though. Then the last half of the night I swapped heads and ran my TSL100. For me and my tastes in tone, TSL100 was the winner for the Dirt, but TSL60 won for the Clean.

I compared schematics later to see that these amps are actually voiced differently than most people even realize. As in, the TSL100 is not just a TSL60 with two more EL34's and extra features. There is different signal path voicings and component value differences that actually makes them quite a bit different. And once I seen that, it made my GAS act up to want a TSL60 even though my TSL100's Crunch and Lead channels were far superior tonally. The TSL60 Lead channel had a bit of tubbyness that I just could not completely dial out. Then you tweak the EQ of that channel and it changes the Crunch channel. Hmmm. Where I have I ran into that dilemma before?


One thing to note, as there are actually way too many to go into. LOL Is that the TSL60 uses a huge value cathode bypass cap on the first gain stage, which is used by all channels. This cap is great for the Clean channel, but not a good fit for the Dirt channels. Has to be the biggest culprit for the tubby muddiness of the Lead channel on the TSL60.


Well-Known Member
Feb 18, 2012
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I have a hunch that if we use the vintage pickup with this TSL 60 amp, it will reveal a completely unique sound that the TSL 100 won't have.
I have some confidence that the TSL 60 is gonna be awesome!

I recon that problem ricky is experiencing is comming from his pickups and the amp. but it's the pickups fault not the amps.

this TSL 60 should be up there as one of the best amps ever.

I'm gonna look into it soon.

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