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  1. Pat6969

    Let's get serious!! JVM210H

    I'm bringing this back from the dead!! I sold my 210 a while ago but am thinking of getting another one(I found a wicked deal). I only tried it with the 1960A cab with G12T-75's. I now have cabs with GB's, V30's and the G12T cab. I'm finding I like all my other heads with any other cab but the...
  2. Pat6969

    Worst case senario TSL 100 thread

    You actually made an offer of $175 with a $700 asking price? Tell me you're kidding please.
  3. Pat6969

    JVM and Boss NS-2 X pattern

    This is the Xpattern everyone uses with the NS2. All it does is put the time based effects after the preamp. Guitar signal still runs through the pre.
  4. Pat6969

    Dual Rec facelift!!

    Ya, I thought this was just a high gain monster but it has everything from sweet cleans to blues to metal. The original look doesn't suit it.
  5. Pat6969

    JVM and Boss NS-2 X pattern

    If u tried this already forgive me, I didn't feel like re-reading every post. Guitar to tuner, tuner to in on ns2, ns2 send to flanger in, flanger out to fx return on amp. Then go FX send to return on ns2, ns2 out to chorus in, chorus out to delay in, then delay out to amp input.
  6. Pat6969

    JVM and Boss NS-2 X pattern

    I reread my post and I may have come across as insensitive, sorry. I really don't think you can get away with one noise gate if you are using passive pickups, you need to tame them up front and then tame the loop noise. The reason I suggest the ISP is because it will use the guitar signal to...
  7. Pat6969

    wireless system recommendations. I need at least two soon.

    Anything is problematic if roughed up. I just have a spare, in case.
  8. Pat6969

    JVM and Boss NS-2 X pattern

    Lol! Or do what I said.
  9. Pat6969

    wireless system recommendations. I need at least two soon.

    I use a G50 and it is excellent. I've done a couple outdoor gigs with 2000+ on a huge stage and never had issues. I've never had the unit lose a best.
  10. Pat6969

    JVM and Boss NS-2 X pattern

    I fully understand where you are coming from. I'm just saying I had a JVM210H and the OD1 and OD2 are noisy as hell with no other pedals in the chain. If he sets up the Smart Gate and G-String 2 as I described, the noise would be controlled fully. That`s all, that simple. No ill will taken!
  11. Pat6969

    JVM and Boss NS-2 X pattern

    Let me tell you that it really is a simple fix! I am a high gain junky!! I run my guitar into an MXR Smart gate, from there I run into the ISP G-String guitar in, guitar out to amp input. Then I run from FX send to DEC in, through all my mod pedal and then DEC out to FX return. I had a JVM 210H...
  12. Pat6969

    Egnater!! You decide!!

    I would agree with you if the amp didn't cost me $1775 new. :hbang:
  13. Pat6969

    Vintage Modern

    Looking at buying a used 2266. Anything I need to know about or should look for. I don't want a problem amp. Should I go for a DSL?
  14. Pat6969

    Modding footswitch for loop functions

    I was hoping to do this on the actual 6 button Dual Rec. footswitch. Install an in and out jack with another 2 jacks to loop the OD through when I press either channel 2 or three and disengage when I press channel 1.
  15. Pat6969

    Modding footswitch for loop functions

    So, I've been thinking about this for a while and thought I would pose the question here. I am currently running a Mesa Dual Rec with a G-system. I love the G but really don't use it much. I use a couple effects in the loop and a OD up front. What I'd like to do is mod the footswitch with a...
  16. Pat6969

    Dual Rec facelift!!

    Love the amp, hated the diamond plate, thus my completed project! I love the way it turned out!!
  17. Pat6969

    Newly Acquired Pedals That You Like

    TC Ectronics G-System!
  18. Pat6969

    JVM and Boss NS-2 X pattern

    I'll will agree with you on the regular Decimator(or any stand alone gate) but I'll have to respectfully disagree with your thoughts on the G-String. Since the G-String is using the guitar input signal as it's reference to open and close the gate, the sustain and decay rate is only limited by...
  19. Pat6969

    JVM and Boss NS-2 X pattern

    I owned a 210H and you NEED a gate out front and one in the loop. I highly recommend you look at the ISP decimator. Either go with 2 Decimator II pedals linked together or the Decimator G String. Both ways will use your guitars input signal to control the opening and closing of the gate in the...
  20. Pat6969

    under rated high gain amps

    Randall Diavlo!! I owned the RD45 and now the RD100. Killer tones especially with a Maxon OD808!!