Search results

  1. Peaty

    Hearing Aids

    14K :wow: wow. Mine were petty fancy ones an I spent 5K which is pretty steep in my opinion Mine are these. Phonak Solana - Overview | Phonak - life is on but the small ones like this: Styles & Colors - Custom (ITE) | Phonak - life is on The best thing we can do in the states to help with...
  2. Peaty

    Hearing Aids

    I've been wearing HE's for about 16 years now. I have otosclerosis in both ears that started showing itself in my mid 20's. I've had surgery in both ears that helped but still have severe hearing loss. I use Phonak ITC HE's that are 100% digital and can be tuned to specific frequencies. I...
  3. Peaty

    Who likes Tarantino?

    I like his movies, my wife not so much. His movies seem to be pretty polarizing for the most part. Pulp Fiction is one of my favorites. Lately I've been able to watch his movies again with my teenage son which has been great. I just showed him "From Dusk till Dawn" (Salma Hayek, yikes!) I...
  4. Peaty

    A whole new meaning to the word ''Metalhead''

    Vyvyan approves!
  5. Peaty

    Your security Dog

    Yes mine is also a pure bred carpet soiling machine. If you don't have one of these you need to get one. Spot Bot ^ I just had to get a new one because the old one was worn out from overuse.
  6. Peaty

    Your security Dog

    Well to be fair to Cinders I have to post a photo of her that shows more than her backside. She's an English lab which tend to have a more square head and broader chest that the "American style" or sometimes called hunting labs. We got her when she was 2 years old, an ex-show dog. Fantastic...
  7. Peaty

    Your security Dog

    English Labs? I have one that looks just like the black one there. Among the best dogs ever :) Great photo what a cute looking pup! Here is a quick shot from the other day of my dogs eating. The little dog starts out on the right side of Cinders the lab but as he eats the bowl moves and he...
  8. Peaty

    Popping the know...THE QUESTION...

    Good for you. I agree with Georgiatec ask her dad first. I know it sounds old fashion but it honestly is a great idea. I've been married now 23 years and my father in law will still mention it at times. A father wants to know his daughter is marrying a stand up guy and it says a lot. Now...
  9. Peaty

    Why shouldnt you lock up your guns ??

    I gave mine its own flashlight just in case that happened :D
  10. Peaty

    Your security Dog

    My Corgi will hear you coming a mile away :) I also have a 80# black Lab, but most deadly is my Amazon Parrot :D
  11. Peaty

    My politicly incorrect gun loving thread! Gun lovers step inside!

    I thought this was a good video illustrating what you are describing: What Is An "Assault Rifle"? - You've Probably Been Lied To - YouTube
  12. Peaty

    Why shouldnt you lock up your guns ??

    Wow you can get in trouble for defending your home? I find that somewhat unfair. My state (and quite a few others in the US) have a law that essentially says you can legally use deadly force in your home if you think it's necessary. Castle doctrine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia I was...
  13. Peaty

    Why shouldnt you lock up your guns ??

    Most of my handguns and all the ammo are in a locked firesafe. I have one in a gunvault, my home defense weapon, that I can access quickly. All of my shotguns and rifles have trigger guards. When I carry (I have a CCH license) and have to disarm because the place does not allow handguns, I have...
  14. Peaty

    Would you hand your gun in for a Taser?

    No, I don't think so. Maybe to augment my handgun, but not to replace. I do have a large canister police grade pepper spray in each of my cars but I also have a CCH permit. First thing I would do is remove myself from a bad situation if possible. The very last thing I'd ever want to do is to...
  15. Peaty


    Sorry for your loss.
  16. Peaty


    ^ We saw TSO for the first time a few weeks ago. My wife got the tickets and I went along thinking it would be a just okay. Man was I wrong, it really was a mind blowing spectacle. I'm almost ashamed to admit how much I enjoyed it.
  17. Peaty


    Happy Harmonica!
  18. Peaty

    What's your favorite Queen song??

    Wow what a tough choice to make. Queen is one of my all time favorite bands. I don't think I've ever met a person that didn't like something that Queen has done. The music is so diverse and it really stands the test of time. My teenage kids really like Queen too. What's not to like? The...
  19. Peaty

    MA heads-- why so cheap?

    For the sake of completeness, here are some quick shots of the tubes that were removed from the amp.
  20. Peaty

    MA heads-- why so cheap?

    I had the pre-amp tubes installed today. I also had the power tubes changed too - JJ EL34. They said they tried a few different power tube sets but these sounded the best with the preamp tubes. I put pics of the tubes in this album...