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  1. gjohnson

    How long for Randy?

    I have read that Randy had agreed to do the live album of Black Sabbath stuff known as "Speak of the Devil" then he was gone. On to pursue a Masters in Classical guitar. What could've been...........
  2. gjohnson

    UFC - Rhonda Rousey get's her a$$ kicked !

    Wrong game plan by Rousey.Pius she was gassed chasing Holm around
  3. gjohnson

    flu shots again.

    Have'nt had a flu shot since 1970. I've never had the flu!
  4. gjohnson

    Delores Rhoads

    I met her at Musonia in 1984.She gave me one of Randy's private guitar lessons business cards and showed me tons of personal family photos of Randy.Very sweet lady.Finally reunited w/her beloved son.
  5. gjohnson

    35yrs AND UP headbangers: How do you keep your hair formal when needed

    Don't give in!The second you let go of your youth you become a "fat old bald man":laugh2:
  6. gjohnson

    Greenbacks tone

    I have cabs w/both.The g12h30 55hz has more of a low mid growl. I prefer them
  7. gjohnson


    :rolleyes:Yeah right. Blame America
  8. gjohnson

    This time I bought a Marshall 4x12 1960 cab

    You know your gonna have to get a head that fits that cab! You need a big one to go w/all those tiny ones.:thumb:
  9. gjohnson

    A = 432 ...

    A /432 causes global warming!
  10. gjohnson

    Question on patch cables between JMP-1 and 9200 power am

    Instrument cable is used and unless your running in stereo only 1 output to one input is used.I believe on the 9200 you would use channel B for mono.I use +4db on my JMP-1
  11. gjohnson

    What's your take on this guitar?

  12. gjohnson

    This weeks rig set-up. 80s hard rock dream!

    I remember when the spx90 was top of the food chain! Still a great unit
  13. gjohnson

    Anyone know where i can find....

    Buy a regular MG cab for $50 bucks and match up some vinyl dye and spray the cab. That sh#t don't come off .
  14. gjohnson

    Mars NASA Announcement

    The fear mongering has begun. NASA spokesman has just said that "climate change"on mars caused its demise!! Where do you think they're going w/that??:hmm:
  15. gjohnson

    Arena Rock is back!!

    Stoked!! Going to see Tesla/Def Leppard /Styx tomorrow nite at the Sold Out Pepsi Center.Got club level box seats w/catered food. Rock out in style.:D
  16. gjohnson

    Rolling Stone Top 500 Albums of all time. #415 vs 414 Go-Gos Ahead of VH1.

    Do people still read that rag? I'd use it to wipe my a$$
  17. gjohnson

    russia is in syria...

    Russia is in Syria and guess who's on the golf course??
  18. gjohnson


    As a business owner myself your damn right its about the almighty dollar!!
  19. gjohnson

    Are most 100watt owners pussies or am I just crazy?

    Usually the ones that bad mouth 100 watters are the 1w bedroom dwellers!
  20. gjohnson

    Rousey's Open Workout Session..

    She can arm bar me anytime!!