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  1. StonehouseGuitars

    The Official Marshall Studio Vintage Thread Sv20h

    Some words of advice if you never figured out this problem - Try using basically any boss pedal like an octave or anything that has a knob for "dry" sound or any sort of knob that controls volume output after the pedal. Put the pedal in the FX loop and use it as a master volume. Even a tube...
  2. StonehouseGuitars

    The Official Marshall Studio Vintage Thread Sv20h

    Just wanted to chime in and say this amp is well worth the money, so far. I played with the band today. We play metal, and we play it loud. After I played through this stack for 5 minutes the bass player, singer, and rythm guitar all had to sit down. Nobody could hear anything over my...
  3. StonehouseGuitars

    Marshall Dsl 100 Big Sound Thoughts?

    If you don’t own at least two DSLs you’re doing it all wrong
  4. StonehouseGuitars

    Dsl100h Not A "real Marshall"?

    Here is a video I took of my DSL setup. Note that I took this with a phone, and at 4 in the morning. The volume of the amps was barely on. This is the setup of two $500 amps and a $300 mexican guitar. And I think it sounds amazing. And when you crank the amps to 5 or 10, wow, wow wow...
  5. StonehouseGuitars

    The Official Marshall Origin 50 Thread

    Bes Best 60 bucks you’ll ever spend they are workhorses and indestructible I own 3 of them
  6. StonehouseGuitars

    Dsl 20hr Resonance

    It’s just a bonus knob to spin, I discovered that while playing fast it muds the sound up and makes it sloppy sounding so I keep it at 0. It doesn’t really seem to add a whole lot when you turn it up either. I think it’s to simulate cab thump at lower volumes, but I never play at lower volumes...
  7. StonehouseGuitars

    Show us your Marshall

    I always deploy my “tower of power” behind me as well as a 2nd 1960B other side of stage for stereo sound. Sounds huge
  8. StonehouseGuitars

    Slaved Code 25 Into Bugera 1960! Wow!

    The 1960 was actually an interesting amp. I used it for almost a year, it could get some very clean tones. Eventually sold it because it didn’t perform at high volume.
  9. StonehouseGuitars

    Dsl100h Not A "real Marshall"?

    Sounds real enough to me when I set the volume to 3 and it sounds so huge it drowns out everyone but the drummer almost completely. Funny thing is it sounds so good nobody even complains. I could have afforded any setup but I choose 2 dsl100h heads in stereo. They give me the sound I want...
  10. StonehouseGuitars

    So, What's The Consensus On The Marshall Origin? Owners, Chime In!

    For the record the entire top section of my pedals in that video are completely out of the signal chain. There’s not much tone suck. But yeah I need to clean up my pedalboard. Idk the origin sounds ok it doesn’t sound bad necessarily it’s a Marshall but for me the DSL clean channel sounds...
  11. StonehouseGuitars

    So, What's The Consensus On The Marshall Origin? Owners, Chime In!

    Not the greatest sounding amp in my opinion. Have to have the gain knob pulled out and on maximum to get any depth or warmth out of it and at that stage it muddies up the sound. It does have a flat response and a clear tone the tone just isn’t good. Here is my demo video
  12. StonehouseGuitars

    Boss Katana Thoughts..........

    I have to agree with the top mounted controls thing, it makes any amp impossible to screw around with. These Katana amps are garbage, boss should stick to what they're good at.
  13. StonehouseGuitars

    Gig Rig

    Hey just a tip you should run the instrument cable behind the amplifier and anchor it somehow as the weight of some instrument cables sagging on the input jack can ruin it. (as well as anyone stepping on or snagging it, it will jerk at the anchor point and not your input jack) Nice rig
  14. StonehouseGuitars

    Dsl1h Or Something Else To Get 'closer' To Zakk Tone

    Not to turn this into a code vs everything else topic or anything, I was just trying ot give the guy some general advice. He said hes a beginner, so the code might be great for him. You can't beat that cheap price either. Chances are it doesn't matter what he plugs into, hes not going to sound...
  15. StonehouseGuitars

    Dsl20cr And Fizzy Tone

    Well, the post was, my amp is too fizzy, and I’m just telling you how to take fhe fizz out. You’ve got one guy saying well I like fizz, fizz is acceptable in every great tone, or even fundamentally required. Then you’ve got another guy posting his knob settings like it’s some secret code to...
  16. StonehouseGuitars

    Help Me Choose A New Marshall Amp.

    The origin is made in Vietnam, and is in its first generation. It doesn’t compare in terms of build quality or anything else to a JCM. The origin combos were catching on fire for a while. The 70/80 speakers in the combo are not great, the magnet is tiny like all their other bad speakers. I...
  17. StonehouseGuitars

    Dsl20cr And Fizzy Tone

    I say this all the time, but I’ll say it again. The distortion channel on pretty much every Marshall sounds horrible. The fizz is simply too much. The only people who use it are kids and teenagers and djent metal heads with no ear. You have to remember that’s a big part of the market these...
  18. StonehouseGuitars

    Dsl1h Or Something Else To Get 'closer' To Zakk Tone

    From what I understand he uses a cheap boss distortion pedal into JCMs. Obviously a lot of his tone comes from huge strings (like 72 huge) and his les Paul. Get yourself an MXR univibe as well he has that thing on like 90% of the time. With a les Paul, huge GHSboomer strings, into just about...
  19. StonehouseGuitars

    The Official Marshall Origin 50 Thread

    Damn hook me up with a tech like that. The only guy around here is a 70 year old man that frowns disdainfully at everyone who walks through the door and overcharges them on everything
  20. StonehouseGuitars

    Dsl100h Ohms Question

    The output jacks aren’t corroded, I’ve tested both cabs separately so it’s not the speakers. I think you must be right about the amp seeking a 4 ohm load and seeing 8. That would explain it. I know when I’ve mismatched cabs before they have a quieter sort of sound. My guess is they designed...