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  1. tresmarshallz

    DSL20HR thoughts?

    I really like the one I've had for a bout 6 months. My main amp is an Orange Rockerverb MKIII, but I had to have a Marshall sounding amp to run along the Orange and occassionally record with, and the DSL20 sounds perfect for that. I would definitely get a 50W Marshall if I had the budget as...
  2. tresmarshallz

    PAF Pro + ??? (in a mahogany LP guitar) for moderate distortion/overdrive blues/rock styles?

    My favorite combination with dimarzio so far is Norton in Bridge and PAF Pro in Neck.
  3. tresmarshallz

    PAF Pro + ??? (in a mahogany LP guitar) for moderate distortion/overdrive blues/rock styles?

    From my experience with PAF pro, it sounded best when enhanced by rack gear and effects etc, and possibly a little bland for expecting stand alone greatness in bridge position. I really like it in the neck on LP type setup.
  4. tresmarshallz

    Seymour Duncan Pearly Gates Pickups

    I totally agree with this idea, I recently stripped the paint of an Epiphone 58' explorer because it sounded dead and lifeless and I suspected the paint was too thick. It really livened it up and increased perceived resonance and sustain, I love it now. I have stripped many guitars of paint...
  5. tresmarshallz

    Seymour Duncan Pearly Gates Pickups

    Man, I would jump all over those. I have a pearly gates bridge in an american strat that I loved and have always wanted to recapture that tone after I sold the guitar. One of my favorite SD pickups that I have tried.
  6. tresmarshallz

    NAD - Orange OR15H. What kind of sorcery is this?

    Great to hear that I was not the only one that had these same thoughts with the OR15's I have owned. It was by far my favorite small amp, and sounded almost even better than my Rockerver 50 MKIII. I unfortunately got rid of it in an equipment purge phase, but would love to pick up another...
  7. tresmarshallz

    I think I'm Gonna Sell My DSL40CR.....

    @JBA, good info, I am going to mess around with what you described to try and get my DSL20HR sounding more old school
  8. tresmarshallz

    I think I'm Gonna Sell My DSL40CR.....

    My month long experiment with an Origin 50H ultimately did not end well. I thought I really liked it at first but ended up getting a different amp. I had to hit it with two OD pedals to get anywhere close to the amount of gain for rock/hard-rock. And once you hit the front end that hard with...
  9. tresmarshallz

    I got DSL money and JCM dreams!

    I've owned both the origin and now the dsl20hr, and I think both of them would make me happy if I was seeking a jcm800 tone, but takes some fine tuning. If you will settle for nothing less than jcm800 tone then I woudn't bother with the origin or dsl. good luck!
  10. tresmarshallz

    1993 JCM 900 SL-X 2500 50 watt

    Awesome amp, I had that exact model, 50W w/EL34 for 3 years or more, one of my favorite amps ever, but needs to be turned up a bit to come to life, which is not unexpected. I would love to have one again. I think this is the best SLX config, as opposed to 100W and/or 5881 tubes.
  11. tresmarshallz

    Orange Rockerverb 50 MKIII vs TH30 vs OR15

    Great topic! I love all of these three amps, and have owned them all over the years, ,currently play through the MKIII. The core tones on these three are similar, meaning you could tweak them all to get the same type of sounds. So, I think it comes down more to the application/watts needed...
  12. tresmarshallz

    Is it me or two amps sound weird ?

    I don't know anything about the science of this, interesting read. I used to try to get two working together with aby pedal type thing and always had issues. I now use the method of using both output on my Boss DD20 delay pedal, each to a separate amp. By going from the two outputs of this...
  13. tresmarshallz

    DSL20HR home run

    @ronmail65, always good to hear others take on amps, I also had an origin 50 head, but for my purposes the dsl20 works out way better. The origin had so little gain I was having to hit it with several boosts to get it even close to what I needed. Even with no boost, the Origin always sounded...
  14. tresmarshallz

    DSL20HR home run

    Good catch, there I meant 10 0'clock, not even halfway up.
  15. tresmarshallz

    DSL20HR home run

    I'm guessing Reverb? The HR I was assuming is for Head/Reverb. I honestly didn't realize there was also a 20H, I though all the new DSLs were ended in either CR or HR
  16. tresmarshallz

    DSL20HR home run

    So I read over tons of threads how people try a 12at7 or 5751 in V1 or V2, I would always think "that will never work for me, I am a high gain freak", so I have never given it serious thought. Then I realize I use the preamp gain so low on this amp on both channels (like 11 O'clock), it would...
  17. tresmarshallz

    jcm900 slx

    I had a 50W SLX EL34 head for years, one of my favorite amps ever. Regardless though I don't think I would pay a premium for one, they are not that rare, I see them come up pretty regularly on clist
  18. tresmarshallz

    DSL20HR home run

    Read a bunch of different opinions in different threads on this forum and tried a few things that helped. Cut the treble down and resonance down and raised the presence, and put a little tape over the cab so the V30 isn't shooting right into my face, this seemed the help a lot!
  19. tresmarshallz

    DSL20HR home run

    I appreciate the input and details on what you have done. I would love to try modding but I will prob screw something up. I can try the EQ thing, on an MXR 6 band what frequency do you think would cut to get rid of the issue? THanks!
  20. tresmarshallz

    DSL20HR home run

    Wow, @ max gahne, I think I see what you mean. I made a point today to play it for a while longer that usual and started to get treble ear fatigue, and it can’t be dialed out. That is what I remember not liking so much about my DSL100 years ago. I am glad you may have found a way to adjust it...

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