Search results

  1. SuperBeaver

    Best 'Grab And Go' Amp?

    Yea Im going to get a 2x12 and use what ive got. Seems the right thing to do. :applause:
  2. SuperBeaver

    Best 'Grab And Go' Amp?

    I've always wondered about Orange amps. I might start a thread about the old ones see how what i can learn about them. Ive played the Tiny Terror combo and it was great. I've got this Free DVD from back in 69/70 and they were playing an Orange backline in a TV studio. Must have been rentals...
  3. SuperBeaver

    Marshall Joe Satriani JVM DEMO

    Ah for fuck sake not these cunts again... :mad:
  4. SuperBeaver

    Nad - yjm100

    I've said it before and I'll say it again Just when you're satisfied with your 5 inches someone always comes along and whips out the 9 incher... Seriously man. Awesome. A friend of mine has one. Playing it was likea religious experience. The Satriani JVM will forever be in the shade of...
  5. SuperBeaver

    The REAL Marshall Stack

    Apparently they're pretty good too. However the mini humbuckers are awesome. More powerful than a P90 and a little more refined. 'Sweet' is a good way to describe them. They sing. A Cardinal Red Firebird 1 is my next GAS Project...
  6. SuperBeaver

    Please Name some 70's Bands that used the early 70's Marshall NMV Supeleads

    It was a Bass model but it was a 50 watt. Dickie's tone was the 100 watt Super Lead with the JBL speakers and the half open back Marshall cabs. Duanne's tone was always more overdriven as he ran the 50 flat out to keep up with Mr. Betts (a notoriously loud Motherfucker). A great place to hear...
  7. SuperBeaver

    The REAL Marshall Stack

    1400 Aus is about £950. Pretty good. I paid £799 (about 1180 Aus) But I stole it. The guy on eBay was really pissed off :laugh2:
  8. SuperBeaver

    The REAL Marshall Stack

    :thumb::thumb: Maaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnn... Score! I tell you what they take a bit of getting used to. After you've discovered her eccentric and reckless demeanour and unpredictable behaviour they're unstoppable. Was up to 1.30 AM last night / this morning playing her. Not a great idea since I...
  9. SuperBeaver

    The REAL Marshall Stack

    I like to call it a 'Healthy Interest'. I avoid the word obsession...
  10. SuperBeaver

    59 Les Paul Hypothetical Question

    I would give it to Warren Haynes. He has mentioned in many interviews that he was always fighting with himself over whether to buy one or not... Whether the high price was justified or not. I love gear and guitars as much as the next guy but I think vintage guitars are ridulously over...
  11. SuperBeaver

    Given a no name LP Copy today!

    I see no reason to celebrate. 'A problem shared is a problem passed on'...:laugh2: Get rid of it. Consider it like a case of the clap.
  12. SuperBeaver

    The REAL Marshall Stack

    I love how the cabs are just blocking the bookcase haha. Nice to see Oz has his priorities straight. :headbanger: Mate, as I teach guitar for a living as well I can only aspire to be as successful as that some day. I have 46 students a week at present. If I can could get it up to 60 I may...
  13. SuperBeaver

    Best 'Grab And Go' Amp?

    Ahh. Ok cool. Here's a link to the website im going to get mine from. Search Results for marshall (GUITARGUITAR)
  14. SuperBeaver

    Best 'Grab And Go' Amp?

    I thought they were all released. The shop I'm looking to buy the JMP1 has a JVM 1 as well.
  15. SuperBeaver

    Best 'Grab And Go' Amp?

    For the best of both worlds I'm going to go for a 2X12 to run my existing heads and buy a 1 watt head. I've seen a JMP1 going for a good price and think it would be cool as I have an original JMP (albeit a MKII) an an AX cab. I know you're a big fan of the 1 waters. Listening to the online...
  16. SuperBeaver

    Best 'Grab And Go' Amp?

    You're right guys. Thanks. I'll pick up a 1936 or similar. Means I could get a little JMP 1 as well for home playing.
  17. SuperBeaver

    Best 'Grab And Go' Amp?

    Budget is about $700 We do covers but they're done our own way. I don't need a ton of sounds.
  18. SuperBeaver

    Class 5... my f**king god...

    I can get a good deal on a 'used' (like ex demo in the box) JMP 1 head, about £140 more than a new Class 5. My head is telling me I should be spending money on getting a grab and go 20 watt combo for quick support gigs where the 1/2 stack is not appropriate... But man I play at home a...
  19. SuperBeaver

    Inexcusable quality control...

    If you've been rockin out loudly (which I'm sure you have) over the last couple of years things do loosen. Doing a little 'home maintenance' on things like tightening screws, checking tubes, pots etc is similar I guess to what a responsible car owner would do; checking oil, tyres, bulbs etc...