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  1. shades of blue

    DSL40C speaker swap?

    Just sayin....
  2. shades of blue

    How you justify your multi amps ownership?

    Why do car guys need a 400 horsepower engine when the top speed limit I've seen is 75 mph? Why do women need 30 pairs of shoes when you can only wear one pair at a time? Why do women carry purses that cost more than the sum of the items within? Why is the grass green? Why is the sky blue?
  3. shades of blue

    Fulltone Plimsoul.. HELLO!

    I just ordered the Fulldrive 2 literally 15 minutes ago. I've owned all of the Fulltone overdrives at one point or another, but eventually sold them all off for an HD500...yes I'm stoopid. The HD500 didn't pan out so I'm rebuilding the pedalboard again. I would have gotten the Plimsoul this...
  4. shades of blue

    DSL40C speaker swap?

    Understood. Heck, I play alone 98% of the time.
  5. shades of blue

    DSL40C speaker swap?

    I jammed a bit last night with a buddy and the brightness goes away when you are competing in a mix. It was the best tone I've heard from my rig in years...I'm so pleased with the DSL100. I'm running my Treble on 3, presence on about 2. I roll my guitars tone to about half too...tones are...
  6. shades of blue

    Do I really want/need Greenbacks?

    Regardless of what the spec sheet might lead you to believe, Greenbacks just have "IT" Greenbacks = ROCK!!!
  7. shades of blue

    DSL40C speaker swap?

    They are indeed a higher wattage Greenback, but the higher power gives them better bass response and according to Celestion, actually provides the tonal characteristics of a GB/V30 combo. I agree with the GB not being the best in the bass department, but it will definitely tame those highs...
  8. shades of blue

    Celestion G12T-75 opinions...

    Just a word on that, I have played AC15's for years and just always found them disgustingly harsh and bright with various speakers. Then, I got the new AC15c1 with the Greenback and it's like night and day over the previous AC15's I've played. Surely they didn't totally redesign the Vox with...
  9. shades of blue

    DSL40C speaker swap?

    As you know I have the DSL100 and I too find it bright as well. It's just the new DSL line in general. The 70/80s are notoriously bright and sizzly IMO, so I can hear perfectly in my head what you are trying to tame. I know you said no Greenbacks, but why not try a new Creamback? I got...
  10. shades of blue

    NSD - Celestion G12M-65 Creamback!

    The new G12M-65 is called the Creamback. It's a new speaker from Celestion and is advertised as a higher wattage Greenback. So, yeah it's a G12M-65 Creamback. It's not touted as a G12-65...nothing like it.
  11. shades of blue

    New Class 5 Day

    Love Class 5's...used to gig one regulary
  12. shades of blue

    New Creambacks

    Well the wifey decided to get me these as a Christmas gift, so whenever they arrive I'll have to wait until Christmas to open them lol....I'm not complaining
  13. shades of blue

    NSD - Celestion G12M-65 Creamback!

    No they aren't really similar. The G12M-65 is just a high powered Greenback.
  14. shades of blue

    DSL40c or not to DSL40c?

    Yeah it's a great amp. I have the DSL100 Head. Here is what I found about the EQ...just about everything set at noon sounds good, which allows you to use your tone knobs on your guitar to add or take away treble to your taste. Go for it!
  15. shades of blue

    DSL100H Tone Report and Clip...

    I tend to run all my pickups on the low side. Makes things more airy and allows the amp to be turned up a bit more.
  16. shades of blue

    DSL100H Tone Report and Clip...

    Good to know I'm not crazy for running the treble that low. I do know that some people say these need treble at gig volumes to cut. Either way, I learned a long time ago that it's ok to run EQ at extreme lows if needed...just means you have all the real estate in the world if needed.
  17. shades of blue


    I couldn't be more pleased with my DSL100H. It's got all the Marshall tone and power I could ask for, and it is a tone monster. Got mine for $750 new.
  18. shades of blue

    DSL100H Tone Report and Clip...

    I know man, I'm being sarcastic because I find the channel to be very usable. :thumb: I DO AGREE with some that the difference in gain from the classic channel to the ultra channel is pretty drastic...not enough in the classic channel and gobs in the ultra channel, but seriously, it doesn't...