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  1. GibsonSlash

    Substitue for 2555 Jubilee - Vintage Modern?

    Almost true, Adwex. You still need a boost/OD pedal to get close to the Jubilee tone. I boosted my 1981 JMP 2204 with an old black Marshall The Guv'nor, I get 90% of Jubilee tone, but still it's missing "something".
  2. GibsonSlash

    JCM 800 vs VM

    Without boost/OD pedal JCM800 (Single Channel 2203/2204) will have much less gain compared to VM. Dual channel 2205/2210 JCM800 will have more gain compared to 2203/2204. In other hand, VM you can dial the gain from 2203/2204 type to heavy modern distortion type.
  3. GibsonSlash

    Substitue for 2555 Jubilee - Vintage Modern?

    There's no substitute for a Jubilee, Jubilee is the Jubilee. VM is a different beast, it may get you there, but won't be the same. I used to have a 50 Watt VM head, didn't like it at all, but it's just me.
  4. GibsonSlash

    Wanted: 2555 silver jubilee (1987) or Slash signature Netherlands

    Great Video, Danny. Thanks for sharing.
  5. GibsonSlash

    Best JCM 800 boost

    Nothing beats a Black Old Marshall The Guv'nor with JCM800/JMP.
  6. GibsonSlash

    Remodeling 2555 Jubilee

    I would not do anything to the head, keep it original if you think to resell it down the road. You WILL devalue it once you have it redone. Unless you will keep it forever and can't stand with the current look, then go for it, Busher.
  7. GibsonSlash

    Remodeling 2555 Jubilee

    jcmjmp, I see you have a canadian 2550 model, how does it compared with a US 2550 model? Canadian one has a laid-down PT.
  8. GibsonSlash

    Wanted: 2555 silver jubilee (1987) or Slash signature Netherlands

    Great! Please share if you don't mind. Thanks
  9. GibsonSlash

    JCM 2555sl questions...

    jcmjmp, I'm thinking of bring the amp to get retubed, checked, and biased, will the amp tech normally know this thing? or the have to be let known on how to, because it's a Jubilee?
  10. GibsonSlash

    Marshall 2550 Head (Black Tolex)

    The serial number on this head starts with "Y", I looked it up on the table, it's made in 1990. Did Marshall still produced this Black Tolex Jubilee up to that year? I thought only in 1988. I tried to find any reference regarding Black Jubilee, but none. Any experts on Jubilee might share?
  11. GibsonSlash

    JCM 2555sl questions...

    jcmjmp, I tried pluging a short patch cable in effect loops jacks, and I noticed a slight volume drop compared to nothing plugged to the efect loops jacks. so what does it mean?
  12. GibsonSlash

    JCM 2555sl questions...

    will excess of the contact cleaner drip inside the jacks and short circuit the amp?
  13. GibsonSlash

    Marshall 2550 Head (Black Tolex)

    Oh yeah, one more thing I noticed, it get LOUDER now, in a good way though. Why the "Heritage" is more expensive than "Anniversary"?
  14. GibsonSlash

    Marshall 2550 Head (Black Tolex)

    Is the G12H the 30 watt speaker?
  15. GibsonSlash

    Marshall 2550 Head (Black Tolex)

    Adwex, today I replaced my stock speakers (G12T-75) in my Marshall 1936 2x12 cab with Celestion Vintage 30. What a difference!! Before it sounded like my amp was covered by a thick blanket, now it sounds alive, with LOTS of mids for sure!! :D
  16. GibsonSlash

    Marshall 2550 Head (Black Tolex)

    This amp will stay as long as I could live! :lol: I always wanted to have a Slash Signature amp, but after knowing it is a reissue from "The Original", why not getting one? The JUBILEE itself. :naughty:
  17. GibsonSlash

    Marshall 2550 Head (Black Tolex)

    Haha! No Worries bro. Hey I just checked your old post showing your Jube. What a clean amp for its age. Sweet!
  18. GibsonSlash

    Marshall 2550 Head (Black Tolex)

    You totally make my head dizzy, Adwex:confused: I probably don't need that high end gear as I'm not making money from music, but thanks anyway bro! :)
  19. GibsonSlash

    Marshall 2550 Head (Black Tolex)

    No it doesn't have vent.
  20. GibsonSlash

    JCM 2555sl questions...

    Thanks for the explanation. jcmjmp, I just noticed my MXR M108 (pluged into loop) show signal clipping (Volume and Gain slider blink) when I turn up either the volume or gain slider up, is that normal?