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Which amp for home playing

  • Thread starter Mika555
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Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2015
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Blue Springs Mo
Bought a Mini Jubilee for low volume stuff. I think the cleans through one or two greenbacks, to be as close a tube rectified JTM. If you're looking for a combo. Fender Deluxe Reverb is a good choice. But the two have different characteristics.


New Member
Jul 30, 2020
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Eastern Seaboard
I got a Ceriatone 2550 (i.e. Marshall Silver Jubilee) it is pretty much the same price as a SV20 that you like and it has a great clean channel and not just "for a Marshall". It also has the rhythm clip you can add in that adds some grit to get a bluesier tone. I would have to vote for that. Clearly I already did with my $. Here's a link. Check out the video clips for sound samples like the Gary Moore song:



New Member
Jun 14, 2019
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LOL! No, man. That sounds like user error. There are literally thousands of examples out there to the contrary. That being said, I am not a fan at all of the TSL amps. You should definitely not base your opinions on Marshalls from those. Have you played a good strat or Gibson Les Paul through a 1987/1959/2203/4 at band volume? Brittle is not the word that comes to mind.

I didn't mean to go there, but truly- thanks for not ripping my head off, I have no religion about this. For *sure* I have considered it that I've just been exposed to really worst case examples, which is why I cited Summers- like how does that make sense, I'm missing something.

The Marshall amp numbering system is a total black box to me.
I'd love to have some kind of reference for what generally sounds like what, which issues are voodoo, etc etc.

In my experience as a Fender Twin player who also carted an older borrowed Marshall tube head as if it were a pedal, the TSL 100 combo was excellent for a pop/classic/alt rock band as a one- amp replacement for gigs. The cleans were the most like a Twin I had experienced from a Marshall, and the crunch was in my ears "genuinely Marshall" not to mention the over the top highest gain channel. ...but that could be sacrilege to those of you tuned in to whatever "the sound" is.

In any case, I had sold that faithful gig-warrior TSL 100, and gotten another one which was nothing but a nightmare until I replaced the main board that had the correct resistors and whose PCB substrate didn't conduct- great amp that IMO Marshall shot themselves in the foot over.

I picked up a TSL 602.
I am *not* a fan of tube amps that use PCBs.
Having said that, and accepting that reality, I really like my TSL 60W combo for home and 99% of gigs anyone is likely to play.
I replaced the Wolverine Celestions with a hybrid "American/Brit" Eminence combo "Crankin Country" which focused the sound.

If there is a Plexi combo amp that blows away this TSL 60 in the context that I love Twins to the extent that I realize they "dont do Marshall", I'd love to hear about it, or why a TSL/DSL type amp is not favored other than the PCB circuitry.


Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2011
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I didn't mean to go there, but truly- thanks for not ripping my head off, I have no religion about this. For *sure* I have considered it that I've just been exposed to really worst case examples, which is why I cited Summers- like how does that make sense, I'm missing something.

The Marshall amp numbering system is a total black box to me.
I'd love to have some kind of reference for what generally sounds like what, which issues are voodoo, etc etc.

In my experience as a Fender Twin player who also carted an older borrowed Marshall tube head as if it were a pedal, the TSL 100 combo was excellent for a pop/classic/alt rock band as a one- amp replacement for gigs. The cleans were the most like a Twin I had experienced from a Marshall, and the crunch was in my ears "genuinely Marshall" not to mention the over the top highest gain channel. ...but that could be sacrilege to those of you tuned in to whatever "the sound" is.

In any case, I had sold that faithful gig-warrior TSL 100, and gotten another one which was nothing but a nightmare until I replaced the main board that had the correct resistors and whose PCB substrate didn't conduct- great amp that IMO Marshall shot themselves in the foot over.

I picked up a TSL 602.
I am *not* a fan of tube amps that use PCBs.
Having said that, and accepting that reality, I really like my TSL 60W combo for home and 99% of gigs anyone is likely to play.
I replaced the Wolverine Celestions with a hybrid "American/Brit" Eminence combo "Crankin Country" which focused the sound.

If there is a Plexi combo amp that blows away this TSL 60 in the context that I love Twins to the extent that I realize they "dont do Marshall", I'd love to hear about it, or why a TSL/DSL type amp is not favored other than the PCB circuitry.

I hear ya man, and agree 100%--this isn't my religion either haha. I've rocked a JVM, 3 different DSLs and have a Vintage Modern and an SC20 now...I think the PCB averse are missing out. I know I use my stuff more than most of the forum guys who obsess over how unreliable these amps are. I've never had an issue. Sure, my amp guy had to tweak the bias issue in one of the DSLs but shit I paid $550 for the thing and gigged it for over a year. I've had much more expensive issues with amps that cost a LOT more that I played a LOT less.

As far as Marshall cleans, you gotta understand NOTHING sounds like a Twin (to me, anyway) except a Twin. Same for a Super Reverb. Nothing. I love modelers in the right situations but the blind spot there is real classic Fender tone and feel. Now once you accept that you can find Marshalls with great cleans--they are absolutely out there. I was never nuts about the DSL cleans but they did the job. JVM (410 anyway, didn't have the other) has fantastic tones on the green channel. Everything from pristine to hairy. Feels great too. And a great footswitch--really flexible and capable amp. But it sounds like a JVM in the end and you've got to like that. No diff from a Rockerverb or a Dual Rec, or an EVH. The only channel I loved on that amp was the green tho so I moved on.

All of the non master volume Marshalls are really clean amps, period. They only overdrive at ridiculous volume levels which is why people invest hundreds/thousands on attenuators and reampers. But throw a good OD in front (or two) and if you can let it breathe a bit you will experience the epiphany that is playing through a Marshall.

And with a Marshall, always a head. Always.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 14, 2017
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I got a Ceriatone 2550 (i.e. Marshall Silver Jubilee) it is pretty much the same price as a SV20 that you like and it has a great clean channel and not just "for a Marshall". It also has the rhythm clip you can add in that adds some grit to get a bluesier tone. I would have to vote for that. Clearly I already did with my $. Here's a link. Check out the video clips for sound samples like the Gary Moore song:

The 2525 mini head they make is supposed to be incredible if you like Jube's. That would make an incredible bedroom amp. To me a bedroom amp has to be even a better amp than a gigging amp because you need to get the same sound at lower volumes. Amps without master volumes on them are only really good for playing out to me, and you need a good well designed amp to get the sound you want at lower volumes. I use a 50w head, a 100w head, and a 100w combo at home with no problem, no attenuators, no pedals, just good amps. Everyone thinks of a bedroom amp as a small low power rig, which is fine if you can find one you don't have to compromise with. But a good 50w + combo will do a lot more.

Sean Christie

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Oct 22, 2017
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For great Marshall cleans JTM-45 is where it’s at for vintage tones. You could also go SV20. For more modern flexibility DSL & JVM have excellent cleans. Another option is the Silver Jubilee, people often forget about the clean channel and go right for the cranked Slash tones. Frusciante uses the clean channel and his clean tones are out of control!

Mitchell Pearrow

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Jul 2, 2018
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Moreno Valley CA
Clean Marshall tones = JTM 45 and the Origin’s , and with pedals will do the heavies with authority, punch!
Many great choices offered up in this thread.
But only your ears are going to be the final call ..


Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2013
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Bay Area, CA
If budget would be a deciding factor, go with Origin 50... they’re great as a pedal platform, as someone mentioned already, the Origin is much “cleaner” that the Studio Vintage (20-watt SLP), but at the same time, can also go as filthy like those classic Marshalls when cranked and boost festure engaged...


Sep 12, 2020
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My R*B half stack sounds bitchen at home... I don’t get into to power section much but @60w 4x12. g75s moves a lot of air n sounds great at home..
Tube Sceamer is a must.


Well-Known Member
Sep 14, 2017
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[QUOTE="ThingFish, post: 203765 ...but I *am* curious how Andy Summers got his early clean tone with E Mistress when I can clearly see the Marshall head live. Some holy grail vintage model?[/QUOTE]
A lot of people only use Marshall heads / stacks out front, some are not even real. Lot's of clean tones come from amps backstage, Fender, Carvin, Ampeg, Mesa etc., even from some pretty hard rock outfits. Never listen with your eyes. Now-a-days you see a lot of fake amp stacks, some are just a wood frame with cloth draped over to look like speaker cabs.

Matthews Guitars

Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2019
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Look at that amp on stage. Is the power indicator even lit up? Is there a plug in the input jack? If the answer is a pair of NOs, then it's probably just stage decoration.

"Gee, that wall of Marshalls sounds awfully like a Roland Jazz Chorus JC120."


Feb 7, 2020
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hello People, sorry for the late answer. I have many things to make at the moment, for my job ;)

so i will try to answer the comments that been posted..

So are you’re looking for pristine cleans @Mika555,...or cleans with a bit of hair on em’?

I’m inclined to agree with @Matthews Guitars about a Jtm45.
You said you tried the SV20, but did you really get on with it? It has lots of clean options with the two different volumes, and if you spend some time with it, you might find some tones you really like.

Yeah i know that. with second output and two volumes, it's a very great warm sounding amp. If i don't find what i'm searching for (master volume amp), the sv20 will be my first choice.But it is a little complicated and not optimal for someone that want a simple clean amp. but tonally he's close to perfect, you are right.

You want one with a master volume and EL34’s? That’s probably the SC20. You dial in as much gain as you want and the volume is for overall loudness. Keep the preamp vol low for cleans. I’d give that amp another listen.
I also agree with the JTM45, great sounding amp for cleans but louder than the SV20 and no master volume.

that's very close what i am searching for. Tonaly close to the sv20 with a master volume like sc20. And that's why i asked if the origine ist something else, or where it would be, between the sv20 and sc20.
JTM is not an option, to expensive. the 20watts could be to much for what i want.

You want a a clean, bluesy amp. As much as I hate to say it, you might want to consider a Fender with 6L6s. Yet, you rule out Fender, but are using a digital, buffered pedal? I am vexed.
Wich one ?

Yea go with the Origin.. Great Clean, nice and warm, Master volume, Can get dirty if you like. Cheap as chips to. Get a 50 for more headroom. Highly recommend it.
Tonaly is it closer to the sv or sc20 ?

It almost seems to me that the trend since the late 70s has been toward ever brighter sounding amps. And that is precisely why I love my older Marshalls the most. They're NOT ear piercing shrieking monstrosities. They have adequate top end and a warmer overall tone.

I share ONE thing in common with Ritchie Blackmore: "Don't use the presence control on a Marshall." Pretty much that's it. Certainly I can't play like him. I'd be unworthy to play rhythm for him. But his tone is never shrill.
Yeah that's it, this ear piercing presence of so many modern marshall amps is awfull. I like it clean. And about the presence , here too, that's it.
i ever thought that's because of the EL34's, that's why i searching for another tubes for my EL34 100/100 power amp. But it's another problem.

"Home playing" is a bit vague.
20watts max, or an amp with different power position.

Fender Hot Rod Deluxe iii.
Certainly great sounding; could be interesting. but no fx loop.

Yeah man, the low input of an SC20 is a clean amp, dont know why he wouldnt go with that. :shrug:
I don't eliminate this model. it's just that the sv sounds warmer. If possible i want teh best of both worlds.I'm searching and testing.


Feb 7, 2020
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I prefer my cleans just on the edge of breakup. That aside, I also prefer Marshalls clean cleans to Fenders sparkly cleans. To me Fender cleans are kind of hollow in the midrange, and a bit boomy in the low end. By contrast Marshall cleans are very open and rich sounding to my ears.
i think exactly the same. i ever love, and that's the reason i play marshall, marshall's cleans; but the overdrive could be not the same.

I got a Ceriatone 2550 (i.e. Marshall Silver Jubilee) it is pretty much the same price as a SV20 that you like and it has a great clean channel and not just "for a Marshall". It also has the rhythm clip you can add in that adds some grit to get a bluesier tone. I would have to vote for that. Clearly I already did with my $. Here's a link. Check out the video clips for sound samples like the Gary Moore song:

very interesting

For great Marshall cleans JTM-45 is where it’s at for vintage tones. You could also go SV20. For more modern flexibility DSL & JVM have excellent cleans. Another option is the Silver Jubilee, people often forget about the clean channel and go right for the cranked Slash tones. Frusciante uses the clean channel and his clean tones are out of control!
No DSL is not an option and the jvm sounds good..but paying up to 1200€ for only using clean is not an option. but thanks.

Clean Marshall tones = JTM 45 and the Origin’s , and with pedals will do the heavies with authority, punch!
Many great choices offered up in this thread.
But only your ears are going to be the final call ..
Would you say that the Origin is closer to the SV20 or the SC20 in terms of clean sounds?


Feb 7, 2020
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I like marshall cleans, but I hate distortion sounds like on DSL, because of that extra presence that gives you that fizzy or sparkly sound. I like it when it's neutral. I don't like it when it's greasy.
I'm looking for an amp with a warm clean sound. And if there is distortion, I don't like it when it's greasy.
for example, i love the distortion of the fender supersonic. its rock and dry.

I know it's hard to find an amp with super cleans at a reasonable budget. Often, the amps for home playing are very limited in terms of options (double equalization for example, or FX loop)

What I'm looking for is really an amp with good cleans, with which I could finally have great bluesy sounds. For the distortion, I have what I need.

The amp must be neutral like the sv20 or sc20 because if too much character in the DSL (for example), my distortion sound will not be the same at all ..... since I would have the same equalization for the clean as for distortion. 1 clean channel is enough for me. If the amp has a second for crunch that's fine with me too.

So, I'm looking for, marshall, victory may be an option that I'm looking at very closely.


Feb 7, 2020
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here is a video of my rig for homeplaying.
Valvestate clean(EVER during the entire video).

-First clean without the 2 BBE's pedals, the with the 2 BBE's ON (to get a bluesy warm tube-similarsound with an valvestate)
-the the Boss OD-200 ON (my metal sound) , first without BBE's , then with BBE's ON.

The amp i was searching for has to get nice clean sounds similar to this video.

please don't tell me "keep your valvestate" and play. The amp is old, it doesn't work very well anymore. And I also want to treat myself to a good amp. I just need to know which amp to orient myself, but tube, to have what I need (sound and dynamics).

Anyway you now see what I'm looking for.

Thank you very much to all of you. you are great.



Well-Known Member
Dec 7, 2009
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i think exactly the same. i ever love, and that's the reason i play marshall, marshall's cleans; but the overdrive could be not the same.

very interesting

No DSL is not an option and the jvm sounds good..but paying up to 1200€ for only using clean is not an option. but thanks.

Would you say that the Origin is closer to the SV20 or the SC20 in terms of clean sounds?
After reading your responses, I'm thinking an Origin 20 or 50 will provide what you're looking for in your budget. :yesway:


Well-Known Member
Dec 7, 2009
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here is a video of my rig for homeplaying.
Valvestate clean(EVER during the entire video).

-First clean without the 2 BBE's pedals, the with the 2 BBE's ON (to get a bluesy warm tube-similarsound with an valvestate)
-the the Boss OD-200 ON (my metal sound) , first without BBE's , then with BBE's ON.

The amp i was searching for has to get nice clean sounds similar to this video.

please don't tell me "keep your valvestate" and play. The amp is old, it doesn't work very well anymore. And I also want to treat myself to a good amp. I just need to know which amp to orient myself, but tube, to have what I need (sound and dynamics).

Anyway you now see what I'm looking for.

Thank you very much to all of you. you are great.

I think an Origin will work well with your pedalboard to get the tones you want, youll have the option to use the 4 cable method and run some pedals out front and some in the loop. :yesway:


Well-Known Member
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Jul 20, 2008
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Actually I hate to admit it @Mika555, :facepalm:, :fingersx:, but it seems my good buddy @pedecamp has a great option.

Others have mentioned the Origins here, but after reading more about what you want, the more I agree with Pedecamp!
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